#dev 2022-11-05

2022-11-05 UTC
sp1ff joined the channel
[benatwork] I still think we need to first understand the barriers to folks owning their notes on the indieweb. what's the point of such indie-follow URI schemes if there are no short form posts to follow?
I wonder how we might do some real-world qualitative user research for indieweb. might be really illuminating. if I had to guess, it's all to do with reading being more important than writing.
[benatwork] not writing in absolute, I mean what is the delta barrier between writing on Twitter or someone else's Mastodon server vs writing on your own server / domain
what pieces are we missing lower that delta barrier sufficiently for e.g. yourself & [KevinMarks]? let's start there, no additional research needed
what pieces are we missing *to lower that delta barrier
right - and I think it's the feed and having it right there. "writing to the stream" vs writing to a stream of your own content. different user experience. for me, that's what it is.
but for me: I'm committed to getting myself to _every_ note originating from my own site over the next week.
replies are a pita, but it's not insurmountable.
e.g. so you could use @/werd.io/@/werd.io (without the /'s obv)
it's ok if part of the answer is, notes are easy, replies are hard. I'm ok with solving those two problems incrementally
"_every_ note originating from my own site over the next week." <-- yay!
I think that is part of the answer. right now I posse to my own mastodon instance that is also on my own domain, but I agree that the best situation would be to just write directly to the fediverse
please let me know how I can help
geoffo joined the channel
I had to do A LOT of design work in late 2009 to figure out how to start doing that in 2010 and am happy to share my experience
I tried to write most of it down on the wiki but I'm sure I missed details that I took for granted
right, fewer moving parts = more reliable
it's tooling. I need (1) to finally get known to publish directly to fediverse (not just via another service), (2) I'm such a heavy app user that I need something as easy as that to post. I'm pretty sure I can get to (1) over the next week. (2) a little tougher / longer.
does "heavy app uesr" mean heavy *mobile* app user?
ahhh — [schmarty] can help with that
mobile micropub clients have gotten *much* better since you probably last looked
right now microblog app is my app of choice but I definitely need to look around
the key might be updating the Micropub support in Known to take advantage of new features from the newest Micropub clients
i may be behind the times but i think it honestly has not moved much since my bug-filled demo at IWS 🙈
[schmarty] tbh much has been frozen in time since 2019
that has nothing to do with you or IndieWeb
Indigenous (which still needs a new name) is still my client of choice for reading and posting. Unless you count Caturday in which case it is somewhat-janky hand-rolled Shortcuts + multiple passes from Metapho to extract the video from Apple's overly-magic live photo.
do we have a tester for h-x-app markup?
What are you looking to test?
adding some h-(x-)app markup to a micropub client and was hoping for something nicer than staring at raw JSON out of an mf2 parser :}
ahh, right right.
I’ve been low key meaning to add something like that to https://micromicro.cc, but haven’t had the chance.
So, you’re looking for something a bit more aesthetically appealing than JSON.
yep. also because that something will probably be a little opinionated whereas the /h-x-app page is a little picky-choosey.
[schmarty]1: the latest version of taproot/indieauth parses and shows h-(x-)app markup, if that matches what you’re looking for? there isn’t really much to test tbh
barnaby++ good reminder i still need to update! kinda deep in this other thing right now.
barnaby has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (41 in all channels)
it probably won’t give very helpful error messages if it doesn’t like something, but IIRC the only thing which can really go wrong is the h-app url property not exactly matching the provided client_id
[jgarber623] indieweb-wiki-leaderboard: Ranking active users on the IndieWeb wiki.
jacky: Thanks! 😄
↩️ Same. I think like most specs, there's usually a lot in them you don't really need to implement so it's easy to get overwhelmed. Usually as long as you implement the MUST parts you're good. Lately I've been having fun implementing the Webmention spec. https://www.luisquintanilla.me/feed/webmentions-partially-implemented/
↩️ Sorry, I hate to be ignorant but there are so many things with pub/sub in their names. The point is OSS and federated servers. So I am building RSS generator and reader + a bunch of http://IndieWeb.org stuff (like webmentions) + ActivityPub (hopefully)
sebsel and geoffo joined the channel
↩️ With IndieAuth (that nobody uses) you could use your personal website as your online identity
gerben joined the channel
Okay, auto local venue creation for check-ins seems to be working. https://wpdev.gwg.us/2022/03/15/27343/
Need a lot more tweaking
sebsel joined the channel
I'm so glad I set up webmentions on my site! If this place goes up in flames, the discussions I've had with people on here will survive.
↩️ Having built things around Webmentions before, I wonder if there are any cool implementations that make use of the new generation of cloud functions/edge workers/etc.?
↩️ In 2014 or so I built a tiny single-user microblog engine that used Webmention to turn itself into a social network. I designed it to run inside tiny cloud VMs (it needed 40 MB RAM and a persistent volume for a SQLite db.) Wonder if today this can be minimized further?
↩️ The design I was going for was the typical Indieweb approach: - have every user run their own website - host names are user names - interactions (likes, replies, etc) are expressed as documents that get webmention-pinged
Does Bridgy Publish via MicroPub support posting the data in the JSON syntax? The example on the help page uses the “form-encoded” syntax
↩️ Yeah that's what bugs me the most about webmentions et al: It's basically webdevelopers only because nobody without that background would be able to set it up
↩️ 8 years ago I built a Webmention-based microblogging "social network" type app with Crystal that did this. Aim was to make it as lightweight as possible (<40 MB RAM and a small persistent volume for its db.) I'm beginning to wonder what the 2022 approach to this would look like?
↩️ Looking at the code, I don't think this Crystal-based iteration ever got to the point of ever implementing actual Webmentions. I never finished the thing :(
time to give myself a UI to actually follow people back via activitypub
barnaby joined the channel
angelo, barnaby, bterry and jonnybarnes joined the channel
aaronpk: as part of Nautilus? :}
rockorager left the channel
unfortunately not, since my site's AP implementation is all internal, i did it before Nautilus
and i'm not in the mood to rip everything out just yet
tho now that i'm digging back into this code, i'm remembering all the hacks and shortcuts i took on my internal implementation that I did way better in Nautilus
it is very neat that there are multiple mastodon/activitypub bridging implementations in the wild. none of them quite work with my site and my habits though 🙈
[Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
Looking at getting set up with https://fed.brid.gy/#setup does the `type` have to be Atom? I publish an Atom feed but looks like it's marked up as an RSS feed `type`
rockorager and mro joined the channel; rockorager left the channel
<kongaloosh> A question for the Activity Pub and Activities Stream gurus:
<kongaloosh> Loads of people I know are now try mastodon. From what I recall, it's AS. What's the minimal implementation I need to be able to note that I'm following and send messages on the fediverse?
<kongaloosh> Like, I've been follow-able since 2018 or something through pub-sub-hubbub, and now I'm trying to figure out what the minimal infrastructure to is to more actively ping people and note that I'm following them.
eh, it's not "minimal", but gargon has a good guide
<kongaloosh> nice nice
if you want the less DIY way then fed.brid.gy is good too
jonnybarnes yes! Bridgy Publish Micropub supports JSON too
<kongaloosh> Yeah, brid.gy is what I've hooked up so that I can publish my own feed and be discoverable over in fediverse land.
[Jamie_Tanna] by `type` do you meant Content-Type?
may not matter. feel free to try your site as is!
[Jamie_Tanna]1 and jamietanna joined the channel
Sorry, no I mean it's `<link rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml href=/feed.xml title="Jamie Tanna | Software Engineer">` where the `link.type` is not Atom
Think I've got my redirects working (although not sure I've sorted the querystring :thinking:)
↩️ They're not quite as easy as setting up a CNAME, but there are two options for that: https://fed.brid.gy https://help.micro.blog/t/activitypub/95
mro joined the channel
jamietanna the Atom feed is for Salmon and for quirky Mastodon interop that I don't try too hard to stay on top of
Bridgy Fed does consume it for webfinger, which has also been part of quirky Mastodon interop, but not sure how much that still matters
sounds like you'll want to fix your link, but I honestly can't say exactly how it'll impact your usage as is
mro joined the channel
↩️ This would either require support from the website publisher (eg webmentions) or a browser plug-in that annotates third-party websites. I believe there WERE plugins like this back in the day.
Ah fair play. Thanks! Hoping to allow folks to subscribe to me within their Mastodon server, or is that not how it works?
<kongaloosh> QQ: For AS2.0 I need to add a context for myself. Is it fair to assume that when someone sends a request with 'as+json' in the accepts header at the root node of my site, they're asking for the context?
gxt joined the channel
[Jamie_Tanna] yup, that's how it works, you just search for @domain@domain on any instance
Apologies, Bridgy Fed UX is rough right now, somewhat intentionally, but not entirely
kongaloosh afaik for AS2/AP you can pretty much ignore context. just set it to https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams everywhere and then forget it
<kongaloosh> Oh! I actually didn't find setting up through brid.gy hard!
<kongaloosh> It's a lot better than circa 201X (I only got it half-working)
<kongaloosh> I have an inbox setup from LDP and now I'm trying to migrate it to AS2 so I can take advantage of the fact that Mastodon lets me tell people I'm following them
On mobile so haven't properly read through it, so if it's very clearly there, sorry :disguised_face:
[Jamie_Tanna] looking
[Jamie_Tanna] your redirects on www.jvt.me are stripping query params
Oh yep, cool still trying to work out why I'm not getting querystring correctly. Ta for confirming!
<kongaloosh> Hmm, actually the more I read in the AP spec, the less certain I am about how to let mast folks know I'm following them.
<kongaloosh> Is there a good example somewhere of a personal follower list?
Just re-sent the WM, :crossed: that works through now!
mro joined the channel
https://bit.ly/3FO36mq Welp… I just added https://brid.gy/ to my WordPress blog. Hopefully it doesn’t go scouring through all my past blog entries and proceed to drown poor https://toot.cafe, which is already under a huge load (wonder why?). If it does… sorr…
dang there are so many ways to AP / mastodon and all of them have trade-offs haha
[snarfed], mro_ and geoffo joined the channel
<jacky> Yeah 😱
it doesn't
<jacky> Kongaloosh: the closest thing (at least in the IndieWeb) I can think of is Microsub's approach to channels (and the contents within, being feeds)
Snarfed how's best to retry sending that Bridgy Fed request? Resending the Webmention doesn't seem to have triggered it
Kongaloosh maybe https://mxb.dev/blogroll/ ?
Looks like it's cause I broke my site 🙃 will have to sort this out later
So Bridgy Publish to Mastodon via Micropub isn’t working
I think I’ve got everything hooked up correctly but I got this error`GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: POST https://brid.gy/micropub resulted in a 403 Forbidden response: HTTP Error 403: {"error":"This action is outside the authorized scopes"}`
The brid.gy page has two “published” entries, which makes sense, I’ve tried twice
snarfed++ bridgy++
snarfed has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (50 in all channels)
bridgy has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
It's alive 👏
Will sort out my atom feed then publicise I'm on Bridgy Fed too woop
[Jamie_Tanna]++ nice! I see you, @www.jvt.me@www.jvt.me
[Jamie_Tanna] has 3 karma over the last year
jonnybarnes looking!
woohoo it's fun being able to actually follow people back lol
When I follow https://indieweb.social/web/@www.jvt.me@www.jvt.me using https://indieweb.social/@jamietanna I see a follow request - do I need to accept that on my side?
[benatwork]: I got a server error on the webmention I sent you just now 😬
yeah werd.io has been 500ing wms for a while now
geoffo joined the channel
jonnybarnes try disabling and then re-enabling publish on https://brid.gy/mastodon/@jonny@mastodon.thebeeches.house ?
and cross your fingers you don't hit https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/911 😢
[troutcolor] #911 Mastodon login and interactive publish broken due to Mastodon/doorkeeper OAuth bug
I did hit that, thankfully for me its my server so I’ve tweaked my nginx conf to increase the proxy buffer size
the thing that concerns me is, having done that, the value of the token that is shown from clicking Get token on Bridgy stays the same
nah that's fine
the 403 came from your mastodon instance, it said your token didn't have the right scope, but maybe it does now
oh btw could you post the nginx conf change you made to https://github.com/doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper/issues/1554 and/or https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/12915 at some point?
[Gargron] #1554 Response header too long for default nginx configuration
Yeah will do snarfed
Bridgy should have everything, at least that’s what my web interface shows me
I could try revoking access on my instance, then adding access again on bridgy?
mro joined the channel
sure! should be equivalent to disable/re-enable just on https://brid.gy/mastodon/@jonny@mastodon.thebeeches.house
ended up with a different token from bridgy this time, still the same error
what’s super weird is bridgy is back on my apps page, but with this info `Last used on Nov 05, 2022 • Authorized on Nov 04, 2022`
that seems right
yeah same thing, Bridgy's getting a 403 from its https://mastodon.thebeeches.house/api/v1/statuses POST
can you paste the scopes your apps page shows it has here?
yeah weird
same thing outside bridgy: `curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' -v -d '{"status":"<p>Mastodon\ cross-posting\ is\ quite\ hard\ it\ seems!</p>"}' https://mastodon.thebeeches.house/api/v1/statuses`
mro joined the channel
So just tried setting it up from scratch
Here’s the various permissions I see at each step screenshotted: https://gist.github.com/jonnybarnes/04a96a7d68828a6462a79645c68ff1ea
thanks! so, when you get the token in Bridgy, it auths you read only in Mastodon to check that you own the account. I wonder if that's confusing Mastodon somehow, ie it's saving and only using the latest scopes requested
even though that UI shows more
maybe disable/re-enable publish in Bridgy, then don't get the token again, just try micropub immediately?
What confuses me is after revoking access, and then re-adding from bridgy, my web interface is showing me the app has had access since yesterday?
sure, probably just the timestamp of when you first authed it
With everyone moving towards the #Fediverse, you can still follow me at http://www.jvt.mewww.jvt.me - big thanks to @schnarfed for https://fed.brid.gy and making it a breeze to take my existing website and federate it out. My Atom feed may not be working… https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2022/11/dlubp/
mro joined the channel
<kongaloosh> Un question: I'm trying to build a little button for https://kongaloosh.com/ that will allow people to subscribe through AP. I can grab the subscribe url from people's web-fingers if they give a well-formed fediverse handle. When I do a redirect based on the link in their finger with a mastodon example, I get
<kongaloosh> 'Unfortunately, there was an error looking up the remote account'
Alex Kearney
<kongaloosh> I'm setting the URI in this case to the URL for my personal site. Is this wrong?
it shoudl be to the activitypub profile URL
it'll do a webfinger or JSON lookup at that URL (I forget which)
<kongaloosh> Ahhhhhh! Thanks!
<kongaloosh> So, I'm discoverable by fed-sites using brid.gy to handle the webfinger; I'll double check to make sure it's all hooked up properly
geoffo joined the channel
<kongaloosh> Ahhhhhhhhhh, I see. Thanks, gang ❤️
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
came to realize that Amaroq got discontinued and it's super crashy so I moved to the official mastodon app. Let's see if I pick up using my instances more
snarfed I think its that last step, just looking in the database, the token that I’ve actually got from Get token, in my database that token only has `read:accounts` listed in its scopes
yuuup as I expected earlier
not great behavior on Mastodon's end
bridgy fed, micro.blog, and full DIY... any other options for using your own domain as an activitypub server?
oh i guess running your own mastodon install
microblog.pub supports AP afaik
I suppose for now I can just copy the previous token saved in my database, that has all the scopes assigned to it
hm i'm going to put that in the same category as running your own Mastodon instance i think
jonnybarnes I'll maybe file a Mastodon bug. and in the meantime I can make that auth check use all the scopes
btw jonnybarnes so we do think that UI on the accounts page is wrong? ie it shows all the scopes attached to the token, but really that token only has the ones requested in the most recent auth?
aaronpk: there's probably quite some difference between running mastodon which is designed as somewhat-scaling multi-user thing vs smaller ones
it’s written in python but at a glance looks much easier to run than a full-blown mastodon instance. ash might be able to provide more details, she uses it at https://acegiak.net/
so if you want to have them as one category, picking "mastodon" as the choice to name is a bit off IMHO
i'm not naming the categories
but it's like "run this off the shelf system"
vs use micro.blog as a paid service, or Bridgy Fed as a proxy thingy
I'm using microblog.pub and really like it.
ah yeah grouping it together with mastodon makes sense given those categories
does tsileo hang out here at all? it’s not a name I recognise
ash[m]: it's a full blogging engine right? not something you'd integrate with your existing site if you already have something?
snarfed the UI is probably okay, there is an `oauth_applications` table, which only has one entry for Bridgy in it
I replaced my wordpress with it
but it is pretty lightweight and clean
it does look nice
snarfed but that application has multiple tokens listed for it with varying scopes, so the web UI is just consolidating all the granted scopes into a single list
but the most recent token issued, which is the one that brid.gy eventually gives me, only has account:read or whaetver the basic scope is
yeah it looks really cool, and if the claims their documentation make are true, it’s probably the most comprehensive piece of available software in terms of AP and indieweb protocol support
if fediverse is the activitypub universe, then what is the webmention universe? the webiverse?
yeah then if Bridgy's auth check gets a new token and we blindly store it and overwrite the old one, then it's our bug
the web, obviously ;P
and tsileo has been really amazing and responsive with things like me sending a pull request and then them going "I see what you're doing, this is another way to implement that which will work better with the project's structure" and then implementing that
I've got tickets open for a couple of indieweb support features just to get it up to a standard I'm used to handling mfed webmentions propely
oh! i almost forgot, there's a wordpress plugin too https://wordpress.org/plugins/activitypub/
i haven't heard much about it lately tho
[Matthias Pfefferle] Description This is BETA software, see the FAQ to see the current feature set or rather what is still planned. The plugin implements the ActivityPub protocol for your blog. Your readers will be able to follow your blogposts on Mastodon and other fed...
kongaloosh++ welcome back! I added you to the Bridgy Fed examples: https://indieweb.org/Bridgy_Fed#Alex_Kearney feel free to update with more details, especially if you've had it setup for longer than that!
kongaloosh has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
alright, i spruced up my activitypub landing page a bit, since when i follow people, this is what they'll land on when clicking my profile from their following list https://aaronparecki.com/aaronpk
Aaron Parecki
decided to use it as an opportunity to promote alternatives to mastodon
as well as the idea of owning your domain
Oh that looks great
aaronpk has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (105 in all channels)
aaronpk: you mentioned that p3k has some level of activitypub support built in, so do you use nautilus at all yourself?
i use it for other accounts
although one of them i just shut down
mro and mro_ joined the channel
jonnybarnes any luck with the old token?
<kongaloosh> ❤️ Thanks! It's been a while ^ _ ^
sorry was having dinner
snarfed stupid question, your example curl request above had a \ before each space, is that actually necessary
I expect so, it's a shell command
oh sorry it was quoted. no it's not then!
[snarfed], Will Bridgy Fed syndicate everything in the Atom feed after the first wm I send to fed.brid.gy, or only the individual posts I send a wm for?
Don't want to accidentally post replies that don't make sense on Mastodon
but it seems mastodon doesn’t like HTML
or it loves the HTML!
[Jonny] <p>Mastodon cross-posting is quite hard it seems!</p>
"look at this fancy HTML!"
gRegor only individual posts, on demand
cleaned it up for you to show it off 😂
jonnybarnes awesome! and yeah let's see about that...
Awesome, gonna try it out 🤞
ugh Bridgy Fed really needs a UI and better docs
[hollie] joined the channel
Is it okay to ask about Hugo in here?
I always feel like I'm interrupting.
hmm my request to follow bridgy fed failed
snarfed presumably that’s what I would post to Bridgy, what would Bridgy then post to Moastodon?
Not interrupting, [hollie]! Go for it.
it's not possible to interrupt an IRC conversation because everything in IRC is an interruption!
aaronpk: how would you feel about being able to provide the XRay constructor with a default options array for putting in stuff like twitter and GH credentials? ideally I want to make one xray object which “knows” all of my API creds so I can use it wherever I want without having to load in settings
aaronpk hmm I think BF follows should be working
jonnybarnes it would convert it to plain text with html2text
barnaby: that sounds reasonable, does it require it on every call right now?
The I in IRC is actually for Interruption
Interrupt (Really) Chat
aaronpk: as far as I can tell, yes. I don’t see anywhere I can pass in options other than on the parse() call
then actually, when I post to Bridgy, I probably want to post the original markdown I saved on my site
if you’re okay with adding a default options array to the constructor then I can quickly make a PR for that so that both that and the php-mf2 0.5 support make it into the next release
barnaby: yeah i suspect I just didn't think about that when I made it, go for it!
will do
(lol you guys) Banging head on wall. I'd like to learn how to use Hugo. Don't know advanced CSS or JavaScript and my Hugo book says that's necessary so I realize I'm trying to drive the car well before I've taken the driving course. But anyway, I managed to get this little notes site together, fine fine, except I can't put apostrophes in links? Why does Markdown hate me? Or does Hugo hate me?
aaronpk you tried to follow a BF domain from a fediverse account? which domain?
i just tried to follow kongaloosh
i got a 502 from bridgy, with confusingly a 400 error in the response body
`<p>400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://aaronparecki.com/activitypub/inbox ; {&#34;error&#34;:&#34;keyId is not a URL: acct:kongaloosh.com@kongaloosh.com&#34;}</p>`
Aaron Parecki
is that bridgy reporting an error that my site responded with??
i can't tell what's going on
↩️ https://indieauth.com/ uses what you set as XFN - like `a href="#" rel="me"` - to do something quite close to that
aaronpk yeah that error message is right,I think
<kongaloosh> Hmmm, let me take a look
<kongaloosh> I probably borked something 'o_o
er sorry. I think that msg is right, I think it's what kongaloosh's site returned to the Follow activity delivery to its inbox
i'm assuming it's something i'm not accounting for right since my implementation is pretty wonky
<kongaloosh> I have not touched my inbox since the LDP was first proposed 😮
<kongaloosh> gimmie a sec
oh wait i thought you were using bridgy fed? am i just confused?
oh no sorry, I misdiagnosed
[hollie]: it looks like something is being over-escaped at some point in your markdown -> HTML processing. I’m not familiar with hugo so I don’t know exactly how to fix it, but perhaps searching for “hugo html double escaping” or similar might direct you to solutions
yeah aaronpk that's what your site returned to BF's AP Create request to https://aaronparecki.com/activitypub/inbox
Aaron Parecki
<kongaloosh> I am! but I also have an LDP inbox, aaronpk
oh does it send a recent post in response to a follow request?
[hollie]1 joined the channel
<kongaloosh> lemmie check
(that was a question for [snarfed])
<kongaloosh> ah, I'm a bit confused as to how brid.gy and switchboard deal with inboxes
<kongaloosh> mea culpa
<kongaloosh> fwiw, I think the only person who has permissions to send things into my inbox is rhiaro
aaronpk no, that was triggered by a wm, sent at 20:29:39 UTC
<kongaloosh> I was trying to curl webmentions to see if I can get them federated
sorry, we're probably looking at different reqs
<kongaloosh> the curl I sent: curl -i -d source="https://kongaloosh.com/e/2022/11/5/one-more-t" https://fed.brid.gy/webmention
aaronpk ok, so the Follow request your site sent to BF for kongaloosh. BF sent an Accept back your inbox, and it responded the same way, 400, keyId is not a URL: acct:kongaloosh.com@kongaloosh.com
[Alex Kearney] one more test toot.
[hollie]1, what version of Hugo? I found this, but might only apply to older installs: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64126712
ah got it. i think i made the assumption the keyId would be a URL, which is what mastodon did
now we get to find out how much of my code relies on that
<kongaloosh> 😄
petermolnar left the channel
<kongaloosh> It almost feels like a hackathon day
it is the IETF hackathon day, I should have registered for that
is this like a "keyID is a URI which might be a URL but hey it might be acct:..."??
they're even working on HTTP Signatures there, the official successor to whatever mastodon cobbled together
[schmarty]1: no it's the identifier of the public key used to sign requests
kongaloosh: not quite the "hackathon with a gun to your head" inside twitter, but a lesser version
:sigh: i kind of wondered when this would come back to bite me
oops, looks like I found an xray bug. it chokes on h-cards without a url property
good thing I was too lazy to write out a whole fake h-card in the test data for something completely unrelated xD
<kongaloosh> yeah, that's been really tough to watch 😦 my favourite web-spec and unicode nerd got axed. They were so cool to me when I was interning. Most of the ML team I was on seems to be gone, too.
oh did you intern at twitter kongaloosh?
[gRegorLove] I found this but I just don't understand what it's saying or how to implement it.
so wait, what am i supposed to do with the keyId is not a URL?
it's coming from your site, right?
no that's from bridgy fed
in the http signature header: `keyId="acct:kongaloosh.com@kongaloosh.com"...`
oh sure, I meant the message
right, i need to verify the signature somehow
would you use webfinger to look up the key?
also shh don't tell but I never implemented sig verification
is that what i'm supposed to do?
yolo 🤷
i guess i should already know the key at this point since i sent the follow request
ok yeah i could treat the keyId as a webfinger URI
is that something others do?
I think Mastodon
no it sends a URL
but BF sends it an acct:
which it then looks up and verifies
<kongaloosh> IDK what this means, but I've been verifying that my implementation works OK, and I've noticed that my dummy mastodon acct shows "withdraw follow request" when I use the follow-request sending from my on-site social button, but it just works when I look up @kongaloosh.com@kongaloosh.com and click follow on a mast instnace.
<kongaloosh> Oddly, they still seem to get posts sent out to them?
<kongaloosh> Is there a brid.gy inbox where I'm supposed to be accepting follow requests?
it serves your inbox
it translates activities (including follows) to wms and sends those to your site
mro joined the channel
<kongaloosh> so those wms would go to /inbox (or whatever is listed as your inbox)?
no they'd go to your site's webmention endpoint
so literally every other activitypub thing that has talked to my site uses a URL as the keyId
<kongaloosh> oh, i guess this is why aaronpk was asking if I was was using brid.gy or making my own inbox
<kongaloosh> lol
too bad there's no spec to follow
yeah I remember complaining about this here bitterly back when I first built BF
https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#authorization " ActivityPub uses authentication for two purposes...Unfortunately at the time of standardization, there are no strongly agreed upon mechanisms for authentication. Some possible directions for authentication are..."
ie "We dunno, it's hard, do what you feel!"
[snarfed]: how hard/bad would it be for you to change the value of keyId to "https://fed.brid.gy/kongaloosh.com#main-key" like mastodon does?
<kongaloosh> *yikes*
Alex Kearney
maybe ok?
code change is easy, I just dread the interop testing
in theory this brings it closer to mastodon's behavior
Is there a way to have BF use a specific Atom feed? I have one for just my articles on my homepage, using a granary feed for my notes
i'm a little confused how mastodon is working with it right now
fwiw here's what I followed when building BF's HTTP Sig implementation:
[Gargron] >How can another server detect if a Mastodon server is able to handle AP? - Profile pages can be accessed with Accept-Header set to application/activity+json or application/ld+json and will return the actor object - WebFinger will return a link w...
aha, from that GH link: "For legacy, OStatus purposes the keyId can also be [acct:]username@domain, since OStatus used to return magic key in WebFinger."
ok so they do special-case acct: URIs?
guess so. "legacy" 🙁
ok so.... should i add legacy support to my site? or do you want to switch to mastodon-official? :D
I can try switching and see who yells
yelling-based development
ok aaronpk done
dittlo, lol
hope you don’t mind that both updates are squished into the same PR https://github.com/aaronpk/XRay/pull/111
[barnabywalters] #111 Allow installation alongside php-mf2 v0.5
I forgot to make the new feature branch off your main rather than mine 🙈
<kongaloosh> Okay, so I'm taking a look at the webmentions sent to my base URL, I can see new linking mentions from different mast accts
<kongaloosh> I make a request and post it to (???) with a "type":"Accept"?
sheesh BF gets ~20qpm steady state of Delete AP activities 🤦‍♂️. like 30k/day, every day
AP is noisy
I suppose it’s necessary if you take remote deletion of posts seriously
seeing verif failures from Mastodon for new URL keyIds
barnaby has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (42 in all channels)
Jamie Tanna
ok [snarfed] let me try again and see what i see this time
"Public key on profile did not match the keyId in the signature"
that's what my site says, likely what mastodon is saying too
ah right thx
not so explicitly from them, but yours helps
<kongaloosh> okay, but mastodon doesn't even follow the spec then? I'm seeing... "activity": { "type": "link", ... in webmention.io, but the spec says that the type should be 'Follow'?
aaronpk updated again
oh dear, my site 500d on sometjhing unexpected
<kongaloosh> yeah, I think that's an example
<kongaloosh> if you look at it via https://webmention.io/api/mentions?target=https://kongaloosh.com/, then it says activity is of type link
weird, it says there's a missing `url` on the icon property but i see it there in the profile
kongaloosh: webmention.io doesn't know about follow posts
<kongaloosh> I see!
[EdwardHinkle] #117 Feature request: Add support for follow posts
<kongaloosh> Thanks aaron. So for mastodon users that are sending follow requests, we can send a response based on "linking" activities in webmention.io
you don't need to send a response
bridgy should be handling that for you
<kongaloosh> That's weird, because when I look at a dummy mastodon account, I can see that it's getting posts sent to it (they're showing up on their feed) but the dummy acct still says "withdraw follow request".
<kongaloosh> so I figured there was an "accept" that needed to be sent.
BF sends Accepts
ohh [snarfed] your icon and image properties are arrays
maybe that follow was a victim of us messing with key ids
aaronpk where?
i think that's definitely wrong?
Alex Kearney
yup thanks that looks true file:///Users/ryan/docs/activitystreams_2.0_vocab.html#dfn-icon
sorry! will fix
just added some better checks to not 500, but still would have resulted in a blank photo
guess I'll just take the first
<kongaloosh> I think I should update my as profile to reflect that, thanks for sharing
soooo much AS2 test data to update
tests? i've been coding in production all day yolooooo
yeah sometimes I do and add tests afterward. not often though
higher reliability bar for services
yeah if this was Nautilus i would be being more careful
hey at least i'm still using git :P
[snarfed]: one other weird difference, not sure it matters, but mastodon has an `owner` property in the `publicKey` object
this really feels like they just added random things all over the place
ok progres... i sent the follow request, got the accept back. now for some reason my site isn't matching up the accept with my request
↩️ Still doing webmentions on your site, integrating with Mastadon now somehow? Exploring how to set things up, myself.
ooh, bridgy must be doing this synchronously
i think i sent the follow request before actually writing it to my DB
oh yeah synchronous until it hurts
that was it
ah concurrency
oh darn still no photo
weird, i wonder if it was too big
decides to try submitting his @-@ username to aaronpk's subscribe form and see what happens
aww it says "please enter a url" lol
same error if I enter "tantek.com"
wait what
this should accept the @-@ https://aaronparecki.com/aaronpk
huh when I enter it with the https, it lets me submit (via enter or clicking the button) but then doesn't seem to do anything besides clear the field 🤷‍♂️
do I need to turn on JS?
Aaron Parecki
ah apparently yes: "We couldn't find your subscription endpoint."
I feel this is an unnecessarily complex description of Bridgy Fed: "Bridgy Fed lets you proxy URLs from your website to the service, so you can host your website anywhere."
what is bridgy fed?
Bridgy Fed connects IndieWeb sites with federated social networks like Mastodon and HubZilla https://indieweb.org/Bridgy_Fed
well i was trying to describe how it's different from the other options
how about "Bridgy Fed lets people on Mastodon etc follow your personal site with an Atom feed"
how about "converts your Atom feed to ActvityPub"
or even "... your existing personal site with an Atom feed"
that works
I guess we're already talking protocols so dev-talk is ok
it mostly doesn't use the atom feed though, you have to trigger posts individually by wm, and then it converts them from h-entry
"converts your existing Atom feed and h-card profile to ActivityPub" maybe
oh what's the atom feed for?
the main point i want to get across here is that you bring your own website
OStatus/Salmon, webfinger data that's mostly unused, cargo cult Mastodon interop from years ago
vs micro.blog which hosts your website
well, which would host a *new* website or subdomain
presumably the people who are going to this page already have a website. folks like [Simon_Willison]
the current "connects" language may be the best. since it also does much more than federate posts. it propagates replies, likes, reposts, follows, both directions
maybe with language that emphasizes how it's different from POSSEing to a separate fediverse account
what would be the shortest description of what you need to bring in order to use bridgy fed?
not sure I have anything that crisp
if it's too confusing i can just leave it as "your existing website"
and honestly I'm not sure I want better blurbs. it really is aimed at technical power users. if we strengthen the marketing, I worry that I'll get more interest from people who it's not appropriate for
got it, in that case, it may be *better* to list all the tech your existing side needs to bring
yeah that's kind of what I do in https://fed.brid.gy/#setup . and why that front page is wall of text + code
instead of a nice UI
so wait there's no mention of h-entry there, does the webmention trigger an update of the atom feed?
↩️ Webmention gives a bit more protection, but you're going to need some kind of moderation queue for any comment source
where does it actually pull the post contents from?
"... converts your existing site’s Atom feed, h-card profile, h-entry post permalinks, and Webmentions to ActivityPub"
yeah I guess h-entry/mf2 are implied by "create an IndieWeb post": https://fed.brid.gy/#create%20an%20IndieWeb
that should be enough to select for the appropriate audience and not cause undue interest from people who it's not appropriate for
docs suggestions and PRs welcome!
ahhh i was looking in the "how do i set it up" section
[tantek] remove Atom feed, otherwise lgtm
er subscribe/follow page
that section is missing the mention of h-entry or any per-post markup
theoretically could someone use this without atom?
depends on the current state of cargo cult Mastodon hidden interop req'ts
which I enjoy chasing about as much as IG/FB scraping
s/Bridgy Fed converts your existing website to ActivityPub./Bridgy Fed converts your existing site’s h-card profile, h-entry post permalinks, and Webmentions to ActivityPub/
Aaron Parecki
maybe I should change the dfn on the wiki too
btw aaronpk Mastodon is still failing to verify new URL-based keyId sigs, even though BF's actors now use the same URL in publicKey.id
guess I could try owner
oh weird
one thing i can't remember is how mastodon handles changing the key
although key stayed the same in this case, id changed
I kept the dfn of Bridgy Fed more user accessible but also added that dev-centric summary because of course we get both kinds of people visiting our wiki, and both kinds complain when the wiki only speaks to the other, and then claims "this is what's wrong with the indieweb" and then either "it doesn't actually say what it does" or "it's too technical for normal users"
how much work is it to set up a new bridgy fed user to test with something mastodon hasn't seen?
confused. like, hack in a new domain?
like if a new user shows up maybe mastodon will work with it?
i'm wondering if this is specific to changing things about existing users
ohh maybe
I'd still need a migration path then
yeah but better to chase one path than two
I'll keep trying, but also, how hard would it be for your site to handle acct: keyIds?
well now that i know it's scoped to just one alternate syntax, i could do it
yeah adding owner didn't help
still "Verification failed for www.jvt.me@www.jvt.me https://fed.brid.gy/www.jvt.me using rsa-sha256 (RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with SHA-256)"
so weird
oookay i have one more sprint in me if you wanna switch back to acct:
yeah let's try, sorry, thanks
Err, whatcha doing?
Say the mention of rsa-sha256 and thought that might be useful ^^"
yup that
[snarfed]: wait i still see "id":"kongaloosh.com" in the activitypub profile
did you already change it back?
How exactly would I test that this ActivityPub integration is working? Since I just noticed my Nginx config was blocking .well-known?
<kongaloosh> [aaronpk], dunno if it helps, but I put "https://fed.brid.gy/kongaloosh.com" as the id for "as+json" requests to my site
Alex Kearney
GWG interesting challenge
↩️ you're talking about indieweb stuff basically. ActivityPub/WebMentions/etc. All the stuff that seems interesting but hasn't had the UX to compete with any platforms for years now. Basically same user experience as creating a mastodon account for everything.
[tantek]1: I just need someone to try following me, I suppose
GWG to do that they need to know your @-@ username
<kongaloosh> GWG, I have a dummy mastodon acct, what's your handle that you want me to try following?
GWG, does the plugin do what Bridgy Fed does and default to @domain@domain?
might be worth exploring that and documenting on the wiki
Nope, it is set to @dshanske@david.shanske.com
what is WordPress ActivityPub
It looks like we don't have a page for "WordPress ActivityPub" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "WordPress ActivityPub is ____", a sentence describing the term)
WordPress ActivityPub is /WordPress_ActivityPub_plugin
<kongaloosh> I was able to find and follow you on mastodon, GWG
Okay. I guess that works.
GWG, why? don't you expect to be the only person @david.shanske.com?
I don't know what else I need to do. I succumbed to peer pressure on installing it
<kongaloosh> lol
[tantek]1: I don't feel like hacking pfefferle's code?
@kongaloosh maybe I'm misunderstanding how this works but I thought bridgy fed takes over serving everything necessary other than the redirects you set up?
<kongaloosh> It's properly displaying your profile pic, bio, and links to your site
And apparently, if you follow me, I get your name in a list.
GWG there's no preference UI for the plugin to change your @-@?
do you log into your own server with "dshanske"?
be much funnier to use @/root/@/david.shanske.com
or @/admin
<kongaloosh> aaronpk, I think I mis-understood what was needed by mastodon + brid.gy to get things going. Looking at the W3C spec, I thought I needed to have a context needed on my site in response to a request with "as+json" in the accepts for discoverability
i think bridgy fed handles that for you
once you set up the webfinger redirect
<kongaloosh> yeah, I'm guessing that's the case now.
exactly. no need for conneg--
conneg has -11 karma in this channel over the last year (-14 in all channels)
you shouldn't need to read the activitypub spec to use bridgy fed :) that's a step too far
<kongaloosh> lol, thank goodness. I'm very confused by it ;P
<kongaloosh> snarfed++
snarfed has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
<kongaloosh> I really wish there were example requests for things like following in the webspec 😦
<kongaloosh> it seems like you could implement things _many_ different ways
it's more of a framework than a spec
[tantek]1: Yes, that's my username.
<kongaloosh> ic
ugh I immediately found something I overlooked in the xray default opts change. new PR incoming shortly
oh no, i didn't actually run it, i just scanned the code and looked at the test results
gxt joined the channel
plz add test case for whatever you found
yep, will do. I missed that the options are used in several different places in a funny order and need to be merged multiple times to apply everywhere
darn. some of that is definitely a bit messy
no worries, my bad for testing that the defaults work for one specific option it was easy to write a test for, and not the more complicated option I actually want to set defaults for
gxt joined the channel
umm on a webfinger request are you supposed to use acct:@user@host or acct:user@host?
aaronpk: XRay doesn’t have a way of mocking responses to twitter API requests made from p3k\XRay->parse(), right? because that’s what I’d need to write a test for this very specific case
No leading @
ooh hmm there are tests for twitter things, but maybe not at the rigth layer you need?
I can probably use the existing mocks to write a test which covers the same behaviour without specifcially hitting twitter
aaronpk: yeah I’ve been poking around with them and was trying to adapt the existing twitter fixtures for what I need to test, but I don’t think it’s possible even with the test harness HTTP client
I’ll see if I can make the alternative test which in theory guarantees the same behaviour but doesn’t rely on the twitter library
[hollie] you need to use the | safeHTML tool for things you don't want escaped - see https://gohugo.io/functions/safehtml/
(btw aaronpk yes I switched BF keyId/publicKey.id back, sorry for the delayed response)
ok thx i'm about ready to test this again
refactoring some code now that i need webfinger in two places
aaronpk: I think I’m stuck with this test without making major structural changes, unfortunately. best I can do right now is test it manually
okay, tested it manually and it works, I’m getting a twitter auth error rather than an xray parameters missing error when making a twitter.com parse() call with the twitter creds in the default options
ok, no worries
maybe leave the non-working test code commented out with a note?
there isn’t really any non-working test code worth commenting on, but I can leave a comment about it in the test I wrote which partially tests default option functionality
the specific hard-to-test thing is whether or not default options stored on the main XRay object get passed to the Fetcher object internally
best method I could think of to test it is writing another mock HTTP client which allows you to pass a callable to run tests on the response it ends up sending, but I don’t particularly feel like doing that right now 😅
or... write a test that does what you just wrote in english?
"getting a twitter auth error" 😂
if you’re okay with tests hitting the network then that could work
I prefer to have test suites which work identically whether or not I’m connected to the internet, but this could be a reasonable exception for the moment
I’ll try that
i think there are some tests that do hit the network, but they are all in one test file IIRC?
ah, is that what FetchTestDisabled is?
I can add the new test there if that’s most appropriate
huh i think i am wrong but go ahead and do that anyway
that file has a bunch of tests which use https://nghttp2.org/httpbin/ to test for timeouts and redirects and stuff
seems like a good match
fair enough
and also TIL about that tool, very useful
huh looks like FetchTestDisabled lives up to its name and is somehow disabled
ahh looks like it’s an older version of FetchTest which used the network? anyway I’ll just put this new test with the other one for default options
<kongaloosh> I have (yet another) dumb q. Can you use webmentions to respond to things through AP using FB?
kongaloosh yes!
<kongaloosh> so, my guess is that I make a post, with reply-to set to the url of a fedded post I want to respond to, and then send a webmention to fed.brid.gy?
<kongaloosh> is that right, [snarfed]?
<kongaloosh> RAD, thanks for all your patience 🙂
welcome! apologies for the rough edges
aaronpk looks like you successfully handled an Accept from BF just now, nice
ok now i'm getting this again "Public key on profile did not match the keyId in the signature"
is that actually important?
i think we've crossed the threshold where i can think about the security implications of this stuff and now i'm just trying to make it work
I mean yeah I guess that's true. the sig uses acct:domain@domain, the actor's publicKey.id is just domain
which lib are you using that's saying this?
it's in my code
i wrote that check at some point
also the failing Mastodon verif I saw is still failing now