[tantek]apparently my Bridgy auth token for Twitter expired at some point, so automatic Bridgy Publish from my site failed. Fortunately following the Bridgy Publish website UI to preview then post sent me to auth Bridgy for Twitter again and that worked
EncryptedGiraffe, jonnybarnes, kandr3s[m], jordemort, Feoh, BinarySavior and gxt joined the channel
jackydoes anyone know what https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8414#section-2 would look like from a IndieAuth angle? i.e: some fields (like token_endpoint and authorization_endpoint) are _always_ expected unless a different grant type is present (implicit)
gRegorSpeaking of indieauth.com, working on readme updates for the next indieauth-client-php release and I removed the indieauth.com link there since it was encouraging using it
gRegorAh, think I found another update. If using the manual process instead of begin() and complete(), need to add instructions to verify the `state` and `iss`
mro_, geoffo, gRegorLove_, jacky, [jgarber] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel