[snarfed]sending wms on all Reddit posts has now run endpoint discovery on over 4M domains. I'm guessing it won't quite hit 5M, but we'll see. should be a fun dataset to add to Indie Map regardless
[manton]Sorry I haven’t gotten you an answer on M.b hosted domains yet. To be honest I’m kind of distracted with other things and want to make sure I’m not missing any privacy implications. Will probably wait to revisit until an IndieWebCamp or something.
[aciccarello]I'd be happy to see something better than markdown at text readability & parsing but I have a hard time seeing something gain adoption at this point.
[tantek]4I don't really care about "adoption", I'm building my own "more readable than markdown" for my own use. If others find it useful, that's cool too. https://tantek.com/w/Markdown
[tantek]4The beauty of actual plain text readable formats (in contrast to Markdown) is that no one has to "support" them for them to actually "work" (and not confuse people with extraneous punctuation, as raw Markdown can/does)