#dev 2022-12-16
2022-12-16 UTC
neceve, vilhalmer, geoffo, nsh, gxt__ and [jgarber] joined the channel
btrem left the channel
[snarfed]2 GWG both!
[benatwork]1, [timothy_chambe], [jgarber] and neceve joined the channel
mro and [jamietanna] joined the channel
[jamietanna] @btrem that Python error is likely because `docker-compose` is written in Python. Unfortunately don't have a recommendation for a good read for a beginner/refresher on Docker tho

neceve, gxt__, tiim, barnaby and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
@taufiqz ↩️ I've been thinking about going back to running a self-hosted blog of some sort, and then encouraging others to follow via RSS (or I syndicate my content back to Twitter). And maybe enabling Webmentions for peer-to-peer comments. (twitter.com/_/status/1603710459282001921)
[tantek] Since there’s plenty of AP chat here and folks building tools & services, this seems like reasonable framing: https://twit.social/@chrisshaw/109521729362323949

[tantek] This is the framing by Leo intended: https://twit.social/@leo/109513750228980761

Loqi [preview] [Chief TWiT :twit:] @chrisshaw Indeeed ActivityPub is a part of the indieweb https://indieweb.org/ActivityPub

[Michelle_Moore], neceve, gxt__ and geoffo joined the channel
neceve joined the channel
neceve joined the channel
[KevinMarks] That perception may be that because we have more than one protocol we talk about them, whereas fediverse is more of a monoculture

neceve joined the channel
neceve joined the channel
geoffo and neceve joined the channel
[jacky] !tell angelo this layout of your page is _nice_ https://indieweb.org/Canopy#short-hashes

@Mappletons Joining the @FrontendHorse crew for their holiday stream to talk about the IndieWeb and WebMentions in ~30 mins
Lots of great folks in the lineup! Come watch and help raise funds for Doctors Without Borders. (twitter.com/_/status/1603808573313544193)
barnaby !tell angelo agreed with [jacky], very nice wiki page, but jfyi I’m getting an HSTS expired cert error in firefox when trying to view https://lahacker.net/

[jacky] ugh https://ragt.ag/

gRegor and neceve joined the channel
[jacky] anyone using Django for their site? could use passkeys for auth https://github.com/mkalioby/django-passkeys

neceve joined the channel
[schmarty] oh yeah, nice! https://www.twitch.tv/TrostCodes right now talking webmentions

[schmarty] oop short segment, haha. great stream happening today, tho!

neceve joined the channel
btrem and geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed]2 [tantek]++
btrem [jamietanna] I was thinking the same thing, that my docker error was because docker was written in Python. But according to Wikipedia (which is all-knowing), it is written in Go. There was an update of docker this am, but no change. In the meantime, I figured out a way around it, using `docker run` instead of `docker-compose up`. $DEITY knows what the difference is.
neceve joined the channel
[snarfed]2 aaronpk lol, link?
Loqi [preview] [Aaron Parecki] Let's see if I get banned for linking to my own website, which you can also follow from Mastodon.

[snarfed]2 interesting! I'll look, but I expect the answer is because it's promiscuous, like Bridgy classic
[snarfed]2 I follow that account
[snarfed]2 the trigger was shared inbox delivery of the Create for that post
[snarfed]2 tech.lgbt sent it, yes. BF then does OPD, extracts targets, and tries to send wms to them
[snarfed]2 I could definitely limit it to only send wms to active BF users, but I kind of like the promiscuity
[snarfed]2 which maybe still seems culturally ok since it's not doing anything firehose or instance-wide
[snarfed]2 it does both directions, wm => AP and AP => wm
[snarfed]2 yup
[snarfed]2 BF users and OPD friends :trollface:
[snarfed]2 I mean, maybe?
[snarfed]2 kind of a product choice, promiscuous vs narrow
[snarfed]2 fwiw Bridgy is still squarely promiscuous
[snarfed]2 oh I see you do inbound from AP too, so you might eventually want to de-dupe
[snarfed]2 right
[snarfed]2 sure
[snarfed]2 I do like that they're promiscuous in general, but I'm open to discussion!
[snarfed]2 eg with https://github.com/snarfed/hackermention (global wms for Reddit, Hacker News, etc), I cut it short after a while due to this kind of feedback, and never started on global Mastodon wms
[snarfed]2 yeah the u-urls are the same here right? should be enough
[snarfed]2 yeah fair
[snarfed]2 you are a bit more careful and strict there than most of us, which is great precedent for the community
[schmarty] aaronpk: from main channel - when you say your site handles liking toots automatically, how do you mean? does it do some discovery that "this is a toot" to engage the AP process?

[schmarty] oh wait your site syndicates everything to AP, right.

geoffo joined the channel
[schmarty] oh that's interesting.

[snarfed]2 afaik no, Update delivery is the same as Creates
[snarfed]2 all the federated instances need them
[schmarty] my mention-sending has very little logic. to correctly have a like go to a mastodon/AP post I have to put the fed.brid.gy syndication link in the post.

[snarfed]2 aaronpk oh no, likes just go to the original post
[snarfed]2 btw re the benefit of BF's promiscuity, I don't really see it as discovery, it's aggregating responses back to the original poster, same as Bridgy classic
[snarfed]2 it's just a small halo out to a few more people than just strictly those who have signed up
[snarfed]2 true! I definitely understand the surprise. hopefully at least it makes sense why it happened now, even if it was more serendipity than intentional
[snarfed]2 true! you're in a very small set of power users whose web site also speaks AP natively
geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed]2 although I guess micro.blog is now technically a similar, much bigger group
[snarfed]2 I guess BF could do webfinger lookup and skip those sites
[snarfed]2 regardless, feel free to file an issue if you want!
[snarfed]2 yeah, but this is how it receives wms from BF
[snarfed]2 ie BF doesn't duplicate wms within itself
[snarfed]2 hah, right. source URLs would be different, but u-urls would be the same
aaronpk ok i wrote it up https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/348

[snarfed]2 thanks!
geoffo joined the channel