#dev 2022-12-30

2022-12-30 UTC
gerben, geoffo, [benji], jeremy and [jacky] joined the channel
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-prodromou-dialback-00#page-3 looks interesting from one of the references of ActvityPush
Actually sounds along the lines of some of the new stuff going on in the OAuth world
i remember reading this ages ago, haven't thought about it in a while
[preview] [aaronpk] reviews dialback auth again
gRegor joined the channel
for those folks who have built their own CMS: whats your approach to stored post content format: “markdown” or html or …? i say “markdown” because once you toss in frontmatter, shortcodes, etc, is it really markdown anymore? then if you want to microformat all the things, that involves quite a bit of custom type handling or postprocessing ASTs or some such… but the beauty of “markdown on the file system” is alluri
[iambismark] here are my notes on my "CMS" stored post content format / file format etc.: https://indieweb.org/Falcon#Storage_format
mro and gerben joined the channel
barnaby joined the channel
What is h-entry?
h-entry is the microformats2 vocabulary for marking up blog posts on web sites https://indieweb.org/h-entry
pharalia joined the channel
What is a Mastodon server?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Mastodon server" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Mastodon server is ____", a sentence describing the term)
gerben joined the channel
Very curious to see if it works. Cc @clearlysid And if it does, Sid teach me please. https://www.sid.me/notes/framer-webmention
mro, [pfefferle] and geoffo joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: RE that post: yeah I don’t really get how webfinger enables a global namespace which isn’t just a layer of indirection over DNS
and IMO that post doesn’t really grapple with the social and political difficulties of managing a global namespace
which *is* more or less a solved problem… in DNS
despite its flaws
CrowderSoup joined the channel
I am trying hard not to write a post dumping on Blaine and his imaginary grnadmother
we're getting dangerously close to the point where grandmothers also grew up with the internet
claiming that the acct: scheme does anything useful seems like a bit of a stretch to me tbh
The intersection of Conway's law with Zooko's triangle and Bender's retort
bender’s retort?
"I'll build my own namespace, with blackjack and hookers"
ah okay lol
Ben's right about the follow problem, wrong about the name problem and naive about the consistent conversation problem, as that is equally true of twitter, as conversations fork.
well, at least on twitter there’s one “true” copy of the conversation, although their API and UX around threads and replies are so bad that different clients do end up presenting different views
on a semi-related note, this problem is making me wonder about going in on indie readers more (though my 'follow thousands' approach on twitter/mastodon may be asking for trouble there too)
do you end up having performance/UX problems due to the amount of people you follow?
There isn't really a true copy of the conversation, because each reply or quote is the root of a different fork - twitter will follow in-reply-to's up to the root from a post, but won't show all the responses below if that forks, nor will it show the quote responses. In a big conversation, it's the "publics" problem.
I do in twitter & mastodon quite often - the web app copes better than the client apps mostly, but they do chew RAM
true, quote tweets complicate it significantly. but at least twitter avoids the “multiple federated copies which each show a different set of replies” problem which I think is what Ben’s mostly focused on in that post
it doesn't really though, because you're going to see different replies than i see when we look at the same post, once a post gets big enough
quite - for an example, try and unpick this conversation, where I replied to a journalist talking about the Tate stuff - I am getting notifications for 3 forks of it https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/1608845614506455041
@hugorifkind "I was a mouthpiece for a sex trafficker and made no effort to contact his victims apart from asking him for their addresses" is not exactly something to be proud of.
aaronpk: due to algorithm stuff? I guess twitter is sufficiently login-gated now that it’s not really possible to claim that the logged-out view avoids that
i even clicked "mute conversation" on one thread i was in that got messy and it mostly worked but occasionally another reply would come through
I think that article’s point is more that the problems with tracking threads on mastodon is a regression from twitter’s already-flawed thread UX
caused by the federation model they use
It's more that the conversation is a graph, not a linear one, and different people in it see different subsets and respond to those subsets. Rifkind is getting criticism from lots of others as well as me and is responding with a similar shrug on each fork.
gRegor, barnaby and geoffo joined the channel
looking at a twitter tab and a mastodon tab opened about the same time, the mastodon one is growing ram faster, the twitter one uses more when I scroll but seems to GC when I background it.
There's nitter for twitter.
Much less ram use.
btrem, neceve and gRegor joined the channel
what is nitter
Nitter is a free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy https://indieweb.org/Nitter
neceve joined the channel
!tell [manton] Is the Dialog app deprecated? https://dialogapp.net/ isn't resolving (linked from /micro.blog), but I found https://github.com/microdotblog/dialog
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
neceve and [manton] joined the channel
[Gregor]: Yes, it hasn’t been maintained in a while… I cloned the repo just in case it went away. Didn’t realize the web site was gone.
Someone should retrofit IndieAuth into it and run with it as a new Micropub client. 🙂
Looks like it’s still on Google Play too.
neceve joined the channel
Ah, interesting. I updated /micro.blog with the github link
Thanks. I’ll remove the app link from our clients page too… I guess the domain name expired.
barnaby joined the channel