#dev 2023-01-05

2023-01-05 UTC
Yeah...when I was deciding what to get set up with, my top three choices coming down to the wire (there were a few others earlier on) were Microblogpub, Known+BF, and Hazawebsite+BF.
Maybe I’ll try spinning up a small microblogpub instance to try out later.
I should probably acknowledge that part of my sentiment about Wordpress comes from having been on a team that had to maintain at least one Wordpress site with customizations that made it unlikely to survive upgrades without additional effort, and that was at least partly responsible for dealing with security compromises, but was not empowered to make the decision to spend the necessary time to upgrade the site and plugins and make
sure functionality wasn't lost rather than letting it keep running on decrepit and vulnerable versions with haphazardly hot-patched mitigations.
[0x3b0b]: I know all about that. I've been part of a team that has maintained the same set of wordpress installations for some prominent outlets in Japan for the last 12 years. I'm still at the point where I might bolt into some other product but I also know the "power of the 'Press" if done correctly the first time too...
Yeah, intellectually I know that if you don't get locked into that kind of situation and have that anxiety building year on year, it must not be nearly as uncomfortable. Emotionally...not so much.
I'm just glad we finally convinced our bosses (accounting basically) to go with managed WP. I'm more of a journalist that happens to be a shadetree coder and process engineer. Not the other way around!
geoffo, TechLIfeWeb and petermolnar joined the channel
[preview] [davecheney] pub: pub, a tiny ActivityPub to Mastodon bridge
nertzy[d] and IWDiscordRelay joined the channel
as another way to "add" AP support to your existing site, yet with software you install / manage
curious if anyone has tried it or heard of it before
gRegor joined the channel
yeah I looked at it a while back. he's good, I'm sure it's good, if developer focused. "ActivityPub to Mastodon bridge" is confusing wording though
aaronpk: If I asked you where something was on your to do list, would that be an imposition?
TechLIfeWeb joined the channel
Hi all, I'm trying bridgy fed and when I try to send a webmention the link isn't found unless I put it within the e-content block. Perhaps I've munged up my html in some other way. Example non-working post https://techlifeweb.com/blog/2023/post-11/
[preview] [Scott Kingery] Testing bridgy fed again. I think I have the right syntax for my post but I still have more testing to do.
TechLifeWeb I'm not seeing any wms to BF for that URL
I don't see a link to fed.brid.gy in it at all
oh sorry nm
I see the link, but BF hasn't received a wm for it
maybe try with curl
TechLIfeWeb: does your site send webmentions for all links on the page, or only those within the post content?
starrwulfe and TechLIfeWeb joined the channel
snarfed, right I don't think it is an issue with BF, when I try to send a web mention say with Telegraph I get "No links were found from the given URL. Make sure your post is marked up with h-entry and contains some links."
barnaby I'm not sure about that.
TechLIfeWeb joined the channel
Here's one that worked just now once I moved the link inside the e-content block http://localhost:8080/blog/2023/1/post-12/
localhost link
I can see it via Mastodon so it seems it worked fine. Looks super odd on BF though so I'm sure I must have some other formats wrong.
[preview] [Scott Kingery] Another test with bridgy fed within the e-content.
SRG, bterry1, [TMichelleMoore] and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] et al, I switched Bridgy Fed's AP delivery to followers to a background task queue, webmentions should generally return much faster now
ooh nice
geoffo, tiim and TechLIfeWeb joined the channel
Think I got my markup sorted for webmentions
[jeremycherfas] and [jamietanna] joined the channel
rocto and barnaby joined the channel
@snarfed possible regression? looks like there was a Bridgy Fed error federating my most recent post (or some other warning icon?) also “no log found” when I click the link https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com
Oh weird the warning icon just turned into a 📫
starrwulfe, gRegor and pharalia_ joined the channel
rocto, njmm, rocto92 and starrwulfe joined the channel
I hadd some errant tags causing issues with webwebmentions. Also seems to work better if I put the bridgy links before the e-content. #indieweb #11ty (https://techlifeweb.com/blog/2023/1/post-17/)
starrwulfe and geoffo joined the channel
[tantek] yup, apologies, fixing!
Ha, talked BlueHost support through resolving the mod_security issue, they whitelisted it, and now it works. I have a working basic indieauth implimentation! https://indieweb.org/User:Aramzuckerscharff.com
mro joined the channel
AramZ-S++ well done!
AramZ-S has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
Can you share what you requested of BlueHost so we can document it as a tip in the wiki?
Already added a little note for additional clairty on the wiki page that helped me - https://indieweb.org/mod_security
Now how do I get the nice clean image of my face and actual name on the wiki signature?
What is a sparkline
A sparkline is a small, simple, data-dense graphic with typographic resolution that is shown inline and in-context with relevant text https://indieweb.org/sparkline
Thanks [snarfed]! Should I resend the bf wm to make it broadcast again?
↩️ I need to look at ActivityPub next too. Def agree that WebMentions pacifies the vibes of posting into the abyss while also making the page feel more fun and alive.
[tantek] I did already, it's there now!
I replayed the other failed wms too, except for yours, TechLifeWeb, since it looked like they were mostly tests. context: Bridgy Fed's follower delivery was broken last night, from ~8:30pm PT until just now, so if you were testing and nothing happened, that's why, sorry!
starrwulfe joined the channel
Oh, do sparkline templates only work with a JPG?
Yeah, looks like. I added a note to the doc, since that's nonobvious from the existing documentation I think?
ugh feedbin built in the proprietary mastodon API, which I get why they did it but this is literally what micropub is for
mro joined the channel
I am going to be very unsurprised if we are going to see more of that though
it's one thing for full mastodon/activitypub clients to use the mastodon API, but it's silly when all it does is make a post
could make sense if they’re planning on adding additional mastodon-specific support later
but also, the mastodon post creation API is almost identical to basic micropub IIRC, so now they’ve implemented one, it might be easier to persuade them to implement the other
They already have Micro.blog. Is that pure Micropub?
mastodon doesn't support micropub, right? so it's not like feedbin had a choice...?
[preview] [dissolve] #2234 Micropub Support
That too, which is why I am expecting we will be seeing more services going with the Mastodon API
yeah they didn't have a choice for *mastodon* but they added support specifically for mastodon the product, not for a standard. e.g. they could have also said "hey look now you can post to your micro.blog account" and they would have built it with micropub instead
A bunch of other server implementations speak the Mastodon api format too afaik
oh they do support micro.blog? Haha I totally missed that
But seems to do a token verification call that would not be supported by random micropub endpoints
weird, the "request_token" step there seems unnecessary for a simple token mechanism like micro.blog and micropub. it seems like it was built to support the services that use a separate client secret exchange for a token first
Is there more/new information we could add to https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/2234 to help encourage it? E.g. number of Micropub clients?
[preview] [dissolve] #2234 Micropub Support
what are micropub clients
Micropub clients are sites and client applications that publish to servers via Micropub https://indieweb.org/micropub-clients
aaronpk, snarfed, that page could use some updating / gardening / verifying that the clients listed still "work" ^
then linking to it would make a compelling case for services and server software to support Micropub clients
barnaby, starrwulfe, Seirdy, mro, geoffo and gRegor joined the channel
3 days until the 11th anniversary of Bridgy’s launch! https://indieweb.org/timeline#January 🎂
I added a countdown scheduled for 2023-01-08 11:19am PST (#7003)
tiim joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Amazing!
AramZ-S[m], /Template:sparkline works with PNGs
What's the PNG you're trying to use? If there's a query string in the URL, might need to use an explicit parameter name/number in the template, like `{{sparkline|1=https://example.com/photo.png?foo=bar}}`
I did try to use a few options that didn't work. I tried this one for example - https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/748069?s=400&v=4
Does it need a file ending perhaps?
Hm, wouldn't expect it to. Trying out some things now.
I also tried a data:image url and that didn't work, but I was less surprised by that.
hm a via.placeholder.com png seems to work, but not a local png on indieweb.org
oh, duh, I linked to the media page, not the actual png
That github URL is responding with Content-Type: image/jpeg
oh! it's the query parameters
just a moment
does it strip query params?
AramZ-S[m], updated https://indieweb.org/User:Gregorlove.com/sandbox#sparkline Yeah since the github URL has a query parameter, need to use the "1=" as the parameter. {{sparkline|1=https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/748069?s=400&v=4}}
It's an edge case with MediaWiki template syntax
I'll update the sparkline template. We did this sometime recently with https://indieweb.org/Template:chat-user URLs too
Awesome, thanks!
doesn't work for a data url sadly, but that's a reach I know haha
gRegorLove_, kushal and starrwulfe joined the channel
[snarfed]: Is it possible to test my site with BridgyFed without making something break if I decide to go in a different direction?
starrwulfe, this is that account migration issue I mentioned last night: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/330
[preview] [snarfed] #330 Add account migration (Move) support
somewhat, yes
gRegor: thanks, monitoring (and ⭐starring too!)
starrwulfe hard to say, you'd have to be more specific about "making something break," but one easy thing I can do is, if you want to switch to something else in the future, I can give you the private key Bridgy Fed generates and uses for your domain
I've done that before
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[snarfed]: not sure TBH what would break; the domain itself is mine and BridgyFed uses the FQDN as a handle...
I currently am using my handle@starrwulfe.xyz so it wouldn't interfere I think
thats with the AP wordpress plugin...
oh you won't be able to use two different AP services on the same domain
some things may work, a bit, but in general whichever one serves /.well-known/* will "win"
good to know
I think if I temporarily uninstall the AP plug-in and then do bridgyfed that might work, right?
especially since lots of stuff is being done serverside to translate to webmentions which work with my site already
it should theoretically work, yes
good experiment, I don't think we have a lot of experience with that, definitely wikify or otherwise write up how it goes!
Yep, good idea. I'll make sure to talk about the experience from both standpoints
geoffo, starrwulfe, CrowderSoup and mro joined the channel