#dev 2022-08-26

2022-08-26 UTC
jacky and geoffo joined the channel
good post about Heroku free tier closing https://xeiaso.net/blog/rip-heroku
jacky joined the channel
yes, quite good post
geoffo joined the channel
@wongmjane @ruudii2 A protocol. Def can’t be owned by a state, or company. Becomes clearer every day.
tetov-irc and geoffo joined the channel
Thanks for the link, really interesting posts from Jack.
[manton]1: How's the location project going?
@GWG Good, but haven’t done much on it lately… Need to work on a prototype mobile client that I can take out and about for testing.
[manton]1: Your work and some other conversations inspired me to cleanup my code and start the venue/place search code.
[manton]1: I would offer to help... but you probably mean iOS and I don't go enough places lately
AramZS joined the channel
Cool. Ultimately we’re going to add location check-in to our app Sunlit, because I think photos and check-ins go well together. It speaks Micropub so I’ll want to make sure the location stuff is compatible with other sites.
https://cheapskatesguide.org/articles/government-controlled-tls.html "TLS Certificate System More About Control than Protection of Internet Users"
geoffo joined the channel
[manton] meh not that interesting. lost me as soon as he mentioned bitcoin in a response to transaction volume which is laughable. jack's responses were picked apart quite well in the replies. I think what jack may have meant there is "open standards" rather than "a protocol".
also Twitter very early on supported XMPP and peer with XMPP clients like chat clients so it was a peer using a "protocol" that it decided to stop supporting
[tantek] Yeah, to me the interesting part isn’t the details but just that he regrets having 1 company control so much of this.
Wonder how Bluesky is going.
[manton] there were other companies at the time, and Twitter even got "peering" working with at least one (Jaiku). They just gave up when they saw they could dominate. No "open standard" fixes that kind of market-driven behavior.
instant messaging in the AIM era was the main end user application on the hook during the Internet's transition from open/interoperable (email, web) to closed (social networks, video calling, etc)
XMPP happened, and got some traction, but never won. Lots of bizdev pairwise interop deals happened, (AOL, Google, etc), and acquisitions happened (AOL w/ICQ), but the final result was not broad interop
to some extent the bizdev pairwise interop deals mirrored the need to do pairwise interop implementation, because the XMPP test was absolute crap
even if/when the will was there, "broad interop" was far too hard
hard organizationally, yes
hard to implement
oh and due to weak XMPP tooling maybe, sure, too
broad interop w/XMPP specifically, sure
also the spec was(is?) horribly structured
Even if Bluesky is perfect (debatable) it seems such a massive project to pivot Twitter’s infrastructure. Definitely can’t wait around assuming that will happen.
if all you did was implement the core XMPP spec you would get nearly zero interop with anything. You have to know which magic set of extensions (XEPs?) to XMPP that you have to implement to interop with others, then you have to do so in their quirky ways
cjw6k joined the channel
eyes ActivityPub
[[snarfed]1] hey [manton] any chance you have a list of all micro.blog sites handy?
[schmarty] yeah it's not good that the ActivityPub test suite went offline and hasn't been restored 😞
the test suite going offline is certainly a problem. but also the "magic set of extensions" you mentioned smacks of Mastodon-flavored ActivityPub and the way AP-based projects have to work with it.
yes there's a strong parallel there
superkuh: pretty good piece. thanks for reminding me of the cheapskatesguide website. i'm trying not to fall into the rabbithole of it! 😅
the AP test suite also never covered the federation bits of AP
ie the most important interop part
AramZS, jacky, angelo and tbbrown joined the channel
[snarfed] Not handy… A large percentage are actually spammy blogs that I’d want to filter out. Probably most useful would be paid subscriptions and/or active users.
oh I'd happily take the firehose, spam and all!
not making any claims about them, just doing wm discovery
(and we obviously know the answer for m.b sites, just hoping to include them in a dataset)
(oh and sorry, not firehose of posts, just complete unedited list of domains)
For the WM discovery, are you looking for outgoing links from M.b sites, or finding other links to M.b sites that you could send WMs for…? Just curious.
oh neither, just purely wm endpoint, per domain, not per page
jacky joined the channel
I've done discovery on 1M domains so far, I'd love to include m.b sites to artificially enrich the numbers 😎
[manton] for a test mobile client for meridian feel free to steal this awful thing: https://schmarty.net/moresquare/
(just me playing with browser location API and leaflet)
slap a call to meridian into it and drop some points in and around your location 😂
jacky__ and geoffo joined the channel
Cool, thanks! Checking it out.
jacky joined the channel
Heh, I have a few of these. Leaflet makes it easy
2 that are trolling what3words locus.plus
(that one locates you in the UK with 4 swear words)
gRegor joined the channel
leaflet has 1 karma over the last year
jacky and tetov-irc joined the channel