#dev 2022-08-17

2022-08-17 UTC
jacky joined the channel
[snarfed] so with Hacker News webmention stuff, Pushl's normal mode of operation is to use an RSS feed to get notifications of new webpages to scrape for mention URLs, and then to send them accordingly. Which is 100% within the spec/intention of webmention.
And it's built on aiohttp and for whatever reason, aiohttp kept on timing out on loading the individual pages from the feed, although I think the feed itself loaded fine.
So I'm not sure if HN was throttling my server or what.
I think `curl` still worked on the individual pages though? It was weird, and I didn't care enough to investigate further.
will see if I see anything similar. I'm using https://github.com/HackerNews/API
[HackerNews] API: Documentation and Samples for the Official HN API
Yeah doing a purpose-specific thing against the API is definitely the better way to go.
I was just trying it as a quick-and-dirty thing, since I already had a thing written to convert RSS/Atom feeds into webmentions.
tbbrown and jonnybarnes joined the channel
maybe worth adding some notes on those experiences here: https://indieweb.org/Hacker_News#Backfeed_responses_on_Hacker_News especially the new support and who is receiving them! (like that first to Simon Willison!)
gxt, alex11, tetov-irc, pranav[m], nertzy, bterry1, retronav, jacky, [Jamie_Tanna], chenghiz_, [Murray] and jonnybarnes joined the channel; pranav[m] left the channel
will do! esp once a few more come in
gRegor, jacky, jonnybarnes, cjw6k_, petermolnar, tetov-irc, gxt, kushal, nertzy and gRegorLove_ joined the channel