#dev 2022-12-21
2022-12-21 UTC
[snarfed]2 [jamietanna] short term, I'm happy to unfollow someone manually on your BF account if you want, just let me know
nedzadhrnjica and vladimyr joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> I guess I consider them also a class of reactionary posts (something only used to indicate a change in state or to minimally engage with some _other_ content) which makes me _less_ hesitant against them being publicly listed
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> I agree, barnaby, with the displaying aspect but that "might" is carrying that sentence 😉
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> so I only push on that b/c we don't have a lot of mechanisms to use follow posts (or blocks, etc) in the IndieWeb. Like I can see such posts being a way to enable vouching (in a way) or even enable a way to define an audience (both of which I am personally looking to try out - whenever time permits)
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> Yeah outside of things like blogrolls IIRC (which felt more _specific_ and less personal than a follow)
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> yeah
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> frankly if/when I _do_ make such posts, they'll _never_ be public
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> I don't think they need to be
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> yeah that's also how I'd like to do it
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> I know they're underused here but I'm def interested in leaning more into including fragments in resources
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> (and moving more reactionary things to live as items in a separate feed)
geoffo joined the channel
[schmarty] snarfed and barnaby (at least) brought it up in here some days ago, but activitypub does unfollows as an "Undo" of the original follow activity. could that be a thing?

gRegor My follow posts for BF have been /unlisted, though I do kind of like having that history of when I followed people. I could probably parse those posts and build a dynamic "following" page too, though my BF user page works ok for that now.

[eddie] joined the channel
[snarfed]2 barnaby and jacky are right. the native indieweb usage here is to follow and unfollow inside your social reader, without need for posts and wms across sites
[snarfed]2 And arguably our only mature patterns for those right now are public, which is even more awkward for follow/unfollow
[schmarty] yeah. i've been feelin' the friction of adding a mastodon account to aperture and then the bonus action of making a follow post so they know about it. :}

[snarfed]2 So maybe we need proprietary follow/unfollow UX in BF etc
[snarfed]2 Oh wait [schmarty] that's what BF's user feeds are for, just follow your feed once and you're done
[schmarty] snarfed: i want to be a little more discriminating about where different folks posts end up in my reader 😏

[snarfed]2 (er, add it to aperture once)
[snarfed]2 Ahh ok
[snarfed]2 Hmm then why follow people in BF at all?
Nuve joined the channel
[schmarty] social etiquette mostly. "hi, hello, i am following you! 👋 "

[snarfed]2 Ah sure
[schmarty] part of why i'm not following BF feed is i'm anxious about the velocity of mastodon posts vs my reading habits. putting folks into different channels is helping for now.

[schmarty] that's how i'm doin' it!

Seirdy_ joined the channel
[snarfed]2 GWG, I fixed the Bridgy Micropub bug where it was only posting the title, without link. thanks again for reporting!
geoffo, mro and gRegor joined the channel
[KevinMarks] My previous mastodon follows (by using the mf2 on their profile page) all failed as they switched to 4.0

tiim, barnaby, jjuran, M0x3b0b[m], ash[m], walkah, starrwulfe[m], BrandonRozek, benatkin, cambridgeport90[, AramZ-S[m], vladimyr, Seirdy_ and M3bob[m] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Hm, indiekit looks like it might suit me, I'll give that s try

[Serena], lqdev[m], kandr3s, gerben, mambang[m] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
@ljquintanilla New Post: "Accept Webmentions using F#, Azure Functions, and RSS"
Here's my contribution to this year's F# Advent. Thanks to @sergey_tihon for organizing it.
#fsharp #FsAdvent #webmentions #indieweb
https://www.luisquintanilla.me/posts/receive-webmentions-fsharp-az-functions-fsadvent/ (twitter.com/_/status/1605557905817604096)
@sergey_tihon "Accept Webmentions using F#, Azure Functions, and RSS Introduction" by @ljquintanilla for #FsAdvent #fsharp (twitter.com/_/status/1605558672184135680)
lqdev[m] Hi folks. I want to add this post and accompanying library to the gift calendar. Is it just a matter of updating the wiki page?
lqdev[m] Great. Thanks.
aaronpk hey why didn't micro.blog get a mention here https://axbom.com/fediverse/

[schmarty] there are a lot of little algorithms for IndieAuth, Micropub, etc. that benefit from being utilities 😅

Loqi Bridgy Fed connects IndieWeb sites with Mastodon and the fediverse https://indieweb.org/Bridgy_Fed

geoffo joined the channel
@miklb Interrupting this strike to say I think Dan’s the perfect person to distill these concepts back to the broader web community. I think he’d make the perfect gateway drug to webmentions. (twitter.com/_/status/1605589849762832385)
[manton] joined the channel
[manton] [aaronpk] Did you ever figure out the Mastodon link verification? I’m starting to wonder if Mastodon expects actor URLs like /@username or something.

vilhalmer and mro joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "media proxy" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "media proxy is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[snarfed]2 media proxy is /image_proxy
[snarfed]2 and /video_proxy
barnaby hmm sounds like redirecting /media_proxy -> /proxy disambiguation page could be useful then, thanks [snarfed]2

[schmarty] love me some media proxies

[schmarty] yaaaaaaaaaaaaaas

[schmarty] micropub media endpoint w/ proxy support is on my personal roadmap

barnaby because I already have one of those ;) https://github.com/Taproot/micropub-adapter

[schmarty] i don't know that they need to be tightly integrated but i use them together for my own photos and videos

mro and gRegor joined the channel
[snarfed]2 Bridgy Micropub question! normal Bridgy Publish, ie interactively or via webmention, posts full contents of notes, but just title (p-name) and link for articles
[snarfed]2 Bridgy Publish's Micropub interface, on the other hand, posts the full content property that it gets, regardless of whether post type discovery says it's a note or an article (ie a name property is included)
[snarfed]2 yeah I'm definitely mixed on abusing it as a trigger
[snarfed]2 yeah true
[snarfed]2 I originally liked that decision for the Micropub interface, but I'm reconsidering now, due to the UX inconsistency. for example, GWG recently switched his WordPress plugin(s) to use the Micropub interface, and this means that they'll now behave differently. I suspect that will be an unpleasant surprise for those plugins' users
[snarfed]2 true!
[snarfed]2 ^ maybe this is more just an issue for GWG and the WP plugins 🤷
[snarfed]2 when possible. Micropub to silos is necessarily lossy
[snarfed]2 very true! cc GWG
[snarfed]2 I didn't follow why it switched at all, other than just trying something new, but I probably missed something
[snarfed]2 absolutely, to both
[snarfed]2 Bridgy Publish's Micropub actually does the latter
[snarfed]2 it's lossy because Twitter doesn't support all mf2 properties, eg p-name
mro joined the channel
[tantek] from the gift calendar: https://www.luisquintanilla.me/posts/receive-webmentions-fsharp-az-functions-fsadvent/

[aciccarello] joined the channel
[snarfed]2 ahhh that was the motiviation for switching to Micropub
[snarfed]2 ok!
[snarfed]2 so if you want it to work the same, you'll want to recreate the "only title/link for articles" logic in your plugin
[snarfed]2 the easiest way to do that is, if the WP post has a title, don't include the content property in the BP Micropub request
[snarfed]2 if the WP post doesn't have a title, include the content property
[snarfed]2 sorry for the trouble! this is because BP Micropub itself behaves differently, ie posts different things, than BP webmention and interactive. I'll document that better
[snarfed]2 or, actually, send "[title] - [link]" as the content
[marksuth] joined the channel
[snarfed]2 Hmm true, I think you did send that, let me look
[snarfed]2 ah right, this was the bug I fixed. ok, if you're manually sending "[title] - [link]" as the Micropub content, instead of the post's content itself, then you should be fine
[snarfed]2 ok, I've updated docs in https://brid.gy/about#micropub and https://brid.gy/about#microformats. thanks again for your patience GWG!
[snarfed]2 lol sure
[snarfed]2 thanks all! also filed https://github.com/w3c/webmention/issues/113
mro joined the channel
lqdev[m] <[tantek]> "and Luis built the webmention..." <- Thanks!
lqdev joined the channel
tiim joined the channel
lqdev[m] Does this count as a gift too? I learned all the ways NOT to own your links using Azure CDN 😄 https://www.luisquintanilla.me/feed/azure-cdn-regex-url-redirect/
[snarfed]2 capjamesg where is GitHub's seasonal grid? I'm not seeing it
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492>
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/866577430886350869/1055234671014842468/Screenshot_2022-12-21_at_21.25.37.png
[James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "holidays" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "holidays is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Loqi A holiday theme is a temporary custom CSS or other change in a website typically meant to visually indicate the celebration of a holiday or special occasion https://indieweb.org/holiday

[tantek] capjamesg, ooh haven’t seen that GH blue holiday theme before. Can you upload that screenshot to the wiki and add it to: https://indieweb.org/holiday_theme.

[Fresno] joined the channel