#dev 2023-01-09

2023-01-09 UTC
starrwulfe joined the channel
Attempting to successfully syndicate comments to/from Twitter via webmention/ActivityPub.
gRegor joined the channel
!tell [snarfed] Bridgy Fed idea, a page showing an aggregate feed of all your followers posts, e.g. https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com/followers/feed — idea derived from: https://sfba.social/@alexismadrigal/109651760416246482
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
AP doesn't deliver those posts to your inbox, so that's not really possible with the current protocol, at least not very scalably
right, not via AP, that's a good point. however BF does know the list, and thus a list of RSS feeds
perhaps BF could provide half the solution, like that list of RSS feeds to a Microsub server to do the feed retrieval and placement into a channel
hmm maybe!
so rather than /followers/feed, /followers/feeds — as in provide a list of the feeds of your followers. That should be scalable for BF
then we'd need to figure out what's the best way for a Microsub server to consume that into a channel
bterry1 joined the channel
hey folks using Mastodon web UI as a reader and paying attention to what toots show up where and where they don’t, does this diagram reflect your experience? https://mstdn.party/@voron/109546077495237414 (sharing here in #indieweb-dev because the details seem very dev-like)
[preview] [Voron] Good morning #mastodon hey #twitter escapees wondering how a post gets seen here? Yup, it’s different it depends on people, boosts, not an algorithm. 👇 https://files.mstdn.party/media_attachments/files/109/546/077/392/306/728/original/b802713cf591e075.png
[tw2113_Slack_] and gRegor joined the channel
that seens accurate
Lots of interesting design decisions embedded in that flowchart
added .cloud and .party to my live in-production version of auto_link in cassis.js because I'm replying to Mastodon posts on servers with those TLDs
[snarfed] I'm noticing that even delivering replies to toots is taking a while. Is it because delivery to specific instances may be taking a while?
(BridgyFed delivery of replies to masto .social .cloud etc.)
!tell [aaronpk] how am I supposed to find your original reply post from https://twitter.com/aaronpk/status/1603808781732786176 ? I tried putting that twitter URL into the searchbox on your site (aaronparecki.com) but it returned zero results
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
ok I guess I have to search for the text contents of your tweet reply, in the search box on your site and hope that returns the original permalink
[tantek] delivery of BF replies is synchronous within the webmention request
which I still have timeout at 30s however it seems like my recent replies to toots take all of those 30s
Same with all other BF delivery except original posts to followers. Those are still immediate, just not synchronous
That's surprising, I'll look
Re finding aaronpk's replies, do we need to update original post discovery? 😎
[tantek]: your reply to me at mastodon.cloud was about 15 minutes delayed, but it happens from time to time on that instance.
And that’s only when the push got to my phone; could’ve been the push messages fault as well. But it’s ok enough for me
[tantek] I clicked on the logs of your four most recent replies on https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com, it shows that they all ran in a few seconds each
[snarfed] sounds like I need to instrument the webmention sending code on my end to see if I can get some more precise numbers
re: do we need to update original post discovery, perhaps as another fallback (when POSSE copies lack OPPs), we need to ask sites to provide an original post lookup endpoint that takes a POSSE permalink and returns the original post permalink (OPP)
[tantek] oh you mean like this? https://aaronparecki.com/original-of
[preview] Aaron Parecki
But yes I should make my search box return results for syndication links
ohhh I misread at first, I thought this was for a fediverse post. never mind then
11 years ago today, Ryan Barrett (https://snarfed.org/ @schnarfed) launched Bridgy (https://brid.gy/) to copy #socialmedia replies as comments on original blog posts. This meant those of us building #IndieWeb sites could use a service for ... https://tantek.com/t5Nk7
74 hours until 7th anniversary of Webmention FPWD, 6th anniversary of Webmention REC. Congrats aaronpk! https://indieweb.org/timeline#January
I added a countdown scheduled for 2023-01-12 12:02am PST (#7005)
[snarfed] do you know why the dashboard shows only one or a few items right after posting a new note? e.g. https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com right now, and then when you click "Older" it similarly shows only 1-2 items. Keep clicking Older and notice there is only one item, the same item for several pages
yeah ugly implementation detail leak into the UI
more noticeable when you have many followers
will file an issue
ohhhhh interesting, like separate delivery entries for different servers
thank you for the generous post btw! happy anniversary to Bridgy
well deserved!
happy birthday bridgy++ I couldn't remember that it was so old (started the work on the WordPress IndieWeb plugin nearly 10 years ago)
btw [tantek] BF has gotten a few 500s from Falcon for https://tantek.com/2023/008/t7/bridgy-indieweb-posse-backfeed over the last 30m or so
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] 11 years ago today, Ryan Barrett (https://snarfed.org/ @schnarfed) launched Bridgy (https://brid.gy/) to copy #socialmedia replies as comments on original blog posts. This meant those of us building #IndieWeb sites could use a service for that funct...
that's odd [snarfed], I'm not doing anything user agent specific
and no one else has reported 500s
has BF gotten 500s for any other of my permalinks?
gxt joined the channel
I don't know offhand
seems reproducible, I triggered it again just now
some recent changes by your hoster?
rate limits?
very odd. tried both FF & Safari and reload/shift-reload finishes in <2s
I wonder if there is something upstream at my host that is defending against specific IPs or UAs
DreamHost that is
500 would be an odd response for that. and it's been loading your posts fine so far
gRegor and mambang joined the channel
mro and mambang joined the channel
tiim, mro and gRegor joined the channel
mro, barnaby, mro_, [pfefferle], geoffo and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
Watching https://brid.gy/ crawl twitter mentions is quite satisfying. Also motivates to write and link more useful content as valid targets.
IWSlackGateway, [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
<[tantek]> "hey folks using Mastodon web..." <- The flowchart erroneously appears to suggest that if you're following `@hello` the post will appear in your Home timeline and *not* in Local or Federated, when in fact it might appear in all three (I think), but other than that it seems accurate both to my experience and to my understanding. I misunderstood part of it at one point, and didn't realize that having followed my website from my
secondary account meant all my website posts would appear in that server's federated timeline even if I didn't boost myself.
sorry if this is a noob question, but is the difference between Bridgy and Bridgy Fed wrt Mastodon that the former acts like a client and the latter acts like a server?
e-snail basically yes. more at the top of https://fed.brid.gy/docs
trying to learn django, so I'm back on the indieweb train after my previous aborted attempt at doing a static site version
e-snail has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
feels the warm fuzzies
gRegor and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
“First off, ActivityPub does have a client-to-server API, but as far as I can tell, it’s not really worth implementing. Mastodon is the 800-pound gorilla in the fediverse, it doesn’t implement this API, and other servers (such as Pleroma and Misskey) implement their own flavor of Mastodon’s API” https://nolanlawson.com/2023/01/09/retiring-pinafore/
not really news, is it? 🙈
do *any* big fediverse servers support AP C2S?
i'm not aware of any, period
like you have the choice between an API that a wide variety of clients exists for, and one that has (exactly or close to?) zero, so unless someone wants specifically toy with a concept that relies on it there's not really a reason to choose it
mro joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> [campegg] What is "Possibly Related Photos"?
[campegg] joined the channel
c​apjamesg I'm guessing you're talking about the thumbnails that appear under a photo post on my site? 🙂 They're a random selection of photos from the same album as the main pic
<c​apjamesg#4492> Ah. I thought you might have been doing some machine learning behind the scenes.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I just thought I'd check 😂
This is odd, does leaving a Mastodon tab opened while logged in really keep sending API requests?? https://eilloh.net/posts/2023/01/08-ratelimited/
capjamesg Nothing that sophisticated 😆 (If the main photo doesn't belong to an album, I just show four random photos under the heading "Completely Unrelated Photos")
<c​apjamesg#4492> [campegg] https://novacast.dev/u/jgb/images?query=orange+wall
<c​apjamesg#4492> [edit] [campegg] https://novacast.dev/u/jgb/images?query=orange+wall
[preview] Novacast Image Search for James Coffee Blog
[preview] Novacast Image Search for James Coffee Blog
<c​apjamesg#4492> My image search is powered by CLIP.
<c​apjamesg#4492> https://github.com/openai/CLIP
<c​apjamesg#4492> It takes in a string and returns semantically related images.
[preview] [openai] CLIP: Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining
<c​apjamesg#4492> (Note: the search bar is broken so you have to replace the ?query= in the url)
<c​apjamesg#4492> Replace "HOME_DIR" and "london" with a folder of images and a search query in this script and you have a working image search locally: https://github.com/capjamesg/vector-search/blob/main/clp.py
<c​apjamesg#4492> (after installing dependencies)
<c​apjamesg#4492> [edit] Replace "HOME_DIR" and "london" with a folder of images and a search query in this script and you have a working image search locally: https://github.com/capjamesg/vector-search/blob/main/clp.py
<c​apjamesg#4492> Sorry, I may be overengineering this. I just love talking about semantic search 😂
<c​apjamesg#4492> (and how it can be used for recommendations, like images!)
capjamesg — that's really interesting… might have to have a bit of a play
capjamesg has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (84 in all channels)
<c​apjamesg#4492> To bring it home, you can calculate the vector of an image and use that to do a search.
<c​apjamesg#4492> So you could feed in a picture of a dog and it would give you other pictures of a dog.
[Gregor] yes, if you have it open by default it's fetching new posts and updating the UI. you can switch it to slow mode and it should be less chatty
Interesting Tim Bray tootstorm about clients, are these good candidates for suggesting/requesting Micropub support? https://hachyderm.io/@timbray/109660492094748393
[preview] [Tim Bray] 0/ I have 4 Mastodon clients on my Google Pixel. Thought I’d do a quick illustrated run-through. It’s going to take a bit of time to construct this thread, so I'll boost the 1/ post once I’ve finished, wait for that to come around again if you...
<c​apjamesg#4492> tootstorm?
<c​apjamesg#4492> That's a thing?
yes, unfortunately the “thread of short notes rather than a long-form post” format survived the jump from twitter to mastodon
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
I mean it’s not like Tim has his own site where he could post notes and update them or anything 😝
gRegorLove_, mro and btrem joined the channel
I need some help. I've switched (temporarily??) from macos to ubuntu. And damned if I can figure out how to set up my global git ignore file. Git ignores any patterns in `~/.config/git/ignore`. Is that the wrong location?
btrem yeah you want `~/.gitignore`
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
oh sorry no` that's `.gitconfig`. you were right, but other config may be overriding it. see https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore#_description , "Patterns which a user wants Git to ignore..."
mro and geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] that tells me how to use patterns. But I'm using the correct patterns. It also explains how to change the default location of the global ignore file, but I have not changed it. At some point, I suppose I'll be doing a face palm. But not yet.
y'all have got me wondering whether microblogpub has wound up with better AP C2S support than most AP servers...or possibly if the recent updates with improvements were actually improving Mastodon-flavored support instead. Not sure I'd be able to figure it out, myself.
ugh i'm not looking forward to this, wonder if i should just abandon twitter streaming search altogether https://twittercommunity.com/t/announcing-the-deprecation-of-v1-1-statuses-filter-endpoint/182960
Yeah I was excited to migrate to Twitter API v2 mid 2022, but definitely not now
totertats joined the channel