#dev 2022-11-03

2022-11-03 UTC
ah wait no, wrong way round, the service would have to follow the user
that makes it slightly more complicated
Mastodon default install does not no, but I believe [timothy_chambe] is either working on an extension or perhaps already has setup Webmentions sending from indieweb.social — Tim?
Would be interesting to see people choose indieweb.social because it supports automatic sending of Webmentions
sebbu, geoffo, jeremycherfas and jacky joined the channel
what is Micropub
Micropub is an open API standard (W3C Recommendation) for creating, editing, and deleting posts on websites, like on your own domain, supported by numerous third-party clients, CMSs, and social readers https://indieweb.org/micropub
maybe we need a bridge that consumes all mastodon instances' public firehoses and sends webmentions for them
https://fediverse.observer/stats#posts_growth says ~600M fediverse posts per month, works out to ~225 per second. substantial, but doable
(and it's an upper bound, considering it includes non-AP services like diaspora)
[snarfed] lol that's one way to get your "Bridge" banned v quickly by lots of instances
↩️ many AP impls, e.g. #BridgyFed as noted. Also @microdotblog. You can setup http://notes.mnot.net served by https://micro.blog/, post w their apps or https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients, @-mention w #Webmention, & have Mastodon followers w/o using Mastodon. https://tantek.com/t5Md1
Mastodon has a public firehose streaming API, no auth needed. maybe the load from wm receivers fetching posts would be noticeable, but I expect it would be relatively small compared to their user traffic
[snarfed] my understanding is that there is a very strong "do not index public posts" culture in the mastoverse
sure, but wm sending isn't indexing
you & I know that but I think that distinction would be lost
eh. I don't know that culture deeply, but I expect it's more aimed at centralized search engines etc, not peer to peer wms?
or by "do not index," did you mean, don't notify sites when their posts are linked in toots?
yes that part, I believe based on the information provided in the issue rejecting webmention support
[sivy] #6074 Mastodon should send webmentions to linked sites.
[Gargron] I did a poll for public opinion: https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/99798025215868039 And while the actual poll is almost 50:50, a lot of valid privacy concerns were raised - It's a privacy violation that people aren't expecting (change of behaviour...
that poll is what I mean by the Masto culture
yup. 120 responses, not huge, but something
I'm tempted to do it anyway...but I shouldn't
The irony is that banning an instance via the activitypub federation wouldn't stop the webmentions
and there wouldn't be an OAuth app to ban either. they'd do it by IP or user agent though, which would eventually work
anyway. let's not let it come to that
aaronpk, wouldn't it stop the polling of the streams from that instance?
would banning a instance not stop the firehouse?
nothing here is cross instance
my theoretical bridge would be an independent webapp that uses each instance's API, independently
superkuh, CrowderSoup, [manton]2, [manton], sebbu2, [tonz], [tonz]1, CrowderSoup4, barnaby and [MiaCrow] joined the channel
I wasn’t familiar with them rejecting the wm sending issue but I did get the sense that blanket-sending webmentions for everyone on mastodon without them asking for it wouldn’t be appreciated
hence the idea of a per-user opt-in bridge
[tonz]2, neceve, superkuh and jacky joined the channel
directly copying that example into https://waterpigs.co.uk/php-mf2/ update set the h-entry's author
and using a similar thing doesn't work on indiewebify's checker ( https://gist.github.com/rubenwardy/624021ca2eca366084e9ae9970cdf635 )
ah that example is out of date, good catch
a lot of the documentation is very fragmented
but bear in mind that even when it’s fixed, the microformats parser won’t automatically nest the separate author h-card under the h-entry. that’s up to the consuming application to do, based on the authorship algorithm
that makes microformats not very nice to use, the authorship algorithm should be part of the standard and implemented in all compliant parsers
is the authorship algorithm something that indieweb has tacked on?
Yeah, I ended up just embedding the author information
rather than putting it in a header/footer
mro, [schmarty]1 and [tantek]1 joined the channel
the parsers for the previous version of microformats had a lot more vocabulary-specific “smarts” like this built into them, and it made developing and maintaining them extremely difficult
so the current spec results in generic and lightweight parsers which produce a “raw” representation of the microformats data on the page, which can then be enhanced via additional algorithms like authorship, original post discovery, etc
which are designed to give publishers a lot of flexibility in how they mark up data
ah I just looked at the gist you posted and think I see the problem. the href="https://rubenwardy.com/" on the <a class="h-card" isn’t getting parsed as an implied URL property because there are explicit properties defined on child elements (u-photo, p-name)
Andrew Ward
implied properties are only parsed if there are no explicit properties (that was also the issue with the examples on the wiki you found, which I fixed — this used to be part of the spec but it led to a lot of bad data so we changed it)
so in that gist, removing the u-url and p-name classes from the h-card should result in authorship working (as the h-card URL will correctly get parsed, and will match the u-author URL on the entries)
*removing the u-photo and p-name, that is
but the point of the h-card is to add name, photo, and url to the post authors
so removing those would be pointless
if I change it to a <div> and add a[class=u-url] will it match with the .h-entry .u-author s?
if you remove the explicit u-photo and p-name classes from the h-entry, then the name, author and photo properties will be implied from the markup
there isn't a u-photo and p-name in the h-entry - it's just this: <a href="https://rubenwardy.com/" class="u-author"></a>
oh I meant the h-card, sorry, my attention is a little split at the moment
anyway, it doesn't matter that much. It's not that much redundancy to repeat the author information in posts
mro joined the channel
ah thanks
geoffo, rrix, totertats, superkuh, mro, jacky and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
↩️ I think broader uses for rel=me are interesting! Generally we should likely lean into domains as arbiter of ids b/c it encourages lots of other good behaviors, but I know we're a long way from there. If you're not already familiar, this is a good ex that: https://indieauth.com/
For journalism, authors, publishers, and frankly any professional writer, we should really be leaning into them owning their own domain, site etc. If you're paid to write and/or paid to broadcast, um, why are you not taking a tiny fraction of what you're paid to do that securely & authentically from your own domain? Zero reason for any of those professionals to use a "free" service as their primary point of following
Semi-related to getting paid: I encourage folks here who have been working on IndieWeb projects and believe that external funding would help their projects to take a look at this https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/mozilla-ventures-investing-in-responsible-tech/ (cc: [benatwork] in particular for his opinions of the whole thing)
👀 this is exciting
Disclosure: I work at Mozilla, but have nothing to do with the Ventures effort, nor do I have any way of "recommending" anyone for it. Your best bet is to follow the opportunities in that blog post, and yes, Surman and other folks in his org know of "IndieWeb" so you should mention that, open standards etc.
Thanks [benatwork] hopefully it can do some good in that broader world
I definitely have some opinions, which are complicated - I LOVE that Mozilla is doing this. I also hope it's thought about follow-on investments and ecosystem-building so that ventures don't flounder post-Mozilla's investment.
geoffo joined the channel
I, uh, wrote this about mission-driven VC a few days ago https://werd.io/2022/the-myth-of-the-good-venture-startup-is-dead
But I still have a lot of hope and trust Mozilla a lot.
didn’t mozilla do something similar a while back which openphoto got into?
ah that wasn’t funding though
[jgarber] joined the channel
barnaby, check the blog post, it notes the prior similar efforts
Thanks [benatwork], I think it's definitely being approached with a sense of humility so I hope there will be sensitivity to concerns like that
strugee, gRegor and superkuh joined the channel
what is authorship testing tool?
The authorship testing tool is a service to run the authorship algorithm for a URL. It's sometimes referred to as Sturdy Backbone based on the URL Glitch automatically generated https://indieweb.org/authorship_testing_tool
rubenwardy, barnaby ^ that might be helpful in the short term. There is an open issue to add /authorship-spec tests on indiewebify.me
gRegor: that’s what I asked about in meta, it seems to be broken at the moment so I was wondering who runs it
I just get some sort of certificate error when trying it
Oops, missed that in meta
same same
Hm, it loads for me
☝ If you submit a URL.
I was thinking it's sknebel or Zegnat maybe?
goes to indieweb search
ah, I guess that didnt get the fixes for the LE cert expiring quite a while ago
geoffo joined the channel
sigh, glitch is being glitchy
[surprised pikachu]
barnaby [jgarber] try again
Looks good! 👍
updated it to a slightly less horribly outdated (but still horribly outdated) node
should also update it to use the new JS parser
but really not have had any motiviation to do microformatsy things, but this was easy enough
[schmarty] has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
sknebel++ thanks!
sknebel has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (34 in all channels)
authorship_testing_tool << written by {{sknebel}}, so poke him if its broken or you want to borrow the (janky) code to inspire a rewrite
ok, I added "written by {{sknebel}}, so poke him if its broken or you want to borrow the (janky) code to inspire a rewrite" to a brand new "See Also" section of /authorship_testing_tool https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84168&oldid=49405
sknebel++ for applying it to sturdy-backbone 😄
sknebel has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
jacky, [jgarber] and bterry1 joined the channel
Who else is ready to advance #webmentions. I remember being fascinated about the concept when I first heard of it a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1588267705957842945
[snarfed] if you wanted to create an official Indiewebcamp account on our instance...
"we have the official https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp account, an official Mastodon account sounds reasonable"
This instance actually was born out of discussion we had here in this chat back in 2019.
thanks [timothy_chambe]! right now we're looking at using the indieweb.org domain itself directly, lots of discussion in #indieweb-meta, feel free to jump in
geoffo, superkuh and bterry2 joined the channel
OK brilliant
Will go there
GWG and sebbu3 joined the channel