#dev 2022-07-25

2022-07-25 UTC
[KevinMarks], Seirdy, [aciccarello], angelo and [marksuth] joined the channel
<capjamesg> What is a parser?
<capjamesg> I thought Loqi was working on Discord again?
stevestreza, saptaks, sknebel, [jeremycherfas], [aciccarello], geoffo and tetov-irc joined the channel
用推特回复作为静态博客的评论系统,既可以过滤spam,又可以增加推特互动,http://webmention.io 也支持抓取推特的响应,然后每天自动同步一次webmention的数据到repo里就能显示了,和我之前的indieweb完美结合。刚给我博客加了一个仿推特的卡片,博客本身依然是静态的! https://www.owenyoung.com/en/blog/indieweb/
geoffo, gxt_, AramZS, jacky, chenghiz_ and pmlnr joined the channel
↩️ webmention 确实是好文明,符合独立站点需求还能将各个社交平台上的交互聚合起来。还能支持静态网站自身无法实现的 Pingback。简直是 Web1 时代所有对独立站点的美好继承。
sebbu, jacky, capjamesg, ancarda, eb, srushe, rockorager, vikanezrimaya, capjamesg_, gRegor, gxt_, petermolnar, angelo and [Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
Xyzzydev a few folks have Go all-in-one sites like github.com/hawx/tally-ho/
jacky joined the channel
And by that I mean "a lot of the common building blocks you may want"
geoffo and jacky joined the channel
aaronpk, do you have any stats via indieauth.com on number of folks using it for auth (perhaps as a proxy for IndieAuth adoption, similar to how snarfed reports on Bridgy as a proxy for Webmention adoption) ?
it feels like IndieAuth has grown enough as an ecosystem of users, identities, implementations (both servers and consuming clients) that it would be worth reporting on the rough numbers of those annually
I say this because this area in particular (identity / auth on the web) seems particularly contentious / controversial these days, and it would be good to have a coherent story / timely update to point to to contrast other efforts, whether various blockchain/cryptogrift identities, or delegated vendor-specific sign-ons, or proposals like FedCM in W3C.
jacky joined the channel
xyzzy.dev that's interesting. I've not done any Go work yet, it's on my todo list of languages to try. Do you have a very solid Go deployment flow or tooling? I was looking at Jamie_Tanna's tally-ho example and it might make for a good project to dive into Go with.
jacky, alex11, alex__ and tetov-irc joined the channel