[tantek]Also I’m not sure we want to propagate u-like u-comment u-repost etc. every time there’s a new response type that seems like a lot of work for individual receiving posts / servers to have to upgrade/update
aaronpkalso we should revisit the salmention functionality in the context of how activitypub has handled the similar problem and all the scaling and visibility problems that exist with that model
[tantek]We don’t have a lot of exact implementations, however I’d say that AP / [Simon_Willison] example demonstrates problems with other approaches to implementing the equivalent of Salmentions
[tantek]And we are starting to see the problem of in-post response markup proliferating, so this is actually a call for fewer markup properties, not more
[tantek]Lastly despite agreeing we don’t have a backcompat issue, u-like-of vs u-like has always looked like it would confuse devs into making a mistake
[tantek]Aaronpk, I’m not saying u-response is a “complete” solution. I’m saying it’s a stopgap to prevent further proliferation of extra class names per response type, so publishers can stop publishing them now, before we start seeing consuming code dependencies
[KevinMarks]Talking to people who have had salmention implementations and ceased them could be informative too - was it traffic floods that caused them to stop?
starrwulfe[m]Well I found out how to use Vercel to rewrite my site from Craft app. Now I just need to figure out how to add some rel=me and webmentions tags into the mix along with some other niceties...