#dev 2022-12-17

2022-12-17 UTC
[fluffy] and Seirdy joined the channel
btrem: It's even more confusing, actually. The original third-party program was `docker-compose`. I think that may be what was written in python. Docker adopted it and now there's `docker compose` without the hyphen.
Also: microblog.pub is what I'm using, and it also speaks ActivityPub and Webmention natively. I don't think I've had any BFers mention me so far though.
geoffo joined the channel
Need some POSSE advice.
I'm working on implementing Micropub for POSSE, but the only example of that I have so far is Bridgy, which doesn't use IndieAuth to get the token. So, wondering if I should just put in a 'paste your token' here box and punt an actual IndieAuth flow down the road or if there is a use for it now
Micropub for POSSE could mean many things, can you be more specific? or is there somewhere you have described the user flow you’re trying to get working?
(like are you talking about checkboxes to POSSE or not in a Micropub client?)
(or a server using a service like /silo.pub ?)
[tantek]: Right now, in my case, I have checkboxes in Micropub that trigger POSSE via API or via Webmention. I want to support [snarfed]2's new method of getting a token from Bridgy and sending a Micropub request to Bridgy to publish to supported sites, as that allows me to tailor the output more precisely.
That is the equivalent of silo.pub
But, I'm wondering if I should prepare for a future need yet.
What other service would I want that allows for using a Micropub endpoint as a syndication target?
gerben, geoffo, nertzy, jeremycherfas and gRegor joined the channel
I hadn't run into this before: a friend's site is apparently using Cloudflare and it seems to be blocking "bots", including feed readers and stuff like Bridgy Fed. Tried to send a follow via BF and got the HTML+JS "Checking if the site connection is secure" response body.
Couldn't subscribe in Aperture "no feeds found" and even just curling the feed URL gives me that same "checking if secure" message.
I'll try to reach out to them though and see if they can loosen it up a bit in their settings.
mro joined the channel
heh, people are doing an activitypub spin on [KevinMarks] OpenGraph preview hack - posting pictures, but have their server deliver a different image depending on the instance fetching it
barnaby joined the channel
may be of interest to folks here to review, especially if you’re interested in distinguishing decentralization, federation, etc. in a document for IETF: https://mnot.github.io/avoiding-internet-centralization/draft-nottingham-avoiding-internet-centralization.html
[preview] Mark Nottingham
jjuran, mro, kloenk, bterry and geoffo joined the channel
mro joined the channel
[preview] [Derek Prior] I've read many requests to add Mastodon links to GitHub profiles for verification and discovery purposes. My team is working on allowing you to add a number of social profile links, but given upcoming holiday vacations, it won't ship until the new ye... https://media.hachyderm.io/media_attachments/files/109/525/800/602/156/799/original/bfdc7c8a195584f3.png
[preview] [Derek Prior] @meesj We will render the link with `rel=me`. Is that what you're referring to or is it something else?
mro and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[snarfed] I noticed my last bridgy fed post showed up in mastodon with the bridgy fed link visible. Is that a change to bridgy fed, mastodon, or did I scew something up on my site? Link if logged in: https://toot.cafe/@anthony@ciccarello.me/109527961992960201
[preview] [Anthony Ciccarello] I wonder if actors will start putting out holiday movies the way musicians put out holiday albums.
I wonder if adding u-bridgy-fed would help
I don't think that is being interpreted as a u-url
Oh this is going to be PERFECT
GitHub making this move is big
I'm hoping the follower effects leads to more services doing the same
[aciccarello] hah I just added docs for that yesterday, https://fed.brid.gy/docs#visible-links
mro joined the channel
Ah perfect
I should expand them to say: Mastodon will show a preview of links even if their text is blank, so if your fed.brid.gy link is inside e-content, that's probably what's happening
That'd probably be more clear
I thought I had issues with the webmention when the link was outside e-content but I'll try that again.
kloenk joined the channel
I seem to recall you could already effectively do this on Gitlab and Github with an extremely simple special case of their respective -pages, but that's a lot less discoverable and takes a lot more effort. Plus I could be remembering wrong.
kloenk_ joined the channel
The alternative federated protocols seem too complicated. I see a lot about the need for progressive enhancement on the web, but when it comes to communication systems people seem to abandon that requirement. Part of my nostalgia for RSS comes from how easy it was to get started.
i hadn't thought about it this way before, but the indieweb protocols do take more of a "progressive enhancement of the web" approach
↩️ Yes! This is exactly why we've been taking this more incremental approach with #IndieWeb building blocks, like adding Microformats to turn a web page into a parseable feed, then Webmention to enable conversations, etc.
That's a good perspective to take on it
Kinda reminds me of this HTML tutorial that shows you how to use CSS to keep styling it
Seirdy, mro, geoffo, tiim and nertzy joined the channel
aaronpk, that (take more of a "progressive enhancement of the web" approach) was very much intentional on my part, and goes back even earlier with deliberate design decisions in XFN, microformats(2), etc.
nature abhors complexity and will keep mutating something until it reaches it's simplest (sheds unnecessary cruft) most sustainable state.
this is all a part of the "building blocks" strategy
I did an entire SXSW 2006 talk on it FWIW
it reached the people who were ready for it
also, tbh, the "put everything in my new protocol/format/standard" monolithic approach is frankly, a common standards noob mistake that is repeated over and over. as is the, "I better design for all possible things up front because I won’t get a chance to add them later" common standards noob mistake
gRegor, barnaby and Starrwulfe joined the channel