#[keithjgrant]dusts off Omnibear source code. Sees the state of the four-year-old tooling and dependencies 😰
#barnaby[keithjgrant]: yup, it was the same for me coming back to work on the taproot codebase again after ~5 years of neglect
#[keithjgrant]I’d also love to find a co-owner of that project. The fact it wouldn’t have been a big lift to get it back into the FF add ons store but I was never in the headspace to do it always hung over my shoulders
#[aciccarello]1[keithjgrant] In theory I'd love to help with Omnibear but I don't usually end up prioritizing coding outside of work. I'll follow the github project though in case I can provide feedback.
#Loqi[Dan Luu] Now that https://twitter.com/altluu/status/1577806809217503232 has come to pass, let explain the reasoning there.Some necessary background for this is the state of Twitter over the past few years:A lot of people are attributing almost all of Twitter'...
#barnabyunrelated to the content but it’s interesting to see that the “thread of paragraph-long notes w/ optional embed” format for long-form content has partially migrated over to mastodon
#[jgarber]barnaby: I’m deploying an update to https://rel-me.cc that includes Link header parsing. In all of your recent searching, did you find any URLs that expose `rel="me"` links via response headers?
#[jgarber]I suspect there isn’t much use of Link headers for publishing `rel="me"` but Barnaby mentioned it’d be helpful to implement on rel-me.cc.
capjamesg1, geoffo, mro, martinratinaud[d, IWIRCGateway[d], _[d], Favicon[d], corenominal[d], Jeremiah[d], connorthemiller[, YimingWu[d], Silicon[d], tracydurnell[d], _DiscordBridge, shaunix[d], superkuh, barnaby and gxt joined the channel
#@aaronpk↩️ It takes a little work to set up, but this service manages all the ActivityPub stuff as well as the HTTP Signatures required. You will need to be able to configure actual HTTP redirects on your host. https://fed.brid.gy (twitter.com/_/status/1590323588220874754)
#barnaby[jgarber]: yeah I doubt there’s a lot of use of Link header rel-me in the wild, but afaik it’s more common for webmention and indieauth links to be sent in headers, so IMO it’s worth looking in headers for every indieweb-adjacent link checking tool, for completeness
#sknebelanyone here experience with chrom[e|ium] remote debugging? I have random cases of it not working (potentially connected to it being newer versions?), but can't find any info about it having been changed
#[tantek]1great to see sam goto going the indieweb route to AP/Masto-compat
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
#[jeremycherfas]I know I am imposing on people here, but then, people here are friendly. I have a python problem that I simply do not uderstand. I wish to use a module called rdp. I have set up a venv. I have installed the module, which reports no errors. pip list reports the presence of the module. But fin my script rom rdp import rdp consistently gives the error `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rdp'`
#[jeremycherfas]If I do `from rdp import rdp` interactively, it seems to work, no error. I have checked the path interactively with `sys.prefix` and that points correctly to `venv`
#barnabywhat command are you using to run your script?
#[jeremycherfas]Stack Overflow and everywhere else is full of specific examples that do not help with actually troubleshooting. Any and all ideas gratefully received.
#[jeremycherfas]Both `python -m myscript.py` and `python myscript.py` give the same error.
#[jeremycherfas]I’m thinking maybe I should try looking as `sys.prefix` inside the script.
#barnabyand running `which python` points to the copy in your venv?
#barnabyyeah, looking at what the script “sees” might be useful
#LoqiBarnaby has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
#barnabyyep :( environment management is bad enough already without the additional confusion of python, python3, ipython, ipython3 etc
#[jeremycherfas]OK, obvious next question: is there an easy way to get python aliased to python3?
#barnabyI was trying to help someone troubleshoot a similar issue a few days ago, and when I asked what they got for `which python`, it turned out they were on windows, which didn’t have `which`
#[jeremycherfas]I mean, I obviously cannot keep this stuff straight.
#barnabyhonestly I’m not really up to date on the best practises for managing versions of python and environments and stuff. At work we still use virtualenv, and I’ve never had any problems with `python` finding the wrong binary
#barnabybut then I install my main python with homebrew, which is apparently Not Recommended any more
#[jeremycherfas]Fair enough. I’ve just written myself a note. Presumably I could tell `zsh` that `python` always means `python3`
#[snarfed]`source [venv]/bin/activate.sh` usually puts the virtualenv's python (without trailing 3) into your $PATH
#[jacky]I'm kinda interested in this idea and want to flesh it out but I could see rel-me verification as a form of moderation (if they have a rel=me target whose domain/provider I recognize and have flagged for approval)
#[snarfed]and I assume the native indieweb equivalent of moderating followers would be for non-public feeds/posts, since there's no current mechanism for moderating subscribers to public feeds
#[jacky]sans something websub and per-subscribee(?) removals, I'd figure but that's not too big
mro joined the channel
#[tantek]1I think it's worth separating ways/methods/metrics for adding/measuring reputation to account/users/identities, and use-cases. auto-approving-of-follows is but one use-case, e.g. auto-approving reactions, auto-approving replies, prioritizing "unread" posts, etc.
#[tantek]1there are lots of reasons (and ways) to sort identities into different clusters
#[tantek]1rel-me verified is one metric. age of account/domain is another.
#[tantek]1unless there's a specific reason why they are (or should be) connected, I don't think it makes sense to to use reputation metric X to (only) enable use-case Y
#Loqi[snarfed] has 35 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
#Loqi[snarfed] #269 default home page URLs to https?
#jonnybarneshey aaronpk, I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, but do you know why Quill might be showing `null` for a photo when I go to post a new note?