#dev 2022-12-22

2022-12-22 UTC
hi , peeps, I'm new in here, trying to figure out what type of website is my home website u____u can someone please direct me to a link where I can read about that? I don't even know how to search for what I want cause I don't know how to keyword it
like... where / how do I input the text so that the syndication programs feed the social media platforms?
Does my home site have to be a blog of some sort? What got me confused was that I thought Wordpress was gonna be installed on my home site. And even though I could, I don't (and would love to) understand what are the characteristics my home site should have to work as such.
the idea of indieweb is based around having a personal site with a blog/microblog on, and then optionally syndicating the content elsewhere, yes
https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started has an introduction to the main ideas
a very common method is to set up your personal site with posts marked up with h-entry microformats, implement webmention sending and then use bridgy to automatically syndicate that content elsewhere
let's start from the beggining
> posts marked up with h-entry microformats
do I have to do that mannually or can I use a premade and community-mantained engine?
[Fresno] almost any sort of WordPress site should be able to syndicate content like that. There are dozens of plug-ins and methods for doing it, some better/easier than others. You'll find more help and specifics in the #indieweb-wordpress channel.
For WordPress most of that markup is done in the thteme.
depends what you want to do. manual or static sites are definitely options, but there are various other projects you can use e.g. wordpress/drupal plugins, or standalone indieweb-oriented CMSes like known
https://indieweb.org/projects has a good overview, and if you have specific requirements (e.g. language) we can give recommendations
thank you so much!
And yes, there are obviously lots of other projects and languages one could use aside from WordPress that support the various building blocks.
I cannot believe the goldmine this community has become
please forgive me if I'm saying something silly but... is ATOM:feed something like Known ?
unless ATOM:feed is a project I’ve not heard of, no. ATOM feeds are a format for publishing content on the web, Known is a PHP-based CMS with built in support for many indieweb building blocks
gerben joined the channel
I don't have a Venmo account to test with, does the amount query string still work? https://indieweb.org/Venmo#Documentation
geoffo and barnaby joined the channel
Something I need to look into: How to automate posting starred posts from my feed reader as webmention-style likes on my website. Probably a WP cron job that fetches starred posts from Feedbin's api, loops through them, marks them up appropriately, and publishes them.
[KevinMarks], [marksuth], [Serena], lockywolf_, mro, janboddez, geoffo, jonnybarnes, win0err and barnaby joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> [tantek] Following up re: whether seasonal.js is gift calendar worthy 🙂
jamietanna joined the channel
some good chat re the unfollowing stuff! Yeah in this case, there's someone I want to silently unfollow in Bridgy Fed, but that I still subscribe to through a different feed, but as I've got a very public blogroll, I want to avoid any potential drama :)
barnaby, win0err, jonnybarnes, geoffo, lagash_, mro, jeremycherfas and gRegor joined the channel
I think this a big reason that private /mute got invented
So much drama even on Twitter about unfollowing
there are some interesting implications of this if we were to do authenticated feed fetching
you could keep track of the last time someone fetched your feed, and "unfollowing" would appear as the fetches stopping at some point
that would also appear identical to a technical issue with their feed reader, so not quite as explicit as an "unfollow" action sent via activitypub
I member the days of Top 8 on MySpace. That's what we really need to bring back 😂
I’m now convinced that public follows are basically a public form of vouch credentials (like for recommendations) rather than any indication that you’re reading that persons posts
strong agree
I do want _some_ sort of an indicator that I can tell people that I do want to share things with them and that they (solely) can check that when they'd like
heh, i actually follow some people on twitter without following them, by putting them into private lists and then following the lists
because i don't want to "endorse" them by having my name show up on the list of people who follow them on their profile
I think the closest thing to that would be what aaronpk mentioned, perhaps through some social reader that knows this info from WebSub subscription checks
bterry1, mro and [pfefferle] joined the channel
this is really useful for evolving how we think about how/whether to post follows…and that directly affects how we build services like Bridgy Fed that need some UX for users to follow/unfollow
maybe we go in a more proprietary direction for those
reading without endorsement is precisely why public follows are a fail
TBH I really prefer the Dopplr model
Dopplr had a private allow-follow model
You didn't "follow" someone, you instead added them to your list of people who could view your trips. Everything was "protected", so you could only see the content from people who had allowed you to see their trips
And now I'm forgetting how discovery worked.
dopplr has 1 karma over the last year
There was some sort of indicator of who was following who else’s trips, but there was no way to request to follow someone else. All you could do is allow them to follow your trips, and they wouldn’t need to reciprocate
You had to be comfortable saying, hey, you can see where I'm traveling regardless of whether you let me see your trips or not
Ironically this is exactly how location sharing on iOS works
nedzadhrnjica, mro and win0err joined the channel
definitely a nice model for private/protected sharing!
it eliminated so much of the who is following who drama
so are we converging on the idea that following is more of an internal UX in readers and other tools, and not so much a protocol-level interaction that we want to encourage in mf2 and standards-based interop
it sounds like the purpose of publishing a list of people is not for following, but for endorsing for various reasons
snarfed, not sure of any convergence, or rather, if there is evidence of it, I'd like to see such evidence cited on /follow first
I would dispute any convergence arrived purely by in-chat context
we should "show our work" via wiki documentation so others who may re-explore a problem (especially one so thorny) are able to follow the steps and reproduce the same conclusions
sure, just meant in this one chat, not conclusively in practice just yet
interestingly the two reasons under "why" have nothing to do with feed readers https://indieweb.org/follow#Why
it is probable
"a useful historical bookmark of when a particular online relationship began" and "an external indicator that they find a particular person/thing/account interesting"
pretty sure I braindumped those. please feel free to add other reasons Why
that’s good and makes sense, since follow posts have so far been entirely separate from readers
win0err, mro and [fluffy] joined the channel
I wasn’t aware of the Dopplr model but that’s pretty much how follower/permissions groups work in Publ: if you notice someone logging in who you want to give access to stuff (or if they specifically request via some out-of-bound mechanism), the site author can add them to a permissions group.
Permissions are completely decoupled from followings.
win0err and [eddie] joined the channel
I do like the idea of a private API between readers and BridgyFed since there aren’t many other things like BridgyFed out there. Feels more simple to not require the follow posts infrastructure
oh interesting! I just meant a BF follow UI. BF already serves feeds in various formats, is there a use case for some other API between readers and BF?
like, if you try to follow a fediverse user, and your reader knows you use BF, it forwards that follow to BF to handle?