#dev 2023-01-14

2023-01-14 UTC
geoffo, starrwulfe and gxt joined the channel
If I decide that the audio I'm linking to in a post is actually an alternate version of a post, how would I mark that up?
publish an example first, and worry about how to mark it up *after* we've gathered a bunch of real world content publishing examples
so in short, no special markup to begin with
no point in marking it up if nothing is going to read it
I thought I'd try a proof of concept on an audio alternate as an idea, after the [schmarty] conversation of earlier.
I need the perfect note to record
You know...the most profound thought to kick off the series
GWG, premature markup will likely lead your astray
lead you* astray
I know, just wondering if there was something already
gxt joined the channel
[snarfed], Tried to federate a multi-photo and the logs seem OK but I'm not seeing the post in Mastodon. https://fed.brid.gy/log?start_time=1673660173&key=https://gregorlove.com/2023/01/there-was-some-strong/%20https://xoxo.zone/inbox&module=
superkuh and starrwulfe joined the channel
ooh does Masto support multiphotos?
that's becoming a key question :) I thought it did
Was thinking maybe the photo posts are async and take mastodon a bit longer, but doesn't seem likely
(since it's ~30 minutes after federating)
why copy Twitter's posting limitations? why not 10 like Insta?
or perhaps Pixelfed does that 😛
[preview] [Kevin Marks] @Mirandakeeling Durham always feels like it's inviting you to join a quest to the underworld https://xoxo-media.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media_attachments/files/109/620/876/380/420/787/original/e8ba1c477667f1d6.jpeg
Looks like loqi and slack only show the first one though
geoffo and starrwulfe joined the channel
gRegor true! I don't see it on https://indieweb.social/@gregorlove.com@gregorlove.com (logged in) either, but that log shows that it federated there ok 🤷‍♂️
[preview] Farewell, Fail Whale
BF does federate multi-photos ok, so I don't think that alone is the problem
hm, ok! I checked the filesize and they should all be within it
Hm, need to update some mf2 if that's showing as the preview
Xray is probably looking for the first h-entry, no the h-feed.p-name
gxt, starrwulfe, [tw2113_Slack_], blindnerd, Seirdy, [zeina], rocto, [m], kushal, mro, tiim, tiim_, tiim1 and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[tantek] Re: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2023-01-13/1673615044214600. Yes, just let me know what updates you push.
[preview] [Loqi] capjamesg: [tantek] left you a message 19 hours, 57 minutes ago: do you have the link for when this was discussed in chat? https://github.com/tantek/cassis/issues/36 Also I have made some improvements (not committed) like recognizing Masto-post-like ...
I can't remember when we discussed this, but I remember doing so.
test4 and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
Good Morning! After way to much time this morning, I finally got a u-in-reply-to to work in WordPress via Bridgy. I hope to be able to attend the webinar tomorrow and will read the references in [tantek] ‘s anniversary post.
Congratulations [TMichelleMoore]!
And good morning!
Thank you [capjamesg] ! 😊
good morning all
Morning sknebel! How goes things?
-> chat
Neruthes joined the channel
[tantek] btw I did get edit notifications on mastodon for your webmentions post, so some of it is working with bridgy
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
What is yaml?
YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a data serialization standard https://indieweb.org/YAML
"The json spec is not versioned. There were two changes to it in 2005 (the removal of comments, and the addition of scientific notation for numbers)," Comments aren't allowed in JSON?
No, though most parsers will ignore them rather than throwing an error. The reason was that people were using them as parsing directives and making things incompatible. YAML has the opposite philosophy, which is like pickle but for crashing multiple runtimes.
I'm not sure if there's a list, but YAML has broken lots of systems by code injection, including Ruby gems
JSON vs YAML is the rule of least power
[tantek], starrwulfe and gxt joined the channel
<j​acky#7226> There's JSONC and JSON5 IIRC that do support comments (I opt for those parsers tbh)
gxt, [snarfed], [aciccarello], starrwulfe, [schmarty] and saptaks joined the channel
JSON5?! That spec is not yet part of my growing JSON spec collection :o https://indieweb.org/JSON
jsonc is still my favourite. You never know if it is jsonc, jsonc, JSONC, or json-c people talk about without follow up questions (e.g. I am going to assume jacky meant Microsofts JSON with Comments as seen in VSCode and not any of the others.)
oxtyped, saptaks and geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] does the following look right to follow someone. I am getting 502 errors. Do I need to check the publish t bridgrfed option?
<div class="h-entry">
I'm now following <a class="u-follow-of" href="https://mstdn.socia/@MeidasTouch">@meidastouch</a>!
<a class="u-bridgy-fed" href="https://fed./.gy/"></a></div>
gxt and starrwulfe joined the channel
[snarfed] This message in the brid.gy logs makes me laugh: "skipping feed since it's not HTML or otherwise bad"
[snarfed] How does brid.gy GitHub work?
Do I need to add a syndication link to brid.gy for a post to get picked up?
gRegor joined the channel
Why thank you!
bterry1, geoffo and blindnerd joined the channel