[James_Van_Dyne][snarfed] I’m experimenting with posting GitHub issues from my site and backfeeding comments on them. I was able to publish the reply via Brid.gy without problems and it created this issue. I also left a comment on the issue to see how they would backfeed, but comments don’t appear to be being backfed. i.e. I put the github issue url in Resend for post field and Bridg.y says no webmention targets. Any ideas what might be
[James_Van_Dyne]I’ve used the same pattern successfully with Mastodon / Twitter via bridgy in the past and brid.gy has backfed webmentions without issue.
[snarfed]2[James_Van_Dyne] oh the only comment is from you, Bridgy generally won't backfeed that. it uses GitHub notifications, which don't include your own comments. https://brid.gy/about#GitHub%20responses
[James_Van_Dyne]Ah ok. That makes sense. I’m thinking of using GitHub issues the way Simon Willison has with his datasette project where issues are like a lab notebook. So trying to keep that data someplace I own.
[tantek]snarfed, I'm curious what happens when I change the slug (thus permalink) of a post that I've federated through Bridgy Fed. Will it still track the post or will it not connect the old URL to the new URL despite redirect?
[tantek]like if someone on a Mastodon "likes" the old post permalink, is Bridgy Fed following sufficient redirects to send that webmention to the new post permalink?
[chrisaldrich]Noticing something funny, odd, and very indiewebby on Mastodon. Can one put HTML, particularly text with wrapped links, directly into Mastodon and have it render properly? I just noticed that the only clickable links in most people's posts are @names, #hashtags, and raw URLs. I hadn't really seen any wrapped links on text until my own post just now (the one above this post:
[chrisaldrich]https://mastodon.social/@chrisaldrich/109448748757048796. Am I missing something for how to do it in general, or is my ability to do it thanks to the IndieWeb magic of mirroring my site into the Fediverse with the ActivityPub plugins for WordPress? Has anyone else noticed this or gotten it to work on an instance?
Loqi[preview] [Chris Aldrich] @chrisaldrich@boffosocko.com Dude!!! How did you manage to inject raw HTML into your mastodon posts?!? I want to wrap text in links like that! Most people posting only get basic links by inserting URLs or #hashtag links. How does one do this?!? We ha...
[snarfed]2[chrisaldrich] [KevinMarks] I haven't investigated deeply, but Mastodon definitely does support some HTML in AP object content! Ie, beyond just auto linking and what you can compose in their UI. Including arbitrary links and formatting
Loqi[preview] [Ruud] To all Mastodon-admins: seems like there's an attack on all instances by troll accounts. Servers get slow because of it.
They use thousands of subdomains of activitypub-troll.cf. My 'pull' queues skyrocketed.I now blocked the domain activitypub-trol...
[Murray]it's certainly not something I'd want to see browsers attempt to guess at; way too many edge cases. Tables can have multiple heading cells/levels; they may be optimised for y-axis headings (rather than the normal x-axis); they may have specific columnal relationships where data should be shown together to get the complete picture 😬