#dev 2022-12-29

2022-12-29 UTC
gRegor, geoffo, benatkin, mro, barnaby and mambang joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> I enjoyed watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMWjol6xHJ0&ab_channel=Farcaster
<c​apjamesg#4492> It's more of a "these problems exist" rather than "here's how Farcaster solves them" but there should be more videos come out that answer the latter.
rkta, mro, mro_, geoffo, [Rick], sp1ff, gxt, gRegor and Seirdy0 joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Why did RSS do so well with podcasts?
tbh probably less of a technical reason and more that apple supported it and became the de-facto podcast directory and now everyone has to do whatever apple says for their podcast feeds
yeah I guess the first "do so well" was the ecosystem initially growing, and then the second a day or so later when growth boomed and they went mainstream. Apple definitely in at least the latter
er "decade or so later"
gRegor joined the channel
Unsure if this would go in #indieweb-chat or #indieweb-dev here, but I came across https://bringback.blog/ today
mro joined the channel
I think that's on-topic for #indieweb actually. Nice to see Jean MacDonald on the list
capjamesg, RSS+enclosures was "good enough" and "simple enough" for folks to prototype and get a positive feedback loop of publishers & consuming apps working and enough "early adopter" / "power user" adoption to be the "obvious" choice of an ecosystem to support/supplant when Apple decided to get into podcasting
Apple supporting it, with devices that made it convenient (iPod) is what made podcasting as a whole "do so well", regardless of plumbing
RSS+enclosures gained enough of a first-mover advantage that the Atom equivalent never really took off, despite Apple adding support for Atom podcasts (apparently)
what is a podcast
A podcast is an episodic series of audio and/or video posts that can be subscribed to and downloaded for offline listening/viewing https://indieweb.org/podcast
podcast << Apple technical guidelines for publishing a podcast feed (note, no mention of their [[Atom]] support) https://podcasters.apple.com/support/823-podcast-requirements
ok, I added "Apple technical guidelines for publishing a podcast feed (note, no mention of their [[Atom]] support) https://podcasters.apple.com/support/823-podcast-requirements" to the "See Also" section of /podcast https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85485&oldid=83968
podcast << Apple iTunes / Podcast apps do apparently support [[Atom]] feed podcasts. Example and recommendation to embed cover art in the actual MP3 file: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5124014/is-it-possible-to-add-itunesimage-to-an-atom-feed-with-enclosures
ok, I added "Apple iTunes / Podcast apps do apparently support [[Atom]] feed podcasts. Example and recommendation to embed cover art in the actual MP3 file: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5124014/is-it-possible-to-add-itunesimage-to-an-atom-feed-with-enclosures" to the "See Also" section of /podcast https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85486&oldid=85485
that being said, I tried web searching for: how do you publish a podcast in an "Atom feed", and found nearly nothing (see above for the one stackoverflow link) so it seems there is an opportunity to document that practice / how to on our wiki for better discoverability
does anyone here publish audio enclosures in their Atom feed?
Semi abandoned goblog for now; the hectic holidays are not giving me enough seat time to troubleshoot.... (full message at <https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/c38c565054aa3a25b24106ca82b1f77506d60a60>)
mro joined the channel
ActivityWeb on there is @j7@www.jlg.link
* ActivityWeb account to follow on there
is ActivityWeb the new name for Fediverse?
ActivityWeb is just a protocol within the Fediverse
link to protocol spec?
web searches for ActivityWeb don't return any protocol specifications
I expect starrwulfe meant ActivityPub
I meant activitypub
Told ya— hectic holidays
isn’t activityweb what sandeep originally called his set of protocols, one of which turned into webmention?
not that I recall, nor does chat search
[preview] [converspace] activityweb-specification: ActivityWeb Specification
mro joined the channel
Part of the reason it’s hard for me to explain to laypeople is the easily convoluted jargon.
I’d like to change the use of Fediverse to something more “official” sounding— I wrote here and will repost on my actual blog soon:
[preview] [starrwulfe] It’s important to note:Mastodon =/= Fediverse;Fediverse == #Mastodon, #Pixelfed, #Write.as, #Micro.blog, #Pleroma, #Peertube, #Lemmy etc.There’s a whole breadth of components that plug into this ecosystem and each one has its own strengths and we...
whoa nice archeology barnaby++
barnaby has 39 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
that's worth a wiki page just so it shows up in future search results
what is ActivityWeb
It looks like we don't have a page for "ActivityWeb" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ActivityWeb is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ActivityWeb was an overall “specification for a personal publishing and distributed social platform where you own all your data” proposed by [[User:Sandeep.io|Sandeep Shetty]] in 2012 that built upon [[PubSubHubbub]], [[Activity Streams]], [https://github.com/converspace/activitypush-specification ActivityPush], and [https://github.com/converspace/activitydialog-specification ActivityDialog].
[preview] [converspace] activitypush-specification: ActivityPush Specification
I've seen at least a few articles talking about the difference between the Fediverse and the...Federation, I think?...mostly talking about Hubzilla and Friendica, in the context of "federation" being Diaspora's protocol, I think, and those two projects being able to communicate with both constellations. When I started this last round of investigation my Plan A was actually to pick one of those two projects to set up, and try to get
microformats and webmentions working with it.
fascinating, ActivityPush (2012 era) sounds A LOT like a predecessor to ActivityPub, and even uses JSON-based API as well.
a totally unrecognized predecessor. hmmm...
0x3b0b: sounds like what I did back in 2018– I wound up setting up
A Hubzilla hub since it was able to federate everything
And had early webmentions support as well
"crypto-free protocol" I assume that is in reference to actual cryptography and not cryptocurrency? 😂
lol yes and good either way
Apple tried for a while to extend podcasts using m4a and m4v (with chapters and video playback, and by integrating authoring into iMovie and GarageBand), but were less able to steer it and didn't have the focus to keep it up.
I also remember back when I first heard about pump.io, and then several years later was trying to describe it to someone at work and went to pull it up and misremembered the TLD as .it. Do not look that up. Especially not at work.
[snarfed] I'd be curious of your opinion of https://github.com/converspace/activitypush-specification (it's a very short read) and if it even vaguely resembles (either conceptually or actually) how ActivityPub works
[preview] [converspace] activitypush-specification: ActivityPush Specification
That looks like the more complicated version of webmention with a verb that we rejected
IIRC it’s the direct predecessor to webmention
It does sound like it, yes.
no it looks like much more than that
check out the API to retrieve specific activities
Yeah, I recall there being some references to it in Hubzilla development back in the day so it’s why I keep getting confused
so ActivityPush has verb, and the endpoint serves activities as JSON
but otherwise yeah it does feel closer to webmention than AP, if only due to the minimalism
There was a whole bikeshedding argument about adding a "property" parameter to webmention that we eventually rejected https://github.com/w3c/webmention/issues/1
Wonder why this particular project died…
[preview] [csarven] #1 Introduce the property parameter
starrwulfe[m], perhaps ahead of its time
also proposed in advance of (or without soon thereafter) prototyping, which is a key step to demonstrate something is worthy of attention / iteration
sandeep had a really nice personal site with webmention comments implemented at sandeep.io, I think he just moved on to other things. it redirects to his other blog now
yes, and his prototyping of webmention on his own site is a key reason we have webmentions "as a thing" now
sandeep has 1 karma over the last year
sandeep has 2 karma over the last year
barnaby, snarfed, if you want to document the specific concepts/APIs/tech in ActivityWeb or ActivityPush that look very much like direct predecessors to ActivityPub features, please free to add that (even just as prose) to /ActivityWeb and I’m happy to wiki-garden it
honestly I don't see anything other than "verb" and "activity," which are more AS
at least nothing that's more AP than eg webmention, OStatus, etc
[snarfed] really? this looked very much like AP inbox delivery: https://github.com/converspace/activitypush-specification#sender-notifies-receiver
[preview] [converspace] activitypush-specification: ActivityPush Specification
as in notifies a *follower*, not a "mention"
no that reads to me as the recipient of the like, not followers
it says earlier in step #5: "Other users following Bob's website are notified about the activity (via PubSubHubbub)."
also #1: "Alice's website aggregates posts from eveyone she follows (via PubSubHubbub)."
ah you're right, I missed that distinction