2022-09-06 UTC
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# 03:57 [tantek]4 looks like GitHub's web UI doesn't have an obvious way to rename non-text files, because their renaming UI depends on the pencil edit button, and they (obviously) don't provide a pencil edit button on non-text files
# 03:58 [tantek]4 so to rename a non-text file you have to delete, rename locally, re-upload
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# 04:35 [tantek]4 GWG, since the order in a /collection is significant, I don't see how "series" is any different
# 04:37 GWG [tantek]4: I forget what the discussion was when we were debating that a few years back
# 04:43 [tantek]4 I don't remember ever seeing /series before. I have a feeling if I had I would have made the same point then
# 04:47 [tantek]4 GWG, your first clue is that the /series article doesn't even mention /collection or how it's different from a /collection. That's a very strong indicator that the creation of the page and contribution to it was done without knowing about /collection
# 04:48 GWG No, I remember that we were...I just can't remember the full context. In a practical difference, mine aren't posts... they are generated like feeds
# 04:49 [tantek]4 that sounds more like generated like tag pages
# 04:49 [tantek]4 so it's a dynamic collection rather than an explicitly created collection?
# 04:49 [tantek]4 !tell jamievtanna, [fluffy], [chrisaldrich] any objection to merging /series into /collection? There doesn't seem to be any distinguishing aspect of what makes a "series" different from a "collection" (other than Medium calls them "series" apparently).
# 04:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:50 [fluffy] Series have an implication of a sequence for viewing/reading, while collections tend to be a bit more unstructured
# 04:51 [tantek]4 collections do note that order matters, perhaps that aspect needs to be moved to the definition
# 04:52 [fluffy] yeah maybe. I see the podcast example shows both ordered and unordered versions
# 04:52 [tantek]4 I don't know of any trip reports that start with the end of the trip then describe the trip in reverse order day by day, week by week
# 04:53 [tantek]4 GWG, uh, what part is "correct"? you intended a reverse chronological reading?
# 04:53 GWG [tantek]4: I just noticed it was wrong when I shared the link, so I need to fix it.
# 04:53 [tantek]4 ah got it. ok
# 04:53 [fluffy] I'd be fine with series being a synonym for collection
# 04:54 [tantek]4 yeah it's a week for that. I only just days ago learned that "carousel" is pretty close to a synonym for multiphoto
# 04:54 [tantek]4 but apparently that's what they're called outside of indieweb circles π ("multiphoto" was something we here in the IndieWeb community made-up)
# 04:56 [fluffy] yeah 'carousel' is incredibly common as a term for that
# 04:56 [fluffy] specifically with the UX of having photos that can be swiped back and forth or which automatically cycle through
# 04:57 [fluffy] like on streaming apps where it automatically shows a showcase of current must-watch shows at the top
# 05:05 [tantek]4 it does seem like "carousel" is more about that specific swipe back/forth UI rather than the content-focus of a "multiphoto"
jacky joined the channel
# 05:09 [fluffy] yeah. on my site the multiphoto UX is called a 'lightbox'
# 05:11 [tantek]4 hmm, I see a masonry layout there
# 05:12 [tantek]4 not for me, it loads a jpg directly
# 05:12 [fluffy] that's the non-script fallback. what browser are you on and do you have any js blocking things?
# 05:12 [fluffy] the currnet lightbox script I use is still based on jQuery, because i've been too lazy to replace it with something more modern
# 05:13 [tantek]4 Firefox and I enabled JS for the domain
# 05:13 [tantek]4 oh it was not working on http:
# 05:14 [tantek]4 because I had just clicked the link in chat π
# 05:14 [tantek]4 now I see the zoom in effect π
# 05:14 [fluffy] yeah, and for whatever reason when I go to my own site i always get the http version, because that's what firefox keeps autocompleting π
# 05:14 [fluffy] still, http vs https shouldn't make a difference unless you're running an addon that blocks js on http
# 05:14 [tantek]4 nevermind, I mean the crossfade
# 05:15 [tantek]4 that's probably NoScript blocking http js or maybe js in an http html page
# 05:15 [tantek]4 hah - you can search for the http: version in your history and delete it. that should stop the autocompleting of it
# 05:15 [tantek]4 that kind of thing really bugs me too
# 05:16 [fluffy] I'm still a holdout for allowing http access for Reasonsbut it seems like the browsers want to just completely obsolete that now anyway
# 05:16 [tantek]4 I think we're on the same page there
# 05:16 [fluffy] so maybe I should just give in and redirect http->https
# 05:17 [fluffy] I put a lot of work into publ to make sure http vs. https works correctly, especially for anon vs. logged-in and so on
# 05:17 [tantek]4 I should add myself there
# 05:19 [fluffy] in Feed On Feeds I went with the image proxy approach for mixed-content avoidance, although the practical reason for that was less about mixed-content and more about also getting around webcomics with anti-hotlink stuff
# 05:19 [fluffy] lots of webcomic artists put in anti-hotlink stuff but then fail to consider the implications on their feeds
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# 12:19 Loqi barnaby has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (24 in all channels)
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# 13:45 Loqi barnaby has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (25 in all channels)
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# 15:04 Loqi barnaby has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (26 in all channels)
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# 15:38 [tantek]4 capjamesg interesting! that might be the first "on this day" that uses day of the month rather than day of the year
# 15:40 Loqi on this day is a feature on some silos and indieweb sites which show posts published on the current (typically Gregorian) day of the year in previous years; commons sites tend to show more general historical events that occurred on that same day https://indieweb.org/on_this_day
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