#dev 2022-08-29

2022-08-29 UTC
[snarfed] and jacky joined the channel
example in the wild of a non-webmention.io HTTP 201 response with a Location header pointing to a status URL (JSON, not HTML, but still): https://mi.within.website/api/webmention/01GBKJYHQYHR7R2QZCS38C7FWF
jacky, nertzy, gxt, gRegor, mro, [marksuth], tetov-irc and sebbu joined the channel
So I think I may need to add some filtering to webmention-handler. realised that it's currently possible for duplicate likes from the same user at the moment... Will add it to the issue tracker when I get home... #opensource #webdev #webmentions #indieweb
AramZS, cjw6k and [Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
@GWG I expect OpenStreetMap has a list of types somewhere… You can get a feel for it by looking at the Meridian config file I’m using. It’s not complete yet, just a first attempt to make sense of place types. https://github.com/meridianplaces/meridian/blob/main/config/types.json
I’ve basically been going through city neighborhoods and making notes of the type of data I think should be included. It’s a little subjective.
joshproehl joined the channel
aaronpk: do you have an example anywhere of using your p3k/HTTP client to upload file data from a stream rather than a local file?
i leaned into using it as an abstraction while kind of reverse-LEGO-ing some PHP micropub clients (including Monocle) and i'm at the point of handling micropub media requests which i figure could basically be streamed to the media endpoint without stopping on disk.
joshproehl joined the channel
and i kind of fell through the abstraction and wondering if i should just use bare curl or something for this case.
i don't remember how this works tbh
at default settings i'd say it's mostly a shorthand to make curl calls simpler by making them just URL / headers / body. however it allows some kind of overriding to use _something else_ instead of curl. i got a little lost looking at it.
anyhoo your answer definitely helps lol
the Stream class is a wrapper around the file_get_contents function which has a bunch of different options than curl
joshproehl joined the channel
but i'm not sure there is a proper hook to override how it uses file_get_contents by default either
I have an example of this in Python, but I assume that wouldn't help 😁
[snarfed] lol this is coming up as i am porting my old python2.7 micropub clients to PHP 😅
thanks for looking aaronpk! i'll try to make a test case and see if i can figure something out.
jacky joined the channel
is that the first retweet of Bridgy Fed? 😂
those redirect links are an artifact of AP interop. I try hard to hide them, but occasionally they show up user visible
mro joined the channel
"NIST P-curves are possibly back-doored by the U.S. National Security Agency. Score reduced by 2."
Guest6 joined the channel
Hadn't seen the ssh audit tool. Makes sense! Kinda like Qualys SSL/TLS tools for https setups.
the NIST curve possible back door I did know about because I am a neerrrdddd
(if I recall, there are some hard-coded constants in the algorithm and someone showed it's possible to pick your constants in a way that let's you easily break the encryption. and nobody can prove that someone didn't do that thing with these constants 🤷‍♂️)
Oh wow.
has anyone seen anything other than an F? I haven't yet
mro and gRegor joined the channel
what is AMP?
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a Google-led project that (often) speeds up a subset of HTML through caching and dependencies on Google infrastructure https://indieweb.org/AMP
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/kurtgessler/status/1563158709848551426" to the "See Also" section of /Accelerated_Mobile_Pages https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=83126&oldid=77579
tetov-irc, AramZS and tbbrown joined the channel