#dev 2022-10-01

2022-10-01 UTC
gxt joined the channel
A dependency update PR for indieweb/rel-me, so I can make other updates to indiewebify.me: https://github.com/indieweb/rel-me/pull/6
[gRegorLove] #6 Update php-mf2 and other dependencies
petermolnar, geoffo, gxt and jacky joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
Thanks. Trying my hand at Github Actions now.
[gRegorLove] #7 Prepare next release
geoffo, epoch, jacky, angelo, lagash_, [KevinMarks], [James_Van_Dyne], [tonz], [snarfed], IWSlackGateway, [hollie], hollie, [jeremycherfas], IWDiscordGateway, ben_thatmustbeme, gRegorLove_, tetov-irc, petermolnar, barnaby and mro joined the channel
[James_Van_Dyne] Please disregard the CI errors in IndieWeb utils. Some are related to the auth test case; others are related to linting. I'll fix them before we merge them.
jamietanna, thanks for the review. I'm new to Github Actions so suggestions welcome.
mro, jacky and mro_ joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
(I think this is dev, happy to move if I'm wrong!) If I have a domain name service that holds my domain, say cat.com, I know that if I want to build a website at that address, I can do one of two things. I can change the name servers to point to a webhost company (like ns1.siteground.net) or I can just go make a CNAME change that <waggles hands magically, not sure what I'm actually doing when I do this but it works> and POINT the
domain name to, say, something like micro.blog.
Okay but what if I want to point cat.com to micro.blog using the CNAME thing, but then I want to create, say, meow.cat.com and house that at SiteGround? A place to put fun cat-related projects of a ClassicPress installation. Is that a possible thing? I've only ever pointed whole domains, not subdomains, so I'm not even sure if it's possible.
jacky joined the channel
[hollie]: you should be able to make separate CNAME records for different subdomains and point them to different servers, yep
usually domain name providers will allow you to edit DNS records (e.g. CNAME records) associated with your domain and subdomains
but if you set custom name servers for a domain, that’ll override any configuration done by your domain name provider, and you’d have to do that configuration at the service which runs the custom name server, if it’s possible
e.g. waterpigs.co.uk is registered at namecheap, but I set the nameservers to point to hostinger (my web host), so if I want to add custom CNAME records, I have to do it via hostinger, not namecheap
what web host and domain name service are you using?
Oh thank you! And yeah, the second part makes sense! I've done that before, made subdomains at SiteGround and pointed those out, but at the level of my domain host, I'd only changed name servers. I wasn't sure if you could create a subdomain and send that out into the world.
[hollie] yes this is definitely a #indieweb-dev thing. CNAME is a jargon term that users in general should never have to worry about (though in practice, as you pointed out in the scenarios you listed, users may have to worry about them, hopefully only briefly)
what is a CNAME
DNS is an abbreviation for Domain Name Server and often used to refer to the configuring thereof on a domain name registrar https://indieweb.org/CNAME
I'm using namesilo.com right now, but I'm not super happy with it so I'm going to move to porkbun.com. And then I have SiteGround for the next year but will move from them too I think.
Yeah many of these concepts like DNS or CNAME are labels that apply to special procedures I've learned in order to solve a problem. But I don't actually know what they mean (well DNS I'm understanding now). An effect of my interest in IndieWeb has been that I'm learning more how things actually work.
[hollie]: the advantage of setting custom name servers is usually that your web host will then do some/all of the configuration for domains and subdomains automatically. For example, when I tell my domain name provider to use my web host’s name servers for waterpigs.co.uk, the web host then sets up all the email-related records automatically, and I can create additional sites at subdomains of waterpigs.co.uk and they’ll be set up for me
but any good web host will also let you create custom DNS records, so that if you wanted to point a subdomain at an external service, you’d still be able to
it’s usually hidden away in “Advanced DNS Settings” or something like tha
gRegorLove_ and barnaby joined the channel; barnaby left the channel
barnaby, that's something we could document as "how to" per such "good web host" on their respective wiki page
e.g. which web host do you use?
are you talking about mentioning what features specific web hosts support, or writing how-tos for tasks like “create a custom DNS record on hostinger”?
because I’m not sure I want to start duplicating my web host’s support docs on the wiki
I’d be up for adding it to a list of “things to look for in a web host” though, pretty sure we have something like that already?
what is web host
Web hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/web_host
huh it looks like we really don’t have a “how to choose a web host” page or section
there’s /hostingnotes, but it’s not particularly beginner-friendly
jacky and tetov-irc joined the channel
I’m not really sure how to start writing a “how to choose a shared web host” because the needs are going to be very different for, say, someone who wants a managed one-click wordpress install, and someone who wants to manage many domains and subdomains running custom software
barnaby, writing how-to summaries for tasks and linking to existing documentation, not duplicating it
focused on solving the *actual use-case* which is something like "setup my domain to work with this webhost"
no one actually cares about “create a custom DNS record", it's a means to and ends
an *ends, a use-case
[snarfed]: you mentioned using bridgy to send webmentions for old reddit posts, are you doing the same for twitter? my most recent posts have been receiving webmentions from their syndicated twitter copies
barnaby nope, not me, at least not manually
huh interesting, I wonder where they’re coming from
jacky_ joined the channel