#dev 2022-12-27

2022-12-27 UTC
Yep, I added special support for Twitter links. The reason this isn’t automatic is because Micro.blog really wants all “users” to have their own domain name or subdomain, and so e.g. instagram.com/username doesn’t match that.
[manton] I see. I don’t want to make more work for you; maybe there’s a workaround on my end for this edge case.
geoffo and jbrr[m] joined the channel
After spending some time manually trying to clean up some data, I'm trying an automated approach.
[tw2113_Slack_], jbrr, bterry1, petermolnar, mro and jamietanna joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
re Fedifinder I've raised https://github.com/lucahammer/fedifinder/issues/198 and am looking to try and get a PR raised
[preview] [jamietanna] #198 Profile URLs with `.`s in them don't work
tiim, njmm and mro joined the channel
https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/11290 is somwthing I mentioned in the past that may be interesting to others - not sure if it's related to Bridgy Fed not seeing Boosts too?
[preview] [Simon0Harms] #11290 Provide a rss-feed with boosts
barnaby joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Good morning everyone!
mambang, mro, G1, barnaby, geoffo, [Michelle_Moore] and njmm joined the channel
[jamietanna] BF doesn't see boosts? Ie they're not in the feeds it serves? Sounds like a bug if so
geoffo joined the channel
Yeah I deffo don't seem to see any in the feed I subscribe to (https://fed.brid.gy/user/www.jvt.me/feed) when folks boost others' posts
Ugh ok. Sorry! Feel free to file an issue, I'll look
mro, chenghiz_, geoffo, tiim, gxt and [jacky] joined the channel
what are committments
It looks like we don't have a page for "committments" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "committments is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Nuve, [aciccarello] and geoffo joined the channel
[jamietanna] boosts/reposts should be in BF feeds now. may be a bit rough, lmk if you see any issues
snarfed++ for getting stuff done before I can even raise an issue 😁
snarfed has 59 karma in this channel over the last year (103 in all channels)
mambang and gRegor joined the channel
snarfed, I was trying out a new feed in granary (mf2 to atom) and saw bookmark posts add my name, photo, and "originally shared" before the post. Is that activitystreams or something?
Nah that's granary, trying to text-first-render ways to distinguish post types, since it doesn't have UI like silos
Sounds like bookmarks should say "bookmarked" somewhere or something similar? Feel free to file an issue!
Will do