#dev 2022-08-09

2022-08-09 UTC
alex11 and nertzy joined the channel
↩️ I think webmentions with notifications and an allowlist is the most promising idea. It seems like it might present the right balance of friction and visibility to encourage reasonable discourse. People are presumably less likely to write a blog post in bad faith than a comment.
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
mlncn and AramZS joined the channel
Oh yeah, I understand different wiki pages. Just clarifying because it sounded like campegg was talking about the actual implementation of those policies on a personal site
I would probably put those on a single /policies page on my site unless they got lengthy
cjw6k_, bradenslen1, [tantek], stevestreza_ and wagle_ joined the channel
I kind of view it as an opportunity to implement a mini "choose your own policy adventure" story where each of the individual policy pages could give the reader an option of what they do next which then takes them to the respective other policy page
nsh-, zack[m]11 and lagash joined the channel
e.g. start at /policy which has a very brief "be excellent to each other" or something similar, and then hyperlinks for "I am going to copy text from your blog post and post in on my site" -> links to /display_policy, "I am going to send you a webmention to comment on your blog post" -> links to /aggregation_policy, etc.
"I am going to sign-into this site with IndieAuth" -> links to /privacy_policy
walkah_, klez, jwhite0111[m], geoffo, gRegorLove_, cjw6k, petermolnar, gRegorLove__, [Jamie_Tanna] and [marksuth] joined the channel
↩️ I wished something easy like RSS + webmentions would exist as a "decentralized Instagram"
↩️ It is basically something everyone would have to integrate to their stack. I am looking at adding webmentions but it is soooo on the edge of the web.
tetov-irc and gxt___ joined the channel
mlncn, sebbu, gRegorLove__, gxt___, geoffo, chenghiz_ and gxt joined the channel
snarfed, might want to update/remove kylewm's link on https://brid.gy/about#terms since his site is /zombie now.
Disqus has lots of problems, this is why you might replace Disqus with Webmentions #100devs #webdev #javascript #100DaysOfCode Credits: @DailyDevTips1 @zachleat https://gabriellazcano.com/blog/why-you-might-replace-disqus-with-webmentions/
thanks gRegor! will do
gRegor, per that, can you help with replacing kylewm(.)com links on the wiki with Internet Archive versions if available?
[tantek] and neceve joined the channel
snarfed, in case it helps: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/pull/1267 for you
[tantek] #1267 rm zombie site link
perhaps the worst part, lost cat pictures 😢
ephemeral caturday
AramZS and arwee joined the channel
RT @DatsGabs Disqus has lots of problems, this is why you might replace Disqus with Webmentions https://gabriellazcano.com/blog/why-you-might-replace-disqus-with-webmentions/ #tech #cloud #webdev #comms
gxt, tetov-irc, geoffo and AramZS joined the channel
GWG, want to try dev version of indiebookclub with indieauth metadata endpoint support? Let me know which domain / subdomain to add to the allowlist
gRegor: You could add my wpdev.gwg.us...I use that for testing
Hopefully it works for you, *fingers crossed*
I was able to sign in with a test domain that only has the metadata endpoint
[schmarty], I can add you too. I think you were asking about support for that
gRegor any thoughts on the read-of vs listen-of vs watch-of vs something more generic consumed-of or ... ?
It's always back of my mind, heh, though no major new thoughts. I'm still leaning towards splitting out "want" posts. Latest written thoughts: https://gregorlove.com/2020/06/i-am-proposing-a-session/
[gRegor Morrill] I am proposing a session for IndieWebCamp West Coast: “Keeping Track of Books and Reading Progress.” I would like to discuss the use-cases and experiences of using our websites to: track books we want to read categorize (or “shelve”) books...
My gut reaction is go with something generic but IDK what term you'd use.
view? observe?
[dshanske] #18 Discussion of Status for Proposed Properties watch, read, and listen
I think I'd missed the newer comments in that second one