#dev 2022-12-23
2022-12-23 UTC
[tantek] this is an advantage for IndieWeb implementations over Mastodon: https://fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon/109559268498004036 https://xoxo.zone/@KevinMarks/109559727383581560

[tantek] Mastodon << Issue: post permalinks of the same post across different servers each show a different subset of the replies to that post, in contrast to IndieWeb examples where there is one canonical post permalink which shows all [[responses]] except those blocked/hidden by the original post author: https://fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon/109559268498004036 https://xoxo.zone/@KevinMarks/109559727383581560

Loqi ok, I added "Issue: post permalinks of the same post across different servers each show a different subset of the replies to that post, in contrast to IndieWeb examples where there is one canonical post permalink which shows all [[responses]] except those blocked/hidden by the original post author: https://fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon/109559268498004036 https://xoxo.zone/@KevinMarks/109559727383581560" to the "See Also" section of /Mastodon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85298&oldid=85259

tbbrown and win0err joined the channel
nedzadhrnjica joined the channel
win0err joined the channel
[tantek] aaronpk, re: "way more opinions about the UX and UI of social media apps now" well it's good thing we focused on UX first and protocols second in this community then isn't it? And we captured plenty of screenshots of UX variants across silos and IndieWeb projects on the wiki. We have the research & receipts.

geoffo and win0err joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel
win0err joined the channel
barnaby [eddie]: are you already familiar with the various tools for finding people’s fediverse accounts based on your twitter info? e.g. https://fedifinder.glitch.me/

M0x3b0b[m] I'm still trying to decide exactly how I want to handle syndication and backfeed, given that my blog is roughly equivalent to a single-user ActivityPub instance with Webmention support and the two places I might be inclined to syndicate/backfeed are a floundering silo and an Akkoma instance. Maybe my next article will be me thinking through that.

M0x3b0b[m] Bedtime for now, though.

bterry1, win0err, [chrisaldrich], mro, nedzadhrnjica, barnaby, tiim and gRegor joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> This feels... obvious: https://medium.com/@AnalyticsAtMeta/notifications-why-less-is-more-how-facebook-has-been-increasing-both-user-satisfaction-and-app-9463f7325e7d
nedzadhrnjica, mro and vilhalmer joined the channel
@folfDK RT @4nd3rs@mastodon.social
Er der nogen derude som har (gode) erfaringer med at hooke en blog op til Donten, fx med https://webmention.io og https://brid.gy ?
https://mastodon.social/@4nd3rs/109562619222055258 (twitter.com/_/status/1606251829372780544)
@folfDK RT @4nd3rs@mastodon.social
Er der nogen derude som har (gode) erfaringer med at hooke en blog op til Donten, fx med https://webmention.io og https://brid.gy ?
https://mastodon.social/@4nd3rs/109562619222055258 (twitter.com/_/status/1606251829372780544)
mro, jjuran and [jamietanna] joined the channel
[jamietanna] [eddie] I had been following folks through Aperture's ability to auto detect feeds, but yeah I think that's now bust with Mastodon 4.0, so instead I'm largely using Bridgy Fed's feed in the meantime, but may look to pipe Mastodon account URLs through Granary and subscribe to those

[KevinMarks] You can still use the rss feeds, but they're not as rich as the mf2 ones

win0err joined the channel
[KevinMarks] More on that Simon thread on how AP is not resilient at showing replies https://social.effy.space/@effy/109562717496743467

nedzadhrnjica, nedzadhrnjica_ and win0err joined the channel
@spacebuffer There is a new thing I am testing out called webmentions, it allows you to receive replies on your blog from anywhere including this tweet. if you could just reply to this post with whatever to see if it's working or not?
https://www.yusuf.fyi/posts/2022 (twitter.com/_/status/1606288124526546945)
gerben, mro and nedzadhrnjica joined the channel
[tantek] Mastodon << more on the problem of subsets of replies that Simon pointed out and some analysis of what’s going wrong with replies & threads on Mastodon: https://social.effy.space/@effy/109562717496743467

Loqi ok, I added "more on the problem of subsets of replies that Simon pointed out and some analysis of what’s going wrong with replies & threads on Mastodon: https://social.effy.space/@effy/109562717496743467" to the "See Also" section of /Mastodon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85313&oldid=85301

aaronpk i believe so https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#inbox-forwarding

geoffo and vilhalmer joined the channel
[snarfed]2 Bridgy UX question: it currently searches Mastodon for posts that link to your site to backfeed, like it does with Twitter. Mastodon has no global search, though, so this search is only on your account’s instance, so it will miss most of those posts across the fediverse.
[snarfed]2 is it worth keeping that on? or should I turn it off to avoid confusion? eg https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1371#issuecomment-1363834391
Loqi [preview] [spcbfr] Hey thanks for replying so fast, and also for making such a great project!
to test if everything was working properly, I made this post on mastodon https://fosstodon.org/@spacebuffer/109562100003582702 that contained a link to one of my posts and ...

gRegorLove_ joined the channel
@hiro_y ActivityPubとかWebmentionとかMicropubについて調べてたらこんがらがってきたぞ。 (twitter.com/_/status/1606338244777373697)
geoffo, mro and [arush] joined the channel
[snarfed]2 Moving here from #microformats... afaik one Mastodon instance's rendering of a post from another instance is still push based, not pull. ie Mastodon's frontend does use JS, but only to talk to its own instance's backend, not other instances
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> That makes sense
[snarfed]2 so when you're on instance A looking at a post from instance B, you're seeing data that was previously delivered to instance A. It's generally not fetching in realtime from instance B
[snarfed]2 (there are exceptions, eg search, but they're exceptions afaik)
win0err, [tw2113_Slack_] and mro joined the channel
[snarfed]2 [schmarty] just FYI your mf2 on responses is a bit funny, eg on https://martymcgui.re/2020/07/15/what-we-talk-about-when-were-talking-about-webmentions/ . they’re all h-cite p-* (eg p-like), and the p-* classes make them all end up as properties of your main h-entry, which you don’t want
[schmarty] oooooooooooh, thanks! i'll push those downs.

[schmarty] oh, hm. looking at the mf2 i think i _do_ want them like that? they're responses to this post.

[schmarty] i think i am following the example for displaying incoming likes here even: https://indieweb.org/like#receive_and_markup_incoming_likes

[snarfed]2 right, which means they should be child items, not properties of the parent post item
[snarfed]2 and then inside each of them you can have u-like-of, p-rsvp, etc if you want
[snarfed]2 https://indieweb.org/comments#How_to_markup ?
[schmarty] yeah i think i am following /comments#How_to_markup ?

[snarfed]2 the p-like, p-rsvp, p-bookmark, etc classes on their top-level divs are the problem
[snarfed]2 check out the parsed mf2, the responses end up as like, bookmark, etc properties of the post itself. https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https://martymcgui.re/2020/07/15/what-we-talk-about-when-were-talking-about-webmentions/
[schmarty] that's true of the examples on /comments#How_to_markup as well

[snarfed]2 the post isn’t a multi-like and an rsvp and a multi-bookmark
gRegor I do that for comments with `u-comment h-cite` https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgregorlove.com%2F2022%2F12%2Fhello-again%2F

[snarfed]2 but that’s what the parsed mf2 ends up as
gerben joined the channel
[snarfed]2 really? so responses should show up as properties of the post, not child items?!
[snarfed]2 ok if so, but that’s surprising and not generally what I’ve seen in the wild
[snarfed]2 the wiki has h-cite u-comment, which is somewhat different than this
[snarfed]2 i don’t know 😎
[snarfed]2 the rsvp response here is a good example. the rsvp property here makes this post seem like it’s trying to be an rsvp, but rsvp values are usually just yes, no, etc, but here the value is a composite object
[snarfed]2 aaronpk is that expected? and eg meetable handles it ok?
[snarfed]2 (not to mention that the rsvp composite object’s value property is Marty McGuire, but that’s probably a separate bug 😁)
[snarfed]2 true
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "attendee" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "attendee is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[schmarty] lol i shouldn't show rsvp mentions on posts that the rsvp isn't in-reply-to 🙈

gRegor I don't see markup examples but would expect it on https://indieweb.org/rsvps

[snarfed]2 ok, I guess the two problems in my consuming code are 1) we used to use u-like for likes themselves, before we switched to u-like-of, and my code still has that backcompat
[snarfed]2 and 2) it interprets an rsvp property as meaning that the post itself is an rsvp, and chokes on a composite object
gRegor Found it, brainstorming section https://indieweb.org/event#Attending

[snarfed]2 yeah
[snarfed]2 and has it been long enough since the switch to *-of, eg u-like to u-like-of, that we can drop backcompat? sounds like we’re saying yes here?
[schmarty] do we like `u-attendee h-entry` for that? (from the Attending brainstorming)

gRegor One p-attendee h-cite example so far: https://indieweb.org/rsvps#Sebastiaan_Andeweg

gRegor [chrisaldrich] FYI I got "Oh no! Known experienced a problem!" on http://stream.boffosocko.com

lagash_ joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] thanks gRegor... every couple of months the database fills with cruft from an old glitch... I'll need some time to clean it out...

[snarfed]2 gRegor looks like u-rsvp h-cite, eg https://snarfed.org/2014-06-16_homebrew-website-club-at-quip#comments
[snarfed]2 (I think that mf2 is generated dynamically, not stored, but not sure)
[snarfed]2 …which is amusing since it has the exact same problem https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https://snarfed.org/2014-06-16_homebrew-website-club-at-quip
gRegor !tell jamietanna I tried to deduce your earliest displayed RSVP here based on your own RSVP posts, feel free to update if that's not correct! https://indieweb.org/rsvps#Jamie_Tanna

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