#dev 2022-09-25

2022-09-25 UTC
gxt joined the channel
if your website automatically blocks HTTP requests from suspiciously "bot" user-agents, like python/urllib? you are a fool and you are going to get scraped just as hard, but now you've pissed off the archivist.
Seirdy joined the channel
In #indieweb I asked what people liked to use to write/edit blog posts offline on an iPad, noting that I use the built-in native Notes app
since aaronpk also said Notes, I'm thinking that sounds like a decent IndieWeb creator challenge of sorts
theoretically, with a Service Worker, it should be possible to create a Notes-app like UI with a website where you could 100% edit/save offline and when you happened to reconnect to a network, "sync" with your own server
that alone would be so useful that it must already exist, like with as clean a UX as Notes app (CSS to imitate that really shouldn't be that difficult). and I mean "simple" text notes, not all the fancy objects and crap they've added the past few years
i got part of the way there with Quill, but it lets you have only one active draft at a time
ah yes, management/browsing of multiple "notes" is definitely a whole feature thing
i agree it would be nice to have an app with a similar UX as the Notes app, which also then let you choose to publish a particular note
agreed, having "Publish" be a distinct separate action which then "froze" the note and queued for publishing would be great. of course with the whole life cycle of letting you auto-unfreeze the note to keep editing it (obviously pulled off the publishing queue as well)
and then when you happen to connect to the network again, it could auto-micropub publish the queued notes
enhancement to set a publishing "time window" say if you only wanted the notes auto-published during your personal daylight hours. and enhance that with Buffer-like specific publication time queuing
what is a scheduled post
It looks like we don't have a page for "scheduled post" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "scheduled post is ____", a sentence describing the term)
scheduled post is /scheduling
[[tantek]4] huh after some quick searching I found this (haven't watched it yet but it sounds good from the description) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01YKQmia2Jw
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I used to use Laverna as an Evernote replacement. It supports syncing to a Dropbox. I used it with a self-hosted RemoteStorage backend
Litewrite is one I meant to check out but after I started doing my notes as a static site I kind of stopped playing with Laverna and RemoteStorage-based apps
I still occasionally think RemoteStorage with IndieAuth in front would make a great add on for Micropub clients to share access to e.g. nicknames caches without continuing to make one-off extensions to the Micropub spec
RS feels to me a little like SOLID pods, but without all the semantic web cruft.
Oop should have pinged tantek 🙃 ^^
Another thing that gives me pause about web apps with browser-first storage is Safari's aggressive eviction of data and browsers generally having poorly documented limits on what can be stored and for how long etc.
anyhoo clearly I am due for another sweep of what's new in unhosted apps and https://0data.app
[schmarty] "aggressive eviction of data and browsers generally having poorly documented limits on what can be stored and for how long" is a very valid concern
(re your offline-first web-based authoring UI)
snarfed++ 7 years on this is still a great list of features. Also ServiceWorker support has vastly improved, heh.
snarfed has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (48 in all channels)
snarfed++ great brainstorming and from 2015! As [schmarty] notes, Service Worker support has gotten significantly better and more consistent cross-browser. Key piece for the "write offline on an iPad" use-case, iOS has supported it since ~2018
snarfed has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (49 in all channels)
what is RemoteStorage
remoteStorage is a javascript library and data storage spec that enables static webapps to work offline and store data on arbitrary data hosts https://indieweb.org/remoteStorage
I wonder if there could be a higher level abstraction than that. E.g. the offline "notes" that I'm talking about, when stored on a server could either be public or private wiki pages. Static HTML as their storage.
[Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
Snarfed I'd be up for trying Micropub for Bridgy too if you're up for another tester!
gRegorLove_, gRegor and tetov-irc joined the channel
[Jamie_Tanna] sure! there's a "Get token" button on your Bridgy user page now. feel free to try! endpoint is https://brid.gy/micropub, supports create and delete and photo/video URLs but not update or file upload.
superkuh, geoffo and gxt joined the channel
ok I'm quite impressed with how minimal the code is for that offline JS notes app thing using Local Storage: https://github.com/dcode-youtube/notes-app-javascript-localstorage/tree/main
no framework(s) needed
Seirdy joined the channel
noframework has 1 karma over the last year
noframework has 2 karma over the last year
Seirdy joined the channel
Thanks snarfed! Will give it a go soon. Wondering if I should have a separate twitter account for testing, anyway 🤔
geoffo and tetov-irc joined the channel