#dev 2023-01-10

2023-01-10 UTC
GregL[m] joined the channel
https://jhey.dev/ (@jhey@front-end.social) hey! thanks for the kind words. Two sides to supporting #webmentions: 1. Sending: https://webmention.app/ is excellent, by https://remysharp.com/ (@rem@front-end.social), or ... https://tantek.com/t5Nm1
barnaby, geoffo, mro, tiim, petermolnar, nertzy[d], IWDiscordRelay, jonnybarnes, jjuran, [TMichelleMoore] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
FYI, for anyone looking for a well-built posting client to add Micropub to, to maintain: https://nolanlawson.com/2023/01/09/retiring-pinafore/
😮 "Essentially, I implemented a full mirror of Mastodon’s PostgreSQL database structure, but on top of IndexedDB"
“Anyone making a bet on learning Pinafore’s tech stack is investing in a dead framework, so it’s not very attractive for new maintainers.” also does not sound like much fun to maintain
looks like a really nicely made PWA though
mro and [manton] joined the channel
I think reaching out to Mastodon client developers to also support Micropub is a good first step. This is kind of the approach I’ve had with Micro.blog apps… Yes, most of them require signing in to Micro.blog, but after you do you can set the app to post to any Micropub server. It’s kind of a hybrid app that eventually could be fully Micropub + Microsub.
In the same way, Mastodon API clients could layer in Micropub as a start, rather than adopt ActivityPub Client to Server which seems like a dead-end. Kind of damning that Mastodon invented its own API instead of adopting C2S.
mastodon existed before activitypub, so it was more like it never switched its own API to AP C2S because there was no value in doing so
Oh, good point. Thanks.
whereas it adopted the S2S part of AP because the value was in being able to handle limited-audience posts in a way that was not clear with RSS and Salmon
[benatwork] joined the channel
[manton]: I agree. Maybe need to just get Eugene in a detailed chat session to see if it can start there. Matt Mullenweg too. There’s real value in supporting both specs at the same time everywhere. Imagine a world where sites just talk with each other without friction from needing to “register/sign in”.
gRegor, mro and geoffo joined the channel
is anyone seeing the "RSS amnesia" effect in their Mastodon clients / web views when I update my posts? Or are your clients / web views strictly keeping with time (published time) ordered timeline so it doesn't matter how many times I edit my posts, they don't pop-up to the top?
and I wonder if this is a strategy to back-populate an instance when the first person from that instance follows someone, since Mastodon shows remote profiles as "empty" to start with after the first person from an instance follows them
[tantek] do your edited posts include dt-updated mf2?
barnaby and Nuve joined the channel
Not yet though I suppose I should
Would it make a difference?
mambang joined the channel
no clue, I don't know how Mastodon constructs its timelines
but BF does propagate it in, and it's the main piece of structured data they could look at
apart from text comparison, which seems less likely
(continued from #indieweb) what does bother me is that the embedded youtube player loads like 2MB of JS, even before the user clicks play
I definitely want to make a system where rather than auto-expanding yt links into an embedded player, they first get replaced with a still poster frame, and the embedded player gets loaded in when someone clicks on it
piped.video is nice
Although... I have no idea re: embedded piped.video
hmm found a plugin for videojs that does chapters https://www.nuevodevel.com/nuevo/showcase/chapters
ah yeah I did look at video.js briefly, seems good
videojs is solid for sure, but i haven't tried customizing it
I could probably get it set up adequately and integrated with my notes e.g. parsing yt-style chapter definitions from video description
my current video priority on my site is getting a workflow set up to post videos quickly from my phone. ideally chopping up the video into HLS segments rather than just one big mp4 file
Nuve joined the channel
btw aaronpk (or others), do you have an estimate on how tricky it’d be to get some sort of (maybe owncast-powered) indie streaming thing set up so that when I start a stream, it pops up as a post at the top of my feed with the stream embedded, and when I finish the post automatically gets updated to embed the VOD?
I wish browsers could handle embedded mp4 subtitles. It's the only thing I really miss in 'web optimized' mp4 versus actual streaming interfaces and formats.
very easy!
Nuve joined the channel
owncast has web hooks that you can use for that kind of thing
not that I actually do any streaming, but I was thinking recently about how cool it’d be to set something like that up
oh, first part is easy, VOD less so
ha ha yeah that’s what I imagined
in theory owncast will support recordings but they are currently doing a rewrite of the web interface so everything else has been lower priority
maybe some sort of owncast micropub integration for editing the post? I’m assuming that owncast has some sort of provision for hosting VODs?
no, owncast is only live right now
ah okay, so it just streams at the moment and hosting VODs is left as an exercise to the reader?
got it
but, I did set up exactly that workflow in the past, way before owncast
I had it set up (either automatic or semi-automatic, can’t remember exactly) for live audio streams! even demoed it at an IWC
oh very nice, will take a look
6 years ago omg
but since I migrated away from my crappy VPS, I don’t have my icecast3 server running anywhere any more
does the 6yo workflow still work? or did you migrate to other services?
it should still work
and presumably you use other streaming services instead for the UI/network effects/trouble+cost-free hosting? curious to know what the pain points were
Nuve joined the channel
lately i've been using owncast for livestreams, and if i need a recording i will record it locally with the streaming encoder
usually if i'm recording a livestream it's to be able to chop it up into segments later
got it
but yeah the reason i do stream on youtube is specifically for the ad revenue and discoverability
i also don't have so many viewers that it would be impossible to self-host either. it's only a challenge once you start getting into the thousands of viewers. but even then a simple CDN can solve it
↩️ One more time now that I know http://Brid.gy is importing other types of comments.
"simple CDN" 😭
i mean pay someone to do it
does Overland work with Apple watches and do they combine GPS & cell tower location (better than GPS-only sports tracking watches) ?
i've never had an apple watch so i've never built a companion app for Overland for the watch
but yes apple location services is not purely GPS or cell tower or wifi, it's Apple's own implementation of combining all the data into a single "location service". you can neither choose nor see the underlying data
The web location api is pretty good and gives a radius of uncertainty in metres so its a few lines of code to plot with leaflet.
The web location api on iOS is of course the same underlying location service
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Right, ditto on android. The funny thing is that you can improve your location in the api by going into Google maps Live View
gRegorLove_ joined the channel