LoqiA push notification (AKA client notification) is a notification that shows up on one or more of your client devices without you having to explicitly request it — it's "pushed" to you, instead of you having to poll for it https://indieweb.org/push_notifications
angelomy justification for chosing 0BSD was that there's granular options to the BSD family of licenses: 4-clause, 3-clause, 2-clause, 1-clause, 0-clause
KatherineMoss[m]<[Jamie_Tanna]> "Barnaby I was also going to..." <- What do you use PushOver for? I use it mainly for notifications coming from Trakt.tv (need to reset that up. Whoops.) and then from Drupal, once I rebuild my site, which I'm going to look at doing tonight. drupal needs to be reinstalled like no tomorrow; that's another story for another blog poast, though.