#dev 2022-09-07

2022-09-07 UTC
jeremy, jeremycherfas and geoffo joined the channel
↩️ I’ve been using http://Brid.gy on my site since 2015 and I love it and the functionality it provides. #Indieweb (https://arush.io/?p=214453)
↩️ Is this a case for IndieAuth? Maybe @aaronpk has an answer
[jgarber], gRegorLove_, angelo and geoffo joined the channel
[jgarber] I updated with some caveats https://indieweb.org/page-name-discovery
angelo, geoffo, [tw2113_Slack_], voxpelli, gRegorLove_, bterry, jonnybarnes, mambang[m], zack[m], cjw6k, nathan[m], IWDiscordGateway, Saphire, sebsel, aaronpk, capjamesg, jbove, rrix, Xe, Feoh, srushe, ancarda, rockorager, vikanezrimaya, eb, kushal, klez_, Demi, BinarySavior, gRegorLove__, h4kor[m], Steve[m]1231, mro and Pyroxtheythem[m] joined the channel
[tantek] Thank you!
I'm still curious about “representative h-entry”… Webmention (if I recall correctly) tends to refer to the “first” h-entry on a page. Would that be a URL’s representative h-entry?
Or, is there a different discovery algorithm akin to the “representative h-card” algorithm?
mro, tetov-irc, AramZ-S[m], mro_, jeremycherfas, geoffo and AramZS joined the channel
I think I may have had one in mind at the time but I have since forgotten
X-Ray has supposedly implemented it so I wonder if all it does is "first h-entry"
what is xray
XRay is an open source API that returns structured data for a URL by parsing microformats and following other indieweb algorithms, and is part of the p3k suite of applications https://indieweb.org/XRay
jacky joined the channel
now i can't remember but i think it might be looking for either the first or an h-entry with a u-url of the same URL that was fetched
jacky joined the channel
Thaaaat’s the code I was looking for last night, but couldn't locate. 😅
A possible algorithm could borrow from the representative h-card algorithm… checking for u-url and/or u-uid matching the page's URL, etc.
^ ah, that makes sense as a first step before falling back to "first h-entry"
If “representative h-entry” discovery is up for grabs, I could take a swing at some code tonight implementing a possible approach. maybe.
mro joined the channel
i think "representative" applies to any object type, not limited to h-entry and h-card
Can you expand on that thought?
for example why would "representative h-recipe" be any different than "representative h-entry"
Great question. Supposing I don't fully understand (and/or it's not well documented) what exactly “representative” means with regards to microformat parsing.
“This URL is canonically this thing”…?
it means "which of the mf2 objects on this page is this page actually about"
So then a generalized algorithm for determining that?
yep, and in looking into this, i'd be curious if there are any instances where a generalized algorithm would be incorrect for a specific vocabulary
but i suspect it applies across the board
What place does this (if any) have in a microformats parser library? and/or the JSON result of a parsed URL?
it has nothing to do with the microformats parser
but it is relevant to anything consuming the parsed result
yeah if this "simple" approach works for h-entry, might be worth generalizing it to "representative mf2 item"
This may need some work to generalize:
> If no representative h-card was found, if the page contains an h-card with a url property value which also has a rel=me relation (i.e. matches a URL in parse_results.rels.me), the first such h-card is the representative h-card
But otherwise the representative h-card algorithm seems pretty generic.
I think h-card has some special cases there, yes
also when combining multiple things on a page
e.g. someones homepage might have the representative h-card and "representative h-feed" (i.e. both having u-url u-uid pointing to the page)
which probably(TM) doesnt happen much with other types
h-card has more special cases because people do more "interesting" things with h-cards on pages
“Interesting” meaning how the h-card is marked up or…?
"interesting" as in people put random h-cards of things all over their pages
less so with feeds or other "primary" objects which are expected to take up a whole page
my homepage has a representative h-card, however the representative h-feed there would have to be from the "first h-feed" fallback
Oh, I've seen what you're doing on your homepage. 😂
wait what is this micromicro cc tool and where can we document it for better discoverability?!?
petermolnar joined the channel
Something I slapped together as a UI on top of MicroMicro (mf2 parser I built in Ruby). I added it to my wiki page, but haven't really talked it up.
same same with indieweb-endpoints.cc and rel-me.cc. 😬
what is a validator
Indiewebify.me is a service that checks how indieweb-compatible your site is and reports back its results; the verb indiewebify also means the act of making your site more IndieWeb friendly https://indieweb.org/validator
maybe we are ready to create a separate /validator page
jacky joined the channel
A generic algorithm seems desirable but there may be special cases for h-card and/or a user’s homepage?
Coming back around to the “representative” thread…
sounds reasonable
jacky joined the channel
A generic algo would likely need an additional input of “which specific root are you looking for”
And if you're not looking for a specific root then you want link preview discovery instead
jacky joined the channel
Which tbh the original “page name discovery” should “just” use or be incorporated into link preview discovery
What is link preview discovery?
It looks like we don't have a page for "link preview discovery" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "link preview discovery is ____", a sentence describing the term)
jacky, gRegor and geoffo joined the channel
Does https://indieauth.com/auth support the "token" endpoint?
no it's a separate service, https://tokens.indieauth.com
Sorry, I meant "ticket"
For TicketAuth.
Are there any open ticket endpoints?
that also sounds extra difficult to implement
at least in a useful way
because something needs to use the token
and arguably a lot more often than in current token uses
(if HWC is still going in ~30 mins I'll join, making food right now)
mro, jacky and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
I'm confused.
Do I need to build my own IndieAuth endpoint if I want to support redeeming tickets?
I took a stab at implementing #webmentions in my blog. I'm leveling up my #IndieWeb game! https://borghal.blog/blog/2022-09/implementing-webmentions/
mro joined the channel
When i try to send a ticket request to indieauth I get 'error=invalid_request&error_description=Missing+%27code%27+parameter'.
indieauth.com isn't going to support any of that
jacky, mro_, gRegorLove_ and tetov-irc joined the channel
capjamesg: I had a ticket endpoint set up for testing
Is it still public GWG?
My test site, https://wpdev.gwg.us should still work, although I have not had a received token in a bit. I don't think I broke it
jacky, geoffo and petermolnar joined the channel
Hm, got a 400 sending a webmention to webmention.io, "source or target missing" but they're both in my logs. Manually re-sending via curl worked. Might be time to work on my webmention plugin, it's been a while
Loqi, maintain the software
jacky joined the channel