#[snarfed]funny, I got a warning from GCP (my host) for https://instagram-atom.appspot.com/ due to "phishing content," Meta must have finally noticed enough to send them a takedown request
#[snarfed]it wasn't working anyway due to IG's bot detection. time to switch it to a browser extension, just like Bridgy IG
#[snarfed](same with https://facebook-atom.appspot.com/, even though it didn't get reported. it's still working ok, unlike instagram-atom, FB's bot detection never got quite as aggressive)
#[manton]Keep fighting the good fight, [snarfed]. 🙂 Routing around Meta’s API-hostile attitude is so deflating.
#[jgarber]Phone cost used to be subsidized by the carriers, if I recall correctly, and you’d pay it off through your service plan. At least here in the US. So sticker price appeared much lower.
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#aaronpkso many dead mastodon instances that are following me, i really need better logic to decide how to eventually give up on an instance
#aaronpki have some sort of logic for it, but it seems to not be cleaning enough of them up
#[manton][aaronpk] I need to work on this too… I was thinking maybe if an instance fails for X days, just remove the follower. If somehow the instances come back online, the user could re-follow to fix it. Not sure.
#aaronpkyeah, it seems like exponential back-off and eventually just giving up is the right idea
#[manton]Makes sense. I think I’m most unsure about what “giving up” means… Could mark the instance as unreachable but then you still have a follower reference in your db that doesn’t exist.
#jackyis curious about this too from a websub perspective
#[snarfed]I do this manually for Bridgy. I look at https://brid.gy/admin/sources every few days or so, and once an instance has failed for long enough, I disable its users manually
#jackyoh that's another interesting case to consider
#[tantek]jacky, this isn't a problem for websub because the responsibility is on the subscriber, not the publisher, and websub subscriptions require regular re-upping.
#[tantek]this whole thing is a giant downside to the whole "publisher responsible for pushing to subscribers" model of AP
#[manton][snarfed] I don’t have the same problem with Twitter because the only Twitter API stuff I do is POSSE. Someone would have to auth their Twitter account in Micro.blog, then go and delete their own Twitter account… Could happen but doesn’t seem nearly as common as Mastodon users going away.
#[manton]Also I need to look into how Mastodon aliases work. That may minimize the problem.
#[schmarty][manton] i have an old (weird?) micro.blog account fed from my feeds at martymcgui.re. i see the option to set my mastodon username. the only option appears to be schmarty@micro.blog. will it... work? i guess i don't understand to what extent this is a paid micro.blog feature.
#[snarfed][manton] you were thinking about Twitter backfeed too, right, and how to identify Twitter users there inside micro.blog? Maybe that hasn't shipped yet though?
#[manton][schmarty] I’ve never actually tested it with a blog that’s hosted somewhere else instead of on Micro.blog… I think it might work. 🙂
#[manton][snarfed] Hmm… No current plans to do Twitter backfeed directly, but I guess I do create Twitter usernames when they come in from Bridgy. Good point.
#[manton]That’s different than Mastodon followers, though, where I’m actively trying to reach out to Mastodon servers that may or may not be there.
#[manton][schmarty] If you try enabling it and it works, lemme know. It won’t give you the option to use a custom domain name unless you have a paid blog, so I feel like Bridgy Fed is probably a better fit for most people. Unless you just want a micro.blog ActivityPub username!
#[schmarty]i have been thinking about setting one of these up so it is tempting 🤔 🤔 🤔
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#[KevinMarks]Manton++ for pioneering sensible policies at scale
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