#dev 2022-08-23

2022-08-23 UTC
jacky, geoffo, [jgarber], jjuran and gxt joined the channel
heh, it's kind of funny that [snarfed] builds hackermention and like days later HN announces that they'll migrate to a new API at some point (which knowing HN probably means "in a few years at the earliest", but still)
[dang] In response to people's complaints about the usability of the HN Firebase API: yes. We're going to eventually have a new API that returns a simple JSON version of any HN URL. At that point we'll phase out the Firebase API, with a generous deprecation...
gxt joined the channel
[Jamie_Tanna] I tried to add a coffee emoji to my DNS records and Namecheap replaced it with ? in the dashboard.
sknebel I saw that. I thought about emailing dang to say: why not mark up posts with h-entry? :D
My reservation was maybe they want separation of concerns between the API and main site given I think they run HN on a single server.
capjamesg: I thought about that, but I feel like they dont really like messing with the frontend at all
especially since a bunch of community stuff probably works by parsing the page already
I hadn't thought about that. Totally makes sense.
e.g. clients that allow logged-in operations need to do it
gxt and tetov-irc joined the channel
So currently I use a github issue based reply system on http://mikedv.dev. How would people feel if I transitioned this to a #webmention based reply system? This would mean that you could reply via twitter or github or possibly reddit (not sure yet). #webdev #dev #svelte
gxt and saptaks joined the channel
↩️ So do I. I actually maintain a custom webmention receipt Library for nodejs. I already use it for likes but I do wonder if it's worth combining on blog posts and load less third party code.
GWG and nertzy joined the channel
↩️ By switching to webmentions I could use both twitter and GitHub but I wouldn't be able to have the comment box itself embedded on the page without a bunch more custom development.
geoffo, jacky, gxt, petermolnar, AramZS and [Tianhong_Shi] joined the channel; kinduff and jacky left the channel
↩️ How is Wordpress unhelpful? The plugin architecture is superb and there are probably more things that should be taken out of core than put in. Although replacing ping back/trackback with webmention would make sense.
angelo and tetov-irc joined the channel
↩️ caveat being how else can you directly @ someone unless they've got webmentions set up or an assiduously checked email address & plenty of free time
downtoearth joined the channel