#dev 2022-12-04
2022-12-04 UTC
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> That's low-key a good interview question for front end developers
ash[m] Hmmm. Yeah ok. I'll look into it
ash[m] I guess the u-url/u-uid should be of my repost of the thing, not of the original thing hey
[tantek] snarfed++ it worked! Changing my slug on my latest post totally worked and BridgyFed followed redirects and you can tell when I changed it because the https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com actions show the before/after slug if you hover over the links after " liked ". BridgyFed++

[snarfed]2 🎉
[snarfed]2 shades of https://minus.social/
sp1ff joined the channel
[tantek] [snarfed] the /IndieWeb_Press_This page is a bit light, could you consider adding perhaps some screenshots of what it looks like when installed, and what clicking the bookmarklet/favelet in mobile looks like (like what happens when you do) ? The description is a bit abstract

geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed]2 will do! probably to the docs themselves on https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb-press-this/ , but agreed
Loqi [preview] [IndieWeb WordPress Outreach Club] Description
This plugin is based on the idea and code of @snarfed:
It requires the Press This plugin for WordPress with Bookmarklet support as of WordPress 4.9, when Press This was removed from WordPress.
One big IndieWeb raison d’être is using y...

M3bob[m], gRegor, geoffo, [asuh], sebbu2, gxt, paulrobertlloyd, [benji], jjuran, tiim and tiim1 joined the channel
[jamietanna] Snarfed are you aware of the Bridgy Fed feed not pulling in content warnings? Noticed someone's Mastodon I RSS to had a content warning, but the Bridgy Fed feed didnt

[jamietanna] (sorry not able to raise an issue right now but will later)

[snarfed]2 [jamietanna] content warnings are Mastodon proprietary, they use the `summary` field, we still don't fully know how to interoperate. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/47
[jamietanna] Thanks!

[snarfed]2 happy to reopen if you want to dig in there!
jonnybarnes and gxt joined the channel
[snarfed]2 today in ~4h at EmacsConf: https://emacsconf.org/2022/talks/indieweb/
gxt joined the channel
[KevinMarks] So all the wrangling to get the name/summary/content three way split into AS2 and Mastodon decided to misinterpret it completely?

[snarfed]2 evidently 🤷
[snarfed]2 hard to find many details, but this is amusing: https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2017-06-21/minutes#content_warnings
[Michelle_Moore] joined the channel
[snarfed]2 maybe!
[snarfed]2 I'm open to whatever changes we think are best, happy to follow if anyone else wants to dig in and drive. It's just not something I'm personally prioritizing right now
mro joined the channel
[snarfed]2 sknebel maybe! BF, granary, etc do currently expose it as summary in mf2 etc. eg plug https://mastodon.lol/@anarchic_teapot/109456407870341015 (CW example) into https://granary.io/?activitystreams#logins
Loqi [preview] [Anarchic Teapot] Gardasil? Suddenly a wild antivax bot appears!https://anarchic-teapot.net/suddenly-a-wild-antivax-bot-appears/#Cancer #Vaccination #Antivaxmovement #Gardasil #HPV #HPVvaccine #Twitter #VAERS https://media.mastodon.lol/media_attachments/files/109/456/407/852/101/893/original/240a2effdfb0a413.png

[KevinMarks] The mapping I used in unmung.com/mastoview was CW to details/summary

[snarfed]2 sknebel yeah I don't fully understand either
[snarfed]2 KevinMarks++
gxt joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Though that was from the mastodon api, not from AP

mro, geoffo, [jacky], [benatwork], gRegor, gRegorLove_, Seirdy0 and jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna For context on what I shared earlier, https://fed.brid.gy/user/www.jvt.me/feed is my feed but notice that https://indieweb.social/@type_error/109451945982046864 from Sophie shows with no Content Warning, where there is one on Masto / available in the RSS feed

geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed]2 yup, we correctly convert the underlying summary field, but we have no corresponding content warning UI
[snarfed]2 I actually don't know what the expected behavior in feed readers would be
[snarfed]2 do you?
jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna Oh huh, my bad! Looks like Indigenous for Android (which I primarily use) doesn't show a `summary` if there's content, so that will be why

jamietanna Same with Monocle, too

jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna Aye

geoffo joined the channel
[jamietanna] Is there any way to get boosts appearing as a repost-of in the Bridgy-Fed feed? Or shall I raise an issue for it?

[snarfed]2 Huh, they should already, I'd hope. Feel free to file an issue with details!
tiim, gxt, nertzy, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, Seirdy and 048AAHB0F joined the channel