[tantek]It is odd that something for that never got standardized. There was the Netscape bookmarks.html format but that wasn't really “designed” as much as hacked together or incrementally accreted from some HTML
[campegg]In reading through the post on Jim Neilsen’s blog, the most compelling one (to me, at least) was the Google example, because something like this only really makes sense at massive scale. If I’m doing this for the “I wonder where [domain] links to me?” thing, doing discovery across basically the entire internet isn’t really feasible; there needs ot be some kind of aggregate source to pull from.
[manton][tantek] If I remember, the bookmarks.html format was adopted informally by some other tools… I think Instapaper (and maybe Pinboard or Pocket?) also support it. I was looking at this again fairly recently when I added bookmark importing to Micro.blog.
[KevinMarks]How do they define inactive? I have stuff I deployed years ago that is still running (I think I may have been grandfathered in a slightly bigger free quota from when I worked at Salesforce)
[KevinMarks]• *Open source programs*: If you are a maintainer on an open-source project, and would like to request Heroku support for your project, contact the Salesforce Open Source Program office at ospo-heroku-credits@salesforce.com.
Guest8475[tantek] [manton] TBH the simplest solution I could think of was creating an RSS feed at a consistant path, say "/bookmarks.xml". The RSS <category> element appears really powerful.
@film_girlAlright, time for a self-hosted Heroku alternative blog post I guess. Dokku is obvious but there are other options too. I have a bunch in my GitHub stars. I’ll make a collection there and also try to have a blog post next week for people who want to self-host or use an RPi4 (twitter.com/_/status/1562848443294679040)
[tantek]the counter example to that is browsers (Firefox at least) have successfully unshipped support for -moz- prefixes on a bunch of standardized stuff. sometimes years later, but it has been possible
[tantek]I think a lot of the "fear of -x- or X-" is based in old data / experiences, before we got much more efficient at iterating standards and making/using test suites
aaronpkI think browsers are kind of the exception here because there are really only 3 that need to coordinate and they all have mechanisms to ship updates to users nearly instantly
angeloif i use https://events.indieweb.org/import to import an h-event from my site will i be able to "refresh" it as i make additions/corrections on my end (like resending a webmention of an RSVP)?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "copy pasta" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "copy pasta is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]3Yooooo new easter egg mode? (cc: capjamesg) "quickly pressing to the left of the Update button 10 times, and then once to the right of the button."