#[0x3b0b]<[0x3b0b]> "Hmm. Okay, apparently it's..." <- By the way, in the unlikely event that anyone was paying attention when I commented on the complication I was having with indieauth and content security policy in microblogpub, I think that was fixed in an update a week or two ago. I guess I should try logging in with indigenous again in a little while and make sure.
ben_thatmustbeme, gRegor, geoffo and angelo joined the channel
#[tantek]That Ben/Blaine exchange didn't really seem interesting. I mean yes, the Fediverse UX re: different servers/plumbing *is* awkward
#[tantek]but Ben's analogy of phone numbers is already solved
#[tantek]phone number : domain name :: telco provider : DNS provider
#Loqilost sites are former sites (including IndieWeb sites) on domains that the owner abandoned or lost control over (AKA domain deaths), are unresponsive or often taken over by other parties, sometimes turned into zombies; links to such domains should be replaced with Internet Archive versions https://indieweb.org/dead_site
#[tantek]gRegor is it worth adding that dialog site there ^ ?
#[0x3b0b]I wonder if anyone's tried to wrap something like oauth around "do you want to let this service make this change to your DNS?"
#[0x3b0b]That's a great thought to have right before bed, now I'm probably going to dream something that looks like a Star Trek episode and involves DNS changes
#[snarfed]20x3b0b even better, some modern hosts integrate domain registration and DNS and do it all behind the scenes for you, eg micro.blog
barnaby, mro, tnttime1, [Michelle_Moore], GregL[m], GregL1, IWSlackGateway, petermolnar, nertzy[d], IWDiscordRelay, [TMichelleMoore], sp1ff, [KevinMarks] and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel; GregL[m] left the channel
#[TMichelleMoore]Hello [marksuth] , Do you still produce Indigenous for iOS?
[snarfed] and [marksuth] joined the channel
#[marksuth]Hi [TMichelleMoore] Indigenous for iOS was removed from the App Store by Apple earlier in the year due to the published version being about 4 years old and I was unable to update it. I am however (albeit somewhat slowly) working on its replacement called IndiePass
geoffo, Nuve and bterry1 joined the channel
#starrwulfe[m][TMichelleMoore]: you can always use aaronpk’s Quill app pinned to your phones home screen
#Loqi[preview] [Starr Wulfe] @benbrown Does this do #indieweb #webmentions and follow #microformats2 as well?
I've been looking to self-host my own Fediverse compatible instance for a while now -- way before bird-gate happened.
Being part of the Fediverse is cool, but I also b...