#dev 2022-08-30

2022-08-30 UTC
Hmm, DreamHost is migrating folks from "DV" to "VPS
add this to admintax, your web host migrates you from something you barely understand to something else you understand even less
<capjamesg> DV?
literally not expanded in the email or the docs: https://mediatemple.net/community/products/dv/7350722254861/
sorry, not DreamHost, but rather, MediaTemple
<capjamesg> Oh wow.
<capjamesg> [tantek] there has been a thought in my mind about “what if everyone used microformats? Would that make it easy to build a massive (too big) social graph?”
<capjamesg> But I suppose the answer there is access controls by default for those who want them.
capjamesg, also a good reason to not pursue implementing random technologies just for the sake of technology (markup etc.)
like if it's not solving a real user problem for you, than at best you're wasting your time, at worst you're potentially enabling some sort of problem
<capjamesg> [tantek]++
[tantek] has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (78 in all channels)
IWSlackGateway and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
sknebel++ for the redirect tips for nginx!
sknebel has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (31 in all channels)
gRegorLove__, [jeremycherfas], bterry, mro, [Jamie_Tanna]1, [Jamie_Tanna], cjw6k_, mro_ and tetov-irc joined the channel
I do wonder if Brad making the Social Graph API crawler at Google helped accelerate FB and Twitter removing the markup they used to publish
mro, gRegorLove_, cjw6k, [campegg], [tw2113_Slack_] and jacky joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
year-less dates got removed in 2004?
jacky joined the channel; jeroen[m] left the channel
So much for birthday in h-card?? 😂
jacky joined the channel
<capjamesg> 🤣
mro and jacky joined the channel
nope, still supported
in h-card that is, and microformats in general
jacky, neceve, [campegg], cjw6k, tetov-irc, [Jamie_Tanna], [jeremycherfas], sebbu, [marksuth], joshproehl, [snarfed], gxt, Zegnat, [fluffy], petermolnar, kandr3s, walkah, jjuran, angelo, kushal, t0nic, omz13, chenghiz_, kloenk, GWG, [KevinMarks], Pyroxtheythem[m], nathan[m], lagash, jan6, willnorris, superkuh, zack[m], alecjonathon, gerben, Steve[m]1231, nsh, rhiaro, benji, Kaja, lanodan, Ruxton_, tommorris, jeremycherfas, s[_], sknebel, sivoais, voxpelli, IWDiscordGateway, Loqi and mambang[m] joined the channel
zack[m] joined the channel
oh hey that looks quite handy!
guess I'll need to write a grapheme_strcat now for CASSIS
apparently it's been in php for ages, not sure how i haven't found it before
or maybe I'll normalize all str*** functions in CASSIS on grapheme equivalents and require all strings to be valid UTF8
AramZ-S[m] and tetov-irc joined the channel