#dev 2022-12-15

2022-12-15 UTC
snarfed++ great find about preferring domain user names over @-@ s. Also that next FAQ on "Why create Lexicon instead of using JSON-LD or RDF?#" is perhaps the shortest most convincing takedown of RDF / JSON-LD I have seen.
snarfed has 52 karma in this channel over the last year (96 in all channels)
lockywolf, geoffo, sp1ff and Seirdy joined the channel
Oh, that's why I can't get these clients logged in. Apparently it's my CSP.
gRegor joined the channel
Hmm. Okay, apparently it's specifically that current Chrome-based browsers apply the form-action CSP to redirects. That seems to mean if I want to use IndieAuth I need to either avoid Chrome-based browsers, allow form actions for basically anywhere, or maintain a specific list of targets (and leak the list in my headers). I guess I could be misunderstanding what I'm seeing.
mro and tiim joined the channel
mro, lanodan, sp1ff`, tiim, Saphire, vilhalmer and gxt__ joined the channel
Where a flower blooms tonight, Devout and purple, With a rift for a hollow power, That shivers it springs from a root - from Pluck At The Offering, Barbarity. Free excerpts. Order at http://amzn.to/2CF8fts or kindle http://amzn.to/2CV3tw4 #poem #poet #writer #indieauth
geoffo and barnaby joined the channel
Why is it suddenly different than https://micro.blog/dshanske
I think ActivityPub integration has made things not work as previously.
@GWG Hmm. Yeah, that could happen if Micro.blog gets anything ActivityPub-related and doesn’t know that it’s the same as your other username.
I have the basics of a kind of “alias” system to better map those together.
mro joined the channel
Right now, there’s no way that Micro.blog would know that [dshanske] is the same as [dshanske]@david.shanske.com, right?
mro joined the channel
[manton]: How did it find out I installed pfefferle's ActivityPub plugin though?
gxt__ joined the channel
It must have gotten an ActivityPub message from someone trying to follow you or reply to one of your posts?
[manton]: But, the dshanske profile should have the flight attendant comment, because it is in the jsonfeed that feeds micro.blog
Okay, that may be a different issue. 🙂
[manton]: I have a rel-me to micro.blog, but not that I know of, re the connection. But if you tell me how I can tell you, I will do that
@GWG That’s strange. It looks like Micro.blog was getting an old copy of the feed. I cleared the “etag” value from Micro.blog for your feed and it’s updated now with the latest post.
tbbrown joined the channel
[manton]: Also, I'm getting the ActivityPub version when I poll for the url
@GWG Hmm… Reminds me how you are polling?
gRegor, mro and bterry joined the channel
@GWG Ah ha, I see. Thanks. This is interesting… It’s finding the wrong item because of the difference between the permalinks, e.g. /2022/12/13/6190 vs. /?p=6190. I’ll see if I can make that smarter.
mro joined the channel
[manton]: So I should do the non pretty version?
I’m not sure what the “right” thing to do here, but yes, if you send the non-pretty version it will find the correct post.
Because that’s the actual GUID that Micro.blog records and checks first when looking up URLs.
mro joined the channel
[manton]: That's easy enough to change on my side.
neceve, jjuran, [timothy_chambe] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
that seems expedient but not preferable
shouldn't this be something fixable with various combinations of redirects and rel=canonical?
[tantek]: I expect [manton] will figure it out
This is really an issue with Micro.blog when there is a post that is duplicated across multiple accounts (in this case, a “real” Micro.blog account and an ActivityPub reference). This never used to happen before, so I need to see if I can make it smarter.
It’s complicated in this case because WordPress has 2 different permalinks, one with a folder-style path and one with p=6190.
[manton]: One is the guid
wordpressguidurls has -1 karma over the last year
(tbh they're not _guid_s because they're not globally unique at all. they're numeric database IDs. 😝
also WordPress's different links/permalinks for a given post all 301 redirect to the canonical one, eg https://david.shanske.com/?p=6190 301 redirects to https://david.shanske.com/2022/12/13/6190
[schmarty]: WordPress calls it a guid
[preview] [David Shanske] Why do flight attendants always tell you the local time when you aren’t changing timezones….?https://david.shanske.com/2022/12/13/6190/
so [tantek] is right
If anyone’s curious, a little more detail about why this is a weird edge case: the API (conversation.js) that GWG is calling accepts a URL and returns post information in Micro.blog. The post URL exists from the ActivityPub user, so Micro.blog thinks it’s a good match and returns it. For ActivityPub, the permalink is the /2022/etc. version, and for feeds, the permalink is the p=6190 version.
Again, I’m pretty sure I can work around this.
btrem joined the channel
[manton]: What about the problem of how I can merge my ActivityPub and website identity to you?
that's a very ambitious idea, and AP is hard enough as is, I could understand if that's low on micro.blog's priorities
Yeah, it’s something I want to do, but I’m not totally sure how yet. 🙂
mro_ joined the channel
Need some way to verify the same person owns both ActivityPub and blog and that the posts are (usually) the same.
[manton]: In my case, it is the same domain
mro joined the channel
Maybe you could start with checking for linked blogs and ActivityPub on the same domain and that might reduce some issues
Maybe. Need to think through the right behavior. If someone searches for your ActivityPub name, should it return the blog? Should they link to each other? It’s all kind of muddled because we now have 2 forms of identity.
A lot of that is on me, though, and there’s a similar existing problem where e.g. @www.manton.org and [manton] should be the same thing.
Doesn't webfinger have an alias property?
It does.
the existence of a property doesn't imply that that property is interpreted in a way that solves the problem, though. vcard allows volcanoes to have fax numbers after all.
I dont think vcard concerns itself with volcanoes :P
i didn't concern myself with actually looking up the quote i half-remembered about volcanoes and fax numbers. 😜
that’s schema.org
ty barnaby that sounds correct!
my apologies to vCard
neceve joined the channel
[schmarty]: Like yesterday, not suggesting that I have a good answer, just brainstorming
neceve joined the channel
little known fact, the v in vCard is for volcano /s :D
don't tell loqi
What is vCard?
vCard is a 1990s era text format for contact information, with vocabulary re-used in hCard and subsequently also h-card https://indieweb.org/vCard
mro joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> 🤣
gives Loqi a volcano
gives back the volcano
reasonable reaction tbh
lol at https://schema.org/Volcano with 7 (7!) pages of properties on my not tiny monitor. :-D
btrem: and if that wasn’t enough properties, you can use additionalProperty to define even more!
that complaint always seemed funny but maybe unfair. I bet plenty of volcanos have tourist information bureaus, and I bet plenty of those have fax machines :trollface:
neceve joined the channel
OMG it has a smokingAllowed property! lmao If smoking is not allowed, what happens if the poor thing erupts? :-D
erupting is allowed, just not smoking
Ok, last one: it has hasDriveThroughService. I guess that's in case there's a tunnel through it? Gotta capture that data for sure.
neceve joined the channel
And that reminds me of why I gave up on schema.org.
You should have seen the ridiculous discussions on the schema org mailing list I unfortunately engaged in. Gah!
Well I wasn't expecting that reaction, Loqi.
But ok. Loqi++
Loqi has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (26 in all channels)
Back to the tasks at hand. Can anyone recommend a docker guide for the beginner? Last week, I had a docker set up to serve a simple, static website. Today, I'm getting Python errors when I try docker-compose, which is weird because there's no python in the config.
neceve joined the channel
lol 🌋
btrem joined the channel; btrem left the channel
haha, do jokes count for the gift calendar? XD