#dev 2022-12-05
2022-12-05 UTC
gxt, gRegorLove__, gRegorLove_ and bterry1 joined the channel
[tantek] [KevinMarks] I don't think that's a fair interpretation. Mastodon wanted a "content warning" feature in UI, there was nothing to represent it in AS2/AP, so they rather than attempt to extend AS2 to add a content-warning field (using the completely untested @/context LD/namespaces mechanism) they decided to re-purpose the existing "summary" property instead.

gRegorLove__, geoffo, [asuh], paulrobertlloyd and tbbrown joined the channel
[catgirlinspace] i've seen people suggest it should be called content wrapper instead, which i like.

gRegorLove__ and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
@cagrimmett Does anyone using #WordPress want to move away from Jetpack likes but preserve them for old posts as webmention-style likes? If so, let's chat. I have some code I'd like help testing before I release it. (twitter.com/_/status/1599633772127072259)
[schmarty], [KevinMarks], gRegor, mro, gxt, tiim, [Murray] and schopie1 joined the channel
[KevinMarks] a funny looking signed assertion protocol https://github.com/jcushman/sparkleid

gxt joined the channel
[jacky] heh tbh I don't think this encoding is _that_ much of an issue https://github.com/jcushman/sparkleid#encoding-format

[jacky] and that led me to https://saltpack.org/

[jacky] oh tweetnacl is really tiny https://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/

geoffo, chenghiz_ and mro joined the channel
geoffo, mro, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[tantek] AS << AS2 Criticism: Unspecified semantics leads to de facto semantics definition by largest implementation(s): https://hachyderm.io/@danderson/109459311884227844

Loqi ok, I added "AS2 Criticism: Unspecified semantics leads to de facto semantics definition by largest implementation(s): https://hachyderm.io/@danderson/109459311884227844" to the "See Also" section of /ActivityStreams https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84912&oldid=84904

Loqi ok, I added "^ https://hachyderm.io/@ewenmcneill@cloudisland.nz/109459750261035043" to the "See Also" section of /ActivityStreams https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84913&oldid=84912

[KevinMarks] Did we already have https://github.com/dariusk/express-activitypub

Loqi [preview] [Filippo Valsorda 🦊:calculator:] Sigh. The architecture of the fediverse is even more hostile to self-hosting than I thought.I already knew you can't have multiple identity domains (the ones in the username) hosted at the same instance.TIL that while Mastodon considers the identity ...

[snarfed]2 also his concerns seem a bit overstated, Bridgy Fed is an existence proof to the contrary
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[snarfed]2 right, you should be able to migrate by just serving different WebFinger. bringing the same key pair would help, but afaik not strictly necessary
sknebel which presumably is the https://fed.brid.gy/<domain> part
mro joined the channel
[snarfed]2 for backward looking data, maybe yes, but hopefully you can still migrate to a different actor URL going forward?
[snarfed]2 we haven't tried much, not sure
tbbrown, mro, gRegor and [asuh] joined the channel
[snarfed]2 s/Bridgy Fed/Mastodon/ 😎
[snarfed]2 (looking at https://fed.brid.gy/log?start_time=1670272189&key=https://gregorlove.com/2022/12/want-to-read-the-art-of-solitude/%20https://xoxo.zone/inbox&module= , the cite and a tags are in the HTML content we federated)
[snarfed]2 right!
mro joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "consent screens" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "consent screens is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[jacky] consent screens is /consent_screen

nk1 and mro joined the channel
[KevinMarks] can you federate a <details><summary> to mastodon? That would be amusing as an alternative CW

gRegor https://xoxo.zone/@gregorlove.com@gregorlove.com/109463524275850926 (if you're logged in)

sp1ff` and bterry2 joined the channel