#dev 2022-12-11

2022-12-11 UTC
nertzy and geoffo joined the channel
Perhaps a bit on the edge of indieweb-dev, the need for OSS indie-embedded-device-dev? https://www.nature.com/immersive/d41586-022-03810-5/index.html
sp1ff`, gRegor, sebbu2, gxt_ and geoffo joined the channel
Seems like http://brid.gy publish mysteriously turns off. Not exactly sure what causes it or how to fix it other than logging in through the UI and making sure it is enabled. #inideweb (https://techlifeweb.com/static/Note-2212101838.html)
GWG and geoffo joined the channel
geoffo and a joined the channel
polezaivsani, mro and gRegor joined the channel; prologic left the channel
New top story on Hacker News: Webmention
Webmention https://ift.tt/QEk4aWx #news #technology #TechnologyNews #infosec #cybersecurity #hacking
gxt_, GWG, mro, barnaby and GWG- joined the channel
<j​acky#7226> Dedupe where? Lol
mro and aaronpk joined the channel
↩️ Yeah maybe ? Also unsure how identity will factor precisely yet. I've implemented IndieAuth [0] (it's awesome btw) and to interop w Masto need to impl Web finger [1] 0 https://indieauth.net 1 https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/webfinger/
mro joined the channel
↩️ Feel free to try https://fed.brid.gy/ too! It's a pretty complete IndieWeb <=> ActivityPub bridge.
mro, mlncn and [jacky] joined the channel
mro joined the channel
some interesting mentions of /Vouch in those HN comments https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33941690
[preview] [tosh] Webmention (2017)
btrem, mro, [tw2113_Slack_], jonnybarnes, mlncn, sp1ff, [aciccarello] and barnaby joined the channel; btrem left the channel