#dev 2022-09-26

2022-09-26 UTC
mcint, geoffo, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, [jgmac1106], ekhabarov and [Murray] joined the channel
Relevant dive into the various methods of storage on the web: https://web.dev/storage-for-the-web/
Also annoyed because I could swear someone like Andy Bell has recently run a small, offline-first, note-taking app but now cannot find it πŸ˜… If I have a sudden memory jolt I'll let you know
zack[m], jordemort, h4kor[m], mpardalos[m], Pyroxtheythem[m], tetov-irc, petermolnar, bterry and geoffo joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
finally finished my client-side search: https://jordemort.dev/blog/client-side-search/ - in a nutshell, i build a sqlite database with full-text index of all my pages at site build time, and then your browser uses sql.js-httpvfs to do byte-range requests on that database to query it
[Jordan Webb] Client-side search has arrived on the site! If you’re reading this on jordemort.dev with a reasonably modern browser that supports JavaScript, you should see a β€œSearch” link at the top of the page. Give it a click and try it out! This is not a ...
dunno if anyone else is interested, but if we could get a group of folks to agree on a database schema, and a <link rel=...> to specify the location of the database for each site, it could be possible to build some sort of federated search on this
jordemort out of curiosity, how big is the index? on many personal sites it's often small enough to just download the whole thing client side
currently about 184k
re federated, one big problem is scaling. making search requests to every single site will bog down once you get into the high hundreds or so
we already see this on eg posts with lots of wms that make the browser download each profile picture from its own site
https://indieweb.org/chat-names is another example
and those are at least progressively usable. search, less so, since you'd need to rank all of the results globally
(which also begs the cross-site ranking question 😁)
i was envisioning a usage more like a feed reader, where each person would have their own curated selection of sites that they were interested in searching
not trying to build indieweb google
ah! like custom search engines in the browser
that makes much more sense
although if you wanted to you could probably spider the sqlite databases and store cached copies of them locally; you wouldn't actually be under the obligation to use byte-range requests or to implement the search client-side
crawling HTML and browser custom search engines are both pretty compelling existing solutions to this
HTML maybe arguable, but browser custom search engines, definitely
the core of the idea is "discoverable sqlite database with full-text index of a site in a specific schema" and then what to build on top of that is more of an open-ended question πŸ˜„
custom saearch storing a single search URL pattern per site is way easier for adoption, you don't need sites to do anything differently
oof. understood! could be a fun building block. we tend to start with existing problems first here, but never hurts to try it out on your own site!
unrelated, Bridgy Micropub docs are up: https://brid.gy/about#micropub
i'm up for developing the idea further and putting together a demo of searching multiple sites at once, if anyone else thinks it would be cool or interesting or has ideas or other potential applications, but if i'm the only one excited about it i probably won't bother and will just be happy with the search i built for my site
sounds like the right approach!
i wouldn't want to go much further with it without getting some other folks' takes on the database schema and what should go in there and what should not
definitely check out prior art, eg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenSearch , Elastic, Lucene, Solr, Nutch, etc
mro joined the channel
i have πŸ™‚
jacky joined the channel
anyone here with any security auditing experience? Micropub is the first Bridgy feature that exposes private data (silo tokens) to end users. I put it behind silo auth, but I'd love someone else's eyes on it to see if I got anything wrong!
... (secure, same site) until it's renderd
Seirdy joined the channel
is recreating a flickr archiving tool
mro joined the channel
so, i have a bunch of code that crawls a user's flickr account and downloads everything to local files including a bunch of metadata. i now want to turn that into a static site that works by either opening it on the filesystem or deploying it to a web server. so basically what i'm after is a static site generator
how much am i going to regret hacking up effectively an SSG or should i try to use an existing system like 11ty for this?
[aciccarello] joined the channel
11ty provides a lot out of the box and has lots of customizability. I use it for my site and would recommend it for a simple site.
if I made a quick writeup showing my source files and what i want the output to be, would you be able to tell me if it's reasonable to do in 11ty?
If you have JSON files, it shouldn't be too difficult to write a liquid/nunchucks template for it. Pagination is the key thing for looping through data
Here's an example of the template for my tags page for reference. https://github.com/aciccarello/ciccarello.me/blob/main/posts/tags/tagPage.liquid
Ah, so a set of folders with json/jpg files πŸ€”
i can generate other files if needed
but this is basically the raw data
My first thought would be to throw that in the _data folder and then work from there. They key thing is keeping all the metadata related to the photo easily accessible.
Honestly a single json file with an array of photo metatdata objects would be easiest to work with πŸ˜…
Hugo will likely make short work of it too, it comes down to which template language you like best.
oh i should mention one other constraint. this folder is well over 10gb, so ideally i want it to write the generated files in place, and not have to also copy all the photos back out somewhere else
which is starting to feel like something not well suited for these systems
Yeah, you might be able to write a script to do that quicker
man, i'm way out of practice designing websites. having to figure out where to put all the info on the screen and how to make it responsive seems a bit overwhelming right now
i'm way better at the data munging and backend stuff πŸ˜…
surely theres a gallery template to borrow somewhere :D
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
frankly now that the raw data is done, this project could actually have a bunch of different frontends to it
you could even build a server-side app to render everything, or an entirely client-side SPA too
tetov-irc, [tw2113_Slack_] and geoffo joined the channel