@NoraDotCodes↩️ i mean, i worked on irdest a few years back, i'm familiar - but all of that has massive network effect issues, often in both social and technical senses. RSS, webmentions, webfinger, and so forth are inroads that can be made without requiring ones users to flip their whole stack (twitter.com/_/status/1575643874222960640)
geoffo, jacky, gRegorLove_, [tonz], angelo, [hollie], [jeremycherfas] and jonnybarnes joined the channel
@SaraSoueidan↩️ But I don't want to use Twitter for the interactions. The point of adding comments is to move the conversation from Twitter to the site. And tbh I'm not a fan of how webmentions are listed under blog posts. (twitter.com/_/status/1575839350150922246)
[manton]Very cool [snarfed]. Makes me wonder if I should hook up Bridgy Publish as an option in Micro.blog’s cross-posting… Like if you don’t like the way Micro.blog posts to Twitter, Mastodon, etc. you just send it through Bridgy instead. 🤔
[manton]I was thinking if an app wanted to send Micropub requests to Bridgy. It would need a token for Bridgy itself, and then Bridgy forwards the request on to whatever service is configured.
aaronpkthe indieauth tie-in could be that bridgy is also an indieauth profile URL, so if micro.blog had a way to add a syndication option from a UI, you'd type in brid.gy and then micro.blog would do an indieauth flow to get the token from bridgy.
[manton]Not really. There’s no external syndication options like that. Just the built-in services that Micro.blog is hardcoded to support (Twitter, Mastodon, LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc, etc.)
[snarfed]and glad to hear the interest! I wonder if Bridgy Publish in micro.blog would be that big a win though. the main effort and value is 1) converting mf2 to silo APIs and 2) keeping all the API code up to date
[snarfed]I doubt there's a big difference between Bridgy Publish and micro.blog behavior, so I don't know if the option would be worth the user confusion
[hollie]My beginner question - The last time I was uploading files, it was 2009 or so. The process was: write the html/css, then upload via FTP. Refresh your browser (sometimes wait a few minutes) and there it was. I'm using SiteGround right now, and the changes never show up. I just asked their Support, and he said you have to go into your SiteGround website tools and "flush the dynamic cache" (the what now?), and that I would have to do
[hollie]SiteGround won't keep me logged in despite me checking that box every single time, which means the process for just tinkering with one simple web page and seeing if my wee little beginner CSS adjustment actually worked is now like a half minute of clicking. Is this a SiteGround problem? Is this an I'm-in-my-late-forties-and-need-to-adjust problem? Is the Dynamic Cache something I can jettison without penalty, like an appendix?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "siteground" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "siteground is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[hollie]Uploading vis Transmit. I checked out the disabling page - it says it's for WordPress files? I'm just hand-coding these super basic HTML files. Is that the same?
gRegorThat would *probably* would apply to any files, WordPress or not, but their recommendation for WordPress sites is their specific plugin, which probably handles whatever WP magic is necessary :)
gRegorI'm actually still a bit confused why this would be needed for a brand new file to load, but :shrug: web hosting is weird sometimes (oftentimes) haha
[manton][snarfed] Thanks for your thoughts… I think part of me wishes I wasn’t in the POSSE platform game, so I’m always keeping an eye out for other options. 🙂 But for now probably doesn’t make sense for me to change anything.
[snarfed][manton] yup, understood. POSSE vs backfeed is an interesting ownership split for you all right now. and arguably for many other IndieWeb platforms. backfeed is harder, there are barely any other implementations. I wish there were more!
@kevinmarks↩️ The challenge with the non-web things like freenet and dat/hypercore is linkability; if you can define a URL format and use HTML+microformats, you could bridge back and forth with webmentions, but you need a URL resolver/ protocol gateway too. (twitter.com/_/status/1575984319335497728)