#dev 2022-08-22

2022-08-22 UTC
jacky, gRegorLove__, nertzy, geoffo, GWG, [tw2113_Slack_], strugee and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I have some html emails to parse in python. Do I use html5lib, or html.parser on the assumption that html emails are likely to conform to last century's html worldview?
tetov-irc joined the channel
html5lib, because it'll handle the old stuff just as well
unless we're talking so massive amounts of data the overhead hurts, but if so why are you using python :P
I just looked at xoxo.py for reference and that is so retro it uses sgmllib
I'm doing it in an AWS lambda, so overhead can matter (and I'm using python because it's general email parsing is mature and well debugged)
[Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
How should `mp-slug` manipulate the generated post URL? If we usually have URLs as `/posts/2022/$random` would an `mp-slug=bar` would make the post URL `/posts/2022/bar` or `/bar`?
depends on what your scheme is. in most cases I'd expect the former, but thats a personal decision
What is an SSG?
Static site generators or SSGs are programs that take a set of flat text files on disk and transforms them into a set of static HTML files ready to be served by a standard web server, or some variation of this example https://indieweb.org/SSG
sknebel - that's fair, thanks!
[Jamie_Tanna]: also reminds of discussions of "posts" vs "pages"
not sure what exactly the ideas about MP were there
Yeah, I've been looking back at the channels discussion (https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/40) for that
[aaronpk] #40 Channels
[campegg] joined the channel
capjamesg I read that SSG post a few days ago, and it doesn’t quite sit right with me. Personally, I’ve never come across anyone who tried selling them as “simple”… “simpler” maybe — not having to maintain server/CMS/database makes them simpler (erasier, more flexible, whatever) to host, I guess 🤷‍♂️
I had the same sort of reaction to Kev’s recent indieweb post, too. Not sure if he’s trying to be deliberately provocative to generate traffic or if those are genuinely his positions (or possibly both?)
I found the article from your site [campegg] :D
I think complexity varies by what you want to do.
My SSG is complicated because it has a lot of code for incredibly niche things that almost nobody else would do. Those same niche things would complicate a dynamic site, too.
Ha! 😄
Exactly — SSGs aren’t inherently “simple”… they can be just as complex (or complicated) as any other system. Just because their output is less hard to host doesn’t necessarily mean the underlying generator of that output is simple
As an aside, I liked you post about the Etherpad archive bot… I need to get better at articulating my logic when I’m building like you did there. At the moment, I tend to do a lot of it on the fly, which means a lot of going back and re-doing things later when I realize I’ve done something completely boneheaded
[schmarty] joined the channel
SSGs are simple to keep up, less simple to create posts in, that seems fair. The original Blogger was an SSG that FTP'd to your own hosting
This is neat https://classless-css-demo.deno.dev/ - spun off from a chat we had on twitter https://twitter.com/Paul_Kinlan/status/1561642123312726017 (scroll up and down because threading)
@kevinmarks I've been thinking we need a single demo site that can flip between all the css libs (like css zen garden but just a demo of what is out of the box)
what is classless css?
It looks like we don't have a page for "classless css" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "classless css is ____", a sentence describing the term)
hm, do we have a term for that?
geoffo and [snarfed] joined the channel
first step of sending wms to all HN and Reddit posts is discovering wm endpoints on all of their domains. that's been humming along, currently at 250k domains processed, 104 endpoints discovered
jacky and anton1 joined the channel
planning to do it on all indie-map domains too (old and new), which will add lots more endpoints
jacky, [Anton_Podviazn] and [manton] joined the channel
[snarfed] Do you have an example of what the Webmention looks like from HN/Reddit posts? Curious if Micro.blog will be able to process them correctly. I assume there’s some kind of shim HTML/MF2 like Bridgy uses?
[manton] sure! yeah I used a shim for comments, eg https://hackermention.appspot.com/item/31282005?story=31277998 , but I'm now switching to wm-per-submission instead of per comment, so I'm not sure if I'll use that or just point directly to the HN submission page
Cool, thanks.
oh interesting, sending the webmention with the source of the actual hackernews page is an interesting idea. no mf2 but it would be a "real" webmention
How do people handle receiving webmentions that don’t contain any mf2? I think I mostly ignore them.
i show just the URL
oh and i think i show the date i received it
aaronpk: you dont use xray on them?
I think because Micro.blog is more interested in trying to assemble a conversation thread than keep track of incoming links, I’ll still ignore them if there’s no explicit in-reply-to.
I do but when it can't find anything I still show the bare minimum info
jacky joined the channel
I notice that https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org doesn't make it explicit with an example - just to confirm, we'd expect `mp-syndicate-to` to be found in the JSON body at path `$.properties.mp-syndicate-to`, right?
nertzy and gRegor joined the channel
↩️ I'll go first - my website is powered by #WebMention which allows anyone with a blog, website, Twitter, or any other content type to use that outlet to make comments on other websites.
angelo joined the channel
Do we have a definition of what a Micropub update looks like for the `content.html`?
I assume it'll be a replacement with an object, rather than just a `content` string
jacky, kinduff, geoffo, tetov-irc, nertzy and tbbrown joined the channel