2022-09-29 UTC
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# 01:29 GWG [snarfed]1: When using brid.gy micropub to publish, would you have an example of how you'd structure the submission?
jacky, gxt and geoffo joined the channel
# 06:02 [snarfed]1 GWG not yet, no. It's just Micropub. Is there anything specific you're looking for help on?
mro joined the channel
# 06:49 capjamesg [James_Van_Dyne] I have just pushed what I think will be the final PR for the v0.3 release.
# 06:50 capjamesg sknebel re: h-feeds. Could a parser return a h-feed nested in a h-entry?
# 08:11 sknebel capjamesg: again, a *parser* doesnt care. it doesnt understand or care what a feed or entry is
# 08:12 sknebel so a parser will return any combination you put into html
# 09:17 sknebel capjamesg: whats the motivation behind the question?
barnaby joined the channel
# 10:17 capjamesg sknebel IndieWeb Utils only looks for a h-feed at the top of the mf2py response tree (the root "properties" object).
# 10:24 sknebel for feed pages you usually would expect the h-feed at the top
# 10:24 sknebel I think tantek does his homepage with an h-feed inside an h-card though
# 10:24 sknebel so it depends what you are looking for an h-feed for
# 10:25 capjamesg This is to determine the "representative h-feed" of a document.
# 10:33 sknebel I think that could reasonably be nested, but I'm also not sure of the details of how that works and if we even have a good-enough definition of what it is supposed to be
# 10:53 GWG [snarfed]1: I might be misunderstanding. So, I have a post on my site, and I want to syndicate that to, let's say Twitter using this...how would I do that?
# 10:57 barnaby [snarfed]1: fwiw I was also very confused about what bridgy micropub is for and how it works. one or two examples would likely clear it up
tetov-irc joined the channel
# 11:50 sknebel you make a micropub request to bridgy, and bridgy posts on the silo
# 11:54 barnaby to which silo? all which you’ve connected to bridgy?
# 12:10 sknebel bridgy doesn't have a concept of "you", it only knows silo accounts
gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, geoffo and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
# 14:54 [snarfed]1 right, Bridgy Micropub gives you a separate token per silo account
# 14:54 [snarfed]1 and it doesn't use posts on your site, it just uses the Micropub post content as is
# 14:54 [snarfed]1 good point though! I can definitely add an example
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# 16:48 GWG [snarfed]1: I think that's what I'm looking for as well... what properties are recognized
# 16:49 GWG And how I'd identify it as a syndicated copy. Do I have to add a link back to the original?
# 16:55 [snarfed]1 GWG sure! It behaves exactly the same as normal Bridgy Publish, and supports the exact same mf2 in the same ways. it just gets that mf2 from the micropub request rather than from a post on your site
# 16:57 GWG Okay... that's exactly what I would put in the about...
# 17:17 [KevinMarks] The big icons because brid.gy returns the raw image, so you need a css width
# 17:26 [snarfed]1 oh that tweet, not bridgy micropub, ok
# 17:44 Loqi [gRegorLove] #20 Checklist for next release
neceve and jacky joined the channel
# 18:21 capjamesg [James_Van_Dyne] I filed a few PRs which are small revisions.
# 18:36 Loqi gRegor has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (66 in all channels)
sp1ff joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
petermolnar, jacky, jan6, jacky_ and hollie joined the channel
# 21:50 jacky been working on a rough draft of a 'IndieWeb CLI' tool
# 21:51 jacky wanted to add that to my committments for 2023
# 21:51 jacky truthfully all of that is to make it easy to swap out my h-card from the CLI lol
# 21:52 jacky (because then I'd want to make something that'd listen for changes to my h-card and see if I can update it across services
# 21:57 capjamesg Your library has the same motivations as indieweb-utils for Python.
# 21:58 jacky oh? I should prob take a peek to see if there's things I can pick up
# 21:58 jacky mainly b/c I haven't been using it heavily yet
# 21:58 capjamesg Our GitHub desc. is "Utilities to aid the implementation of various IndieWeb specifications and functionalities."
# 21:59 jacky I'm hoping to also integrate usage examples to make it more clear to use
# 22:02 jacky I do need to vendor something about _what_ versions of Micropub, IndieAuth, etc these things implement
# 22:07 barnaby ah rust docs look so nice. the new phpdocumentor theme is okay, but not nearly as good
jacky joined the channel
# 22:17 Loqi JavaScript (JS) is a popular programming language due to its nearly ubiquitous availability in web browsers, and growing web server availability in the form of node.js https://indieweb.org/Javascript
# 22:18 Loqi A framework (in this context software framework or web framework in particular) is a software library and ways of using it that provides an alternative (often simplified) way of writing software, typically explicitly instead of how you would normally write that software https://indieweb.org/framework
# 22:18 jacky gRegor++ send the finest ale to the house of gRegor
# 22:18 Loqi gRegor has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (67 in all channels)
# 22:18 jacky omg all of that work only to see that web frameworks tend to have their own page lol
# 22:23 jacky svelte kit has really checked off all of the boxes for me with webdev
tetov-irc, geoffo and jacky joined the channel
# 23:03 jacky re: threads in #indieweb-meta, that does make me want to focus more on making more interactive things on my site
# 23:03 jacky like even letting someone sign into it to engage with it using their own site