#dev 2023-01-04

2023-01-04 UTC
Do I need a token endpoint to log into the wiki?
technically yes but it doesn't need to issue tokens, it just needs to verify the authorization codes
oh wait i am thinking one step ahead. the current version still uses the authorization endpoint to verify the authorization codes https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#redeeming-the-authorization-code
I tried to use selfauth with it, if it isn't using tokens that should work right?
i think it should still work
hmmm... still not working. Just copy and pasted the right files in and pasted in the config as specified
Not Acceptable!
An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.
oh that sounds like apache is blocking it for some reason
Bluehost... so cheap yet so crappy
You can use RelMeAuth to sign in if you're not able to get the endpoints working on your site
Yeah, but I want to get the endpoints working on my site :D
Understandable :)
the example is literally bluehost
I need to change my host one of these days but they are so cheap
AramZ-S are they stripping the Authorization header? we see that somewhat regularly. some details in https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieauth/#i%20keep%20getting%20the%20response%20that%20my%20request%20is%20unauthorized , ignore the Wordpress parts
oh nm, Not Acceptable sounds like HTTP 406/conneg, probably an Accept header mismatch. try https://indieweb.org/Apache#HTTP_406_Not_Acceptable_Error
Hmmm might be that too
I think, judging from some of the comments on mod_security, that this might be a bluehost specific problem with their configuration of mod_security.
bterry1 and gerben joined the channel
ok who wants to answer this one, aaronpk? [snarfed]? since you've both implemented both sides of both: https://social.lol/@bix/109628767717498985
[preview] [Bix :dotted_line_face:] Question out of sheer ignorance for #IndieWeb folks: why is there both ActivityPub and Webmention? And, I guess all these other things, to boot?https://www.w3.org/TR/social-web-protocols/
VHS and Betamax
[snarfed]: VHS and Betamax were roughly equivalent functionality. I'd liken the complexity of webmention vs activitypub more like a the different between trying to pilot a WW1 biplane vs the cockpit of a modern jetliner.
like most analogies, you don't want to actually think about it too much
gRegor joined the channel
Nuve joined the channel
That's not quite right as we got it down from 20 or so to 2
And Amy's document is missing the Webfinger entanglement too
[KevinMarks] you're very close (rounding error or digits of precision 😉 ) https://indieweb.org/Social_Web_Working_Group#History (~17 down to 2.5)
[preview] [Kevin Marks] @bix Mainly a difference of design philosophy. The Indieweb defined ones were made as building blocks that can be incrementally added to a website, and work with existing feeds infrastructure. ActivityPub defined a new protocol that covers a lot of u...
[tw2113_Slack_]1, [snarfed]1, [KevinMarks]1, [manton]1, [Rose]1, [schmarty]1 and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
quite fair [KevinMarks]++
[KevinMarks] has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (50 in all channels)
tiim joined the channel
well let's see if I re-POSSE to twitter and see what happens with Bridgy Fed
mro joined the channel
also changing a slug in a permalink and what happens with Bridgy Fed
gRegor joined the channel
looks like people are seeing the version with the typo, rather than the fixed version. e.g. boosted here: https://digitalstuntfactory.com/@paul (see "choosen" [sic])
[preview] Paul Jacobson
How does ActivityPub notify/propagate updates to posts so viewers see the updated version rather than the first version that arrived in their "inbox"?
!tell [snarfed] I found https://fed.brid.gy/docs#update and pretty sure I sent a webmention from my updated post to get it to update, however, I also updated the slug of the post (and thus URL), yet supported redirecting from the previous slug URL. Does Bridgy Fed accept an updated post with a new permalink slug?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
barnaby, jjuran, sebbu and mro joined the channel
There is an "Update" activity you can send to change a post. I've done it before. I don't remember whether it cares about the URL changing or if there is a different ID of the post you set in the update tho
yup, BF sends Updates for edited posts
this case is different though. [tantek] Falcon sent a first wm to BF with your first URL, then sent a second wm later with your second URL. BF had no reason to refetch the first URL and see the redirect, so it didn't know they were the same post, so it made two separate posts
doing the "right thing" here would be tricky. BF uses your URL as the id of the AS2 Note object it creates. I don't know what changing an id entails. or we could keep using the original URL as the id everywhere, which we'd need to store and remember. which is doable
(...but probably not high priority)
What would have been the correct way to have BF send an update for the post that moved?
the URL change is the harder part, but I think it's mostly an implementation detail
Interesting, so if I send a webmention for the old URL (which redirects to the new), would that be enough for Bridgy to send the AP Update?
I could change the url field and keep id the same, ie the original URL
Or is this a use-case for an actually unchanging u-uid on posts?
[tantek] no right now BF doesn't really support URL changes, full stop. it will make new posts out of them
I suppose my site probably has this same problem, I don't think I've tried changing the url of a post and sending an update
it Updates edits fine, but not URL changes
Snarfed, there are two problems, 1 updating the “old” post, 2 de-duping URL changes. I am talking about 1 for now.
right. for 1 _without_ a URL change, BF handles it fine and sends a valid Update
2 is the missing feature
ie BF still would have duped your post even if you hadn't edited the content
Why wouldn’t 1 work with Bridgy following redirects per the WM spec?
Right, 2 is harder
it uses the final URL as an id, so it doesn't see the old post, so it ends up as a new post
(which is fixable to support URL changes. I'm just describing the current behavior)
The underlying problem here is that AP IDs are opaque strings and are not URLs that have semantics like redirects
Right so webmentioning the old URL should make it use that URL as the ID for the updated content, which it should retrieve from the redirect! That’s my point.
[aaronpk] maybe. but ids are implementation-chosen and intended to be the same. it's kind of on BF to handle this more than AP
the old URL [as webmention source]
[tantek] yes, hence my "just describing the current behavior." I'm not claiming it's impossible
Ok so we can test this by sending that webmention then and seeing if the old post content is updated.
I believe that is my responsibility anyway as the webmention sender
you're welcome to test, but I can tell you what will happen. if the old URL redirects, BF will continue to handle it under the new URL, and not update the original post with the old URL
That is, receivers expect to get an explicit webmention of an “old” or previously seen URL in order to process an update
s/update/URL update/, sure. we're inventing new BF semantics and behavior now, but yes, this could work
Technically this is a webmention update semantic implementation detail
ahhh sure true
Pretty sure wm rocks even has an update test for this
I don't think there are tests for redirected URLs but that would be good to add
Ok so I can do a few things to explore this.
1 resend that aforementioned webmention with source= old URL and see what Bridgy does
2 If that doesn’t work, temporarily revert the slug, then resend that webmention to see what Bridgy does. According to [snarfed] that should work with existing deployed Bridgy.
3 if that doesn’t work (to update the old URL post on peoples timelines) then that’s definitely a Bridgy bug to be filed & investigated
Also could delete the post at the old URL to remove it from ppls timelines
4 write up some use-cases for changing URLs as proposals for new wm rocks tests
aaronpk that’s an interesting idea to 410 old slugs
That may take some coding on my part as well as storing the old slugs
Actually now that I say that out loud I'm pretty sure that's how I "updated" posts if I was changing the URL
basically instead of updating the post I deleted it and made a new one
then after the dust settled, I changed the deleted stub into a redirect
Maybe there’s a multi step process here to return a 410 from the old URL, send AP updates, then change the old URL to a redirect to the new URL
Ah that’s what you’re doing already ok
mro joined the channel
whoa, according to my stats, my website screensaver has already been triggered 146 times since i launched it yesterday 😮
[Rick] joined the channel
20 of those were me admiring it. 🙂
The delete flow is safer and easier on the server side, agreed. FYI though BF doesn't support wm -> AP deletes yet. Someday! https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/30
[preview] [swentel] #30 Allow posts to be deleted
I think that's CTHULU
mro joined the channel
from #indieweb, that kevquirk blog post is a good reminder that reducing the number of WP plugins probably being one of the higher priority things to improving the WordPress indieweb experience
and an important lesson for indieweb "solutions" that anyone is working or building
it's a tricky balance to strike, because the "building block" approach we take to things definitely lends itself to mirroring that pattern in plugins
GWG, when you have a moment, curious what your high level plans are for simplifying the IndieWeb WordPress experience. I know there were at least 2-3 plugins you wanted to merge into one.
but also points out what you said earlier about wordpress not being an end user tool, it's a developer tool
aaronpk, sorta. if the building blocks were well delineated based on *user features* then yes
if the plugins are plumbing building blocks then bno
right now I suspect it is more of the latter that is causing the frustration
also some of the names are kinds plumbing related too unfortunately, "Semantic Linkbacks", "Post Kinds", "Webmentions"
it's unclear what the use-cases are for installing those separately for example
or rather, are there actual non-trivial non-edge-case use-cases for only installing 1-2 of those, and do those really merit the complexity of making *everyone else* install/manage three plugins
[pfefferle] said he might have time to finally merge Webmention and Semantic Linkbacks
I got rid of Bridgy as a separate plugin
GWG, while merging, could Post Kinds also be merged with that?
So that leaves Indieauth and Micropub... I don't see them going together
what are wordpress plugins
WordPress Plugins are recommended plugins that can help make your site more IndieWeb friendly https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins
Post Kinds is not something that everyone wants or likes
Post Kinds is complicated as an issue. Would love to talk it out
that's the problem statement right there
Common is different than required though
GWG, Webmention, Semantic Linkbacks, *and* Syndication links should be a single plugin at a minimum
[tantek]: That's already something we all agreed on
so why only two then?
It's the others that are harder to jigsaw
GWG, can you capture that "something we all agreed on" in a "Plans" section on that page?
Syndication Links into Webmentions we didn't, excuse me
because I feel like we keep having this discussion once a year and nothing is ever written down about what we agreed, and what work is being done to fix the pain points
also when it's not written down, it gets lost when people are wondering what to work on or help contribute to
I will write something up tonight... I know I have written on the topic
I think the issue of plugin merging is that we see them as different things and others see them as "The Indieweb"
[tantek]: Is my location code an Indieweb plugin, for example?
By the way, I split Syndication Links into its own plugin because people said it didn't belong in the Indieweb plugin years ago
no, "function code" should be a library, for developers to include in something that solves user-centric problems
GWG, I think there may also be a problem here of listening to the noisy few, rather than solving for the majority of quiet users
[tantek]: It may be a bit more complicated than that to decide. Might need to get some of us together to chat
GWG, there are enough WordPress users that show up to HWC that it's worth discussing there at least a bit
merge++ !!!
merge has 1 karma over the last year
GWG++ pfefferle++ for hopefully finally doing it
GWG has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
[preview] [dshanske] #112 Merge Semantic Linkbacks into this plugin
6 years!!
do it do it
GWG, would you consider (with [pfefferle] perhaps) NOT creating more WP plugins until you’ve merged the existing ones that should / need to be merged as at least one form of prioritization?
Next level would be: don't add more features to existing WP plugins until you’ve merged the existing ones that should / need to be merged
<-- also me putting off new projects before i finally deprecate indieauth.com
tough love
As a newcomer into this area and very much wanting to evangelize getting sites set up to go IW, Wordpress offers the least amount of friction to the average slightly technical person to do so; the less amount of work in the form of installing a plugin to install more plugins, the better.
gRegor joined the channel
I actually did fresh WP installs twice over the last 3 days with the plugins and while not that much of a hassle for me to set up, I’ve been doing this for 20 years. I’d like to get it to a point where the same person installing the contact form plugin can also do this without sweating bullets. Part of that could be just massaging the documentation into layman’s terms or providing some screenshots somewhere. I’m willing to
help in these areas if needed.
Once I get things into their mostly final state on my site, I intend to do some tutorials on how I got it set up.
I haven't created a new plugin in over a year
I just float from plugin to plugin like a little pollinating bee
Did you want to revisit them in 2023?
starrwulfe[m]: Which?
Any one of them. Just curious if you felt like there was something you wanted to refactor or iterate on in a new plugin
I'm always iterating
I did a bunch of feature drops in the November December timeframe and am still tweaking
Mentioned to GWG when he visited here, but mentioning it here too: might be worth considering moving the WP plugin(s) to the indieweb org, if pfefferle is willing.
I'm team mergetheplugins++
mergetheplugins has 1 karma over the last year
gRegor: Only Webmentions isn't, and the ones I initiated
mergetheplugins has 2 karma over the last year
And Webmentions is the one with the 6 year issue :)
arethepluginsmergedyet dot com? :}
Is this what peer pressure feels like?
does wordpress have any concept of plugin bundles? Or put another way, if it’s still more convenient to work on the plugins separately, would it also be possible to have some sort of build process which compiled them all into one plugin which people can install and get everything at the same time?
could lead to additional confusion if not explained well enough
checks calendar to see if it is 2014 again
I know plenty of frameworks which work the opposite way, where they’re developed as a monolothic framework, but have automated processes which split the tree out into different components which people can use separately if they want
I just feel like we keep having this conversation but not making progress
barnaby: One of the plugins has a built-in plugin installer for the others
I think it's a complicated issue that doesn't have an easy answer
Indieweb, IndieAuth and Micropub are all in the Indieweb GitHub account. I could merge those tomorrow.
GWG, we keep not making progress because the result of the conversation is not written down
that's not a bad idea GWG, to merge those three
installing an IndieWeb plugin and NOT getting IndieAuth support makes no sense
and once you have IndieAuth, having Micropub "just work" makes total sense
They fit together. There are some issues with Micropub though because it doesn't work with the block editor, but what does.
blockeditor has -1 karma over the last year
I thought another part of the issue was time/availability for pfefferle to approve updates
[tantek]: I had this problem the first time.
I missed a plugin. Herein lies the step-by-step and ELI5 documentation that could solve for that problem.
gRegor: Mostly because no one else is versed in it
I meant: isn't he the only one who can commit and release?
I am currently not the bottleneck I think
And having no code review is not really a solution I think
[pfefferle]: No, and I feel bad when people think you are. Only on Webmention where I feel I really need help with the migration
I'm scared about messing up people's data
And I also invested a lot in webmentions the last year!
[pfefferle]: We both did.
Yes, sorry!
[pfefferle]: I just feel we're really close
I think I will have a party the day Webmention 5.0 is released
And there was a reason to have the two plugins separated!
Yes, I remember that
I thought about having webmentions part of the core and I see no change to have it in core with all the semantic linkbacks stuff
I think we also learned a lot since 2014. That changed our percepti5
But as Matt announced canonical plugins it makes sense to have them combined
And I also searched for options to invest even more in the IndieWeb and I think I found a solution but can’t talk about that before April
I'm willing to do some code review if that's something needed
The more the better!
[preview] [dshanske] #232 Merge IndieAuth into this plugin
[preview] [dshanske] #233 Merge Micropub into this plugin
I am still against merging plugins, because it does not solve the issue, that we are not really good with UI/UX and onboarding! And it does only work agains the symptoms. And I still want to build things for myself that will also work for others and I am no fan of big monoliths that install things I do not need/want. Yes, we need a plan how to explain plugins and usage. Let’s take the Microformats 2 plugin as an example… it mi
help some, but only if the theme does not support it natively… so bundling it does not help here… Yes we could discuss about bundling micropub with indieauth (from the IndieWeb perspective) but I think there is more chance to push single purpose plugins in the WordPress ecosystem, like having the indieauth plugin as an canonical version of api authentication, which it might not become of it comes with publish endpoints…
those seem like theoretical goals, whereas we know right now that people struggle with the multiple separate plugins
But is this really the conclusion? Or is it that they struggle with the plugins?
Bundling them does not make them easier
And as I said not everyone need everything (Microformats 2)
[pfefferle]: I tend to agree some things don't go together, but I agree with [tantek] if we are choosing to do or not do.. let's document it so we don't keep bringing it up
"more chance to push single purpose plugins in the WordPress ecosystem" <-- I also don't believe in that theoretical goal
real users are hurting (have been hurting) because of the current "setup" for *years*
empathy for real users is more important than theoretical ecosystem goals
Yes, but I am also one of these users!!!
For the truly optional items, they could still be bundled and behind a config setting (off by default, if appropriate)
I think checking a box off or on is an improved UX over install a plugin that directs you to maybe install more plugins
[pfefferle] this blog post resonated with a lot of other WordPress users: https://kevquirk.com/removing-support-for-the-indieweb/ it's not just "one user"
gRegor++ agreed. smart defaults > plugin management
gRegor has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
[pfefferle] you are right that I don't know what the right balance is in WordPress Plugin design for the plugin author's needs vs what other users need.
It is not always easy to read these discussions!
I understand all of your points and if would be my business, no problem! But it is my spare time and I invested really a lot of time building these plugins! But the only drive I currently have is, that they are ALSO for me and my strong feelings to be/stay indie!
same gRegor
and thanks for that perspective and all your efforts [pfefferle]++
[pfefferle] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
This section of that canonical plugins post seems to resonate with what we’re talking about for IndieWeb WordPress Plugins:
> Canonical plugins are meant to provide a trustworthy alternative to plugins where authors’ motivations may not put users first. It also provides an avenue for core contributors to demonstrate the demand for features they want to land in WordPress.
yeah it's an interesting question. if a community has a broadly accepted tool for something, and the author wants one UX based on their own needs, but the community builds consensus that it wants a different UX, what should happen?
I guess the answer is fork and/or build an alternative
which is obviously overkill here
[pfefferle]++ appreciate all your work on the plugins!
[pfefferle] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (16 in all channels)
I think UX/UI is not my problem
Change whatever you want
It is the monolith stuff!
right but monolith vs separate plugins _is_ UX, setup/install UX, for other people even if not for you
but it's semantics. the point is how to reconcile the different desires
anyway. it seems like we all agree on at least merging webmention and semantic linkbacks. let's maybe focus on that for now, to start?
jonnybarnes joined the channel
But GWG and I worked a lot on that! There are only some small steps missing!
2 steps by my count
One PR merge and one new PR
totally! we all appreciate that work. thank you!!! we're just excited to see the merge actually happen
The problem is, that these last two parts are not trivial! It’s the migration of the old persistence and the comment representation
And SL was very hacky, so we want to do things right… finally!
I will be the best Webmention implementation ever and I already had discussions getting it into core or similar stuff
We had a really nice hackathon on the cloudfest last year, to work on the onboarding btw.
[preview] Vom 19. bis 21. März fand der CloudFest Hackathon in Rust statt und ich hatte die Chance ein Projekt einzureichen und zu leiten: WordPress and the IndieWebThe IndieWeb is a community of individual personal websites, connected by simple standards,...
And maybe I have to be more communicative here and in the wiki!
starrwulfe joined the channel
Outsider, but WP user, chiming in. I don't mind installing 7 plugins as long as I know what they do and why I would want them. I've seen several plugins where once activated, they have a note with something like, "Hey you probably should get these plugins for additional features and here's why".
It's all in the documentation in other words. I agree.
njmm and [Mike_Little] joined the channel
New lurker chiming in: I don’t know the full story behind this discussion, so I can’t comment on the specific idea of combining plugins. However, I will point out that after 11 years the mega plugin Jetpack ( a plugin that grew from about 10 modules to over 45) has finally decided to start breaking it up. https://jetpack.com/blog/build-your-own-jetpack-now-with-individual-plugins/ And this is with full paid team behind it. T
decision does seem to be about allowing people to just use the parts they want, and frankly the first 5 pieces they have split off, should never have been anything but standalone. Still, food for thought.
The two in question, Webmentions and Semantic Linkbacks, are almost always together though. Latter makes the Webmentions you show on your site look better.
(and regularly confuses users who install one but not the other and don't understand why webmentions aren't working, or look wrong)
I would also say IndieAuth should go in there or at least be merged with MicroPub because how else would you log into a third party editor?
IndieAuth+Micropub definitely go together, but you could argue that they're offering quite different functionality to the user vs Webmention. one is "log in to apps and post to my site" the other is "get comments from other peoples websites"
mro joined the channel
True. I wish there was some way to link dependencies together in the plug-in world in this case
Maybe just a simple "If you want to do this, then you need these" kind of wording during onboarding?
Something like the indiewebify.me progression (not that exactly, but a walk through of "now you can do this - test it, next you could try this"
mro joined the channel
Also Indieauth is a dependency for Micropub
There is a featured project for plugin dependencies https://github.com/WordPress/wp-plugin-dependencies
[preview] [WordPress] wp-plugin-dependencies: WordPress Feature Project: Plugin Dependencies
It does seem like there’s a logical clustering of IndieWeb+IndieAuth+Micropub (a bunch of things that primarily benefit the author/owner of the blog, without a visible effect to readers of the blog), and Webmentions+SemanticLinkbacks+SyndicationLinks (a bunch of things that make cross-site comments work and look good)
ooh, who sees the end result of the plugin is a nice distinction
like I get why you would keep those two clusters quite separate
from a user perspective
bterry, petermolnar, nertzy[d] and IWDiscordRelay joined the channel
I have questions about what Indieweb is for
The Indieweb WordPress plugin
grrr... Anybody use Sparkle as their micropub editor?
ok I'm trying the steps I said I would
[preview] [[tantek]] 2 If that doesn’t work, temporarily revert the slug, then resend that webmention to see what Bridgy does. According to [snarfed] that should work with existing deployed Bridgy.
looks like that worked! I just checked the first boost of that post according to Bridgy Fed, and it's been updated to fix the typo: https://digitalstuntfactory.com/@paul (you have to scroll a while to see it, which, if you’re seeing this in chat archives later, will likely be futile)
[preview] Paul Jacobson
and now re-reverting the slug so redirects work properly
the remaining challenge / use-case is how to change the slug of a permalink, and have that information about the post be updated in Bridgy Fed / broadcast to AP followers
rather than creating a second post
right. totally doable, just a BF feature request
I mean from an "API" perspective, what's the "right" way for a publisher to initiate such an update. I'm not sure that "just change the link" and resend webmention is the right answer. Resending a webmention from the old URL (which redirets) might be one answer
right, that (latter) seems like the candidate answer for pure indieweb too, which is always a good place to start
starrwulfe, I tried it out to publish a note
It worked for me, though didn't redirect to the post's permalink
What is Sparkles?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Sparkles" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Sparkles is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Sparkles is a micropub client. You can create posts from here to add to your micropub compatible website.
For more detailed information about sparkles, read the announcement post.
Built with MithrilJS, SCSS, and FontAwesome. Deployed to Netlify.
typed too slowly
copypasta from their about page. I'll clean it up in a bit
I'm editing
Were you having trouble with it, starrwulfe? benji is the creator
benji is usually at the HWC
gRegor: yeah, I was unable to get the Movie post kind to play nice with my wordpress site. The movie poster graphic and text for the content block didn't come out correctly for some reason.
Ah, yeah I think that's probably a more experimental post type, not sure what the micropub request looks like for that.
Oh yeah, it's Wednesday, HWC day! My mental clock has been behind a day.
I'll try to drop in
I've got a post type "watched" I could set it to https://starrwulfe.xyz/1243-2/
[preview] [Jason L Gatewood] Watched: 🎬”Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”
(that was a manual version I did an hour ago for a test)
Wait, there's an HWC for us tonight? I'll try to test RSVPs again in that case if I can find the post on the site...
Pacific one is weekly, pretty consistently
There's an iCal feed on events.indieweb.org, and even for tag pages like https://events.indieweb.org/tag/hwc
yeah, I need to sub to the calendar so I can stop bugging y'all here with inane questions and instead do it in Zoom 😅
Haha, nah, not inane, and that's what dev chat is for
A lot more eyes on it in chat to help too
Nice job with the Wordpress site btw
True-- and it's less ephemeral; somebody will see it eventually.
True has -1 karma over the last year
true has 0 karma over the last year
And the everpresent Loqi has eyes all over
gives Loqi some truth
(good bot)
hearts the truth
that's right
Thanks-- I want to change the CSS up on my site at some point of course, but I'm just working on plumbing and troubleshooting a few errors at the moment.
Thanks has -1 karma over the last year
Can I not give karma back? (seriously why *that* as a handle?!)
Thanks has 0 karma over the last year
It might have been too fast
He will tell us to slow down if we karma too much too quickly too, heh
OK, I'll try not to use emdashes here.
An extra space before should work -- like this. Actual em-dashes are fine, but these are coming through as two hyphens
actually -- better example since karma is start or end of line
actually has -1 karma over the last year
is fine with that karma though
We need to go to #../meta and get to the bottom of the whole common words as user handles shenanegans
aaronpk, does Meetable show 'maybe' RSVPs?
Mine is just showing as a comment
now loqi doesn't know what to do
hm i don't remember
i thought so
That does depend on what loqi thinks is a word separator, yes
[KevinMarks]: Loqi is going to make a diff view now.
aaronpk, nevermind, think I messed up markup
What is meetable?
Meetable is an IndieWeb friendly open source events aggregator that is used for the IndieWeb events site at https://events.indieweb.org https://indieweb.org/Meetable
What are the most creative use cases we have for Webmention?
It looks like we don't have a page for "most creative use cases we have for Webmention" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "most creative use cases we have for Webmention is ____", a sentence describing the term)
\o/ yep, worked with fixed mf2
capjamesg, I find the whole send a webmention to Bridgy Publish / Bridgy Fed pretty clever
<c​apjamesg#4492> gRegor I don't think that redirect is quite right.
<c​apjamesg#4492> Can you elaborate re: the Webmention and Brid.gy thing?
what is bridgy publish?
Bridgy is an open source project and proxy that implements backfeed and POSSE as a service https://indieweb.org/Bridgy_Publish
Ah, not a dedicated section. After connecting to Bridgy and using the right microformats, you can send a webmention to have Bridgy publish to Twitter, for example.
Similarly, after setting up Bridgy Fed to federate to Mastodon, you send a webmention and BF handles federating your post
How are you handling follows?
Bridgy Fed handles them
It sends a webmention to me when they follow, though I don't do anything special with them currently. So far I just subscribe to the feeds linked there ^
* wonders if he should switch from the plugin to bridgy.fed
I think it depends if you already have a separate Mastodon account that you want to POSSE your site posts to
In my case, my site is my Mastodon account.
Ah, same
With BF doing the heavy lifting of all the AP stuff :)
I'm trying out the AP plugin on wordpress, it works well, but the Friends plugin for handling follows is sketch-town. I want to speak with its dev or someone who uses it at least
starrwulfe: I don't, but [pfefferle] does
If I could get BF to handle only follows, DMs and other inbox stuff and let the other stuff work for outbox stuff...
BF doesn't do DMs afaik
(technically there are no DMs in AP, just very unlisted one to one posts)
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`Microblog.pub` does (acknowledging that technicality), as starrwulfe can vouch, since he's the only person I've had them with yet. But then, MBP kind of works in the opposite direction from a lot of the other solutions. In terms of its approach, that is, not the communication.
Just as an anecdotal data point...speaking as a software developer (who did not want to do much "developing" for the purpose) with some sysadmin-adjacent experience, and who has worked extensively with PHP (including Wordpress, although not all that much) and very little with Python, I was WAY less intimidated by installing microblogpub (which is written in Python) than by the idea of setting up wordpress and plugins.
Interesting. Back when Known was first shipped in this community, folks had similar comments. Much easier to install & run Known which supported IndieWeb building blocks out of the box, than futz with setting up wordpress and plugins
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