#dev 2023-01-18
2023-01-18 UTC
starrwulfe, bterry and gerben joined the channel
# @the_unswerving Bridgy #SocialMedia via http://twinybots.ch https://brid.gy/ (twitter.com/_/status/1612356721623564288)
gerben, bterry and starrwulfe joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] Not directly IndieWeb related and I'm always leery of "manifestos", but this had an interesting kernel of an idea and some intriguing signers/developers behind it that some here may appreciate: https://linkingmanifesto.org/
# [chrisaldrich] Welcome [Jason_Tucker]! I've been swamped by work and the holidays, but we should catch up on some of your IndieWeb/Mastodon conversations from December.
geoffo joined the channel
# [TMichelleMoore] [tantek] For my WordPress give back project, I read the W3C Webmention spec. There are things I didn’t understand but that is ok. My question - How often are the specs updated? They seem a little dated. Will that be a goal of yours to encourage updates on some of the specs?
starrwulfe joined the channel
# [aciccarello] Isn't the W3C spec copy an older one? I thought there was a newer version on the IndieWeb wiki
# [TMichelleMoore] As a person new to all of this @gwg, I wouldn’t know that. I would just see 2017 and think it’s 2023.
# GWG For example, ActivityPub is blowing up. Last updated 2018 https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/
# [aciccarello] Ah, sorry. Didn't mean to confusing things more with IndieAuth.
# [chrisaldrich] There is a huge amount of hidden context with respect to how specs are written and evolve or what makes them good or bad (as specs, not morally). Watching and listening to the conversations here and at the microformts channel over the years has helped a lot.
# [TMichelleMoore] Totally agree things created long ago are still good. But also see the Socialwg was active from 2014 to 2018 and in my head think a lot of social sites “improved” (maybe :-)) since 2018.
# starrwulfe [tantek]: here's that error I was having trying to drop a webmention on your site the other day: https://telegraph.p3k.io/webmention/17z0BWGofkFphFyVSI/details
# [chrisaldrich] Hopefully with mature 'living' specs one prefers not to have big (breaking) changes, though perhaps more common are extensions that allow new potential functionality
# [chrisaldrich] [TMichelleMoore] You might notice some talking about the adherence of projects/people to specs as well. Mastodon, as an example, goes outside of the ActivityPub spec sometimes, which can force other projects to veer outside of the lines as well. Or recently it's created the ability to migrate accounts from one thing to another which I don't think is in the spec. If you go back a few weeks you'll see in the logs here how manton
# [chrisaldrich] was trying to reverse engineer what they'd done to make it a possibility on micro.blog.
# [TMichelleMoore] Here is an example - https://www.iso.org/standard/62085.html. I was the Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015) auditor for my previous company. When you look at that page, it says this regarding the 2015 standard “This standard was last reviewed and confirmed in 2021. Therefore this version remains current.”
# [chrisaldrich] Some specs will also have material put into them which no one uses in practice and thus could be cleaned up and have those portions removed.
# [chrisaldrich] What is architecture astronomy?
# Loqi architecture astronomy is the practice of analyzing problems, seeing patterns, and then generalizing to higher and higher level abstractions on top of those patterns to the point where the abstractions become so general, so vague, so detached from the original problems being analyzed, that they don't mean anything at all https://indieweb.org/architecture_astronomy
# [TMichelleMoore] [chrisaldrich] At the point where Mastodon went outside, was it time to review the specs and possibly extend? I don’t know. At this point I am surface level on all of this. And then if they are so abstracted that they don’t mean anything, is it time to retire a spec?
# [chrisaldrich] I don't recall the name of it, but I've heard that Christine Lemmer-Webber is already working on a new project that evolves what she learned from the ActivityPub process to create the next thing with potentially better/cleaner features. That might be worth peeking at if you're curious about watching something new evolve.
# [TMichelleMoore] That would definitely be interesting to see evolve [chrisaldrich] .
# [chrisaldrich] Unless they've got holes or are malicious, most don't get retired, they just fade away from misuse. You can still implement and use refback, pingback, and trackback, but why? RSS is an old spec that's still hanging on, but certainly has quit evolving.
# [chrisaldrich] What is JSONfeed?
# Loqi JSON Feed is a feed file in JSON format https://indieweb.org/jsonfeed
# [chrisaldrich] If you want to spelunk a bit JSON Feed was a relatively quick informal spec to form and become adopted, and there's lots of chat documentation here to show what happened. GWG can probably provide a good crash course on it.
geoffo joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] There are a number of feed readers that also use it...
# [TMichelleMoore] [chrisaldrich] Does this (quoted text) indicate that the extensions on this page (https://indieweb.org/JSON_Feed) could possibly end up being an extensions to a W3C spec or maybe a new one? “Sponsorship of the spec by IndieWeb Community
# [TMichelleMoore] It has been proposed in late July 2020 by several people that the IndieWeb adopt/sponsor the JSON Feed spec as a community project for ongoing support/maintenance/guidance.”
# [chrisaldrich] GWG, I feel like it "caught on" and did so fairly quickly. The question potentially would be: who else would use it and for what purpose?
# [chrisaldrich] [TMichelleMoore] Possibly? The question again is what else might people or projects see doing with it?
[iambismark] joined the channel
# [iambismark] Measurement of “catching on”: does anyone know of sites/services that only generate JSONFeed but not RSS? (Tbh I’ve considered it for my WIP CMS because who wants to deal with XML…)
gRegor joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] Some of the best specs are things which are easily and minimally defined which can be used as building blocks with other specs or ideas to increase their usages and implementations. This is part of why webmention is so useful, particularly in combination with microformats and parsing.
# GWG Yes, and that's why we don't have any large issues https://github.com/w3c/webmention/issues/
# [chrisaldrich] There are still quirky ideas hiding in some of the suggestions I made in https://alistapart.com/article/webmentions-enabling-better-communication-on-the-internet/ which still don't exist, but which could be fun/useful.
# [TMichelleMoore] Thank you all for engaging me on my questions. I was just curious! 😊
# [TMichelleMoore] [aaronpk] What is parsing the pages?
# [TMichelleMoore] And which pages are you parsing?
# [snarfed] ^ this is a useful distinction for plumbing and development, but hopefully we limit it to that. in practice, imho the "webmentions" user-facing feature should and does include microformats and PTD. I worry that we've overdone the distinction in the past, which has led to end user confusion and harmful design decisions like the webmention/semantic linkbacks plugin split in Wordpress
billbennettnz joined the channel
starrwulfe joined the channel
# [tantek] as in, if nearly every Webmention "ping" as you put it implementation is *also* parsing mf2 and "doing something consistent with it", then it makes sense to actually roll that into an update to Webmention because it reflects the evolving *reality* of expectations of what people mean when they say "Webmention"
# [tantek] also note that there's a big difference between a spec like Webmention evolving to become richer and normatively specify comments, likes, reposts as *expected* features of Webmention implementations, and keeping the microformats2 parsing spec separate so it can evolve independently, and keeping the mf2 vocabs for h-entry etc. separate so they can evolve separately — both while not breaking Webmention
# [tantek] starrwulfe, re: that 502 error, why are you using Webmention Endpoint https://fed.brid.gy/webmention to send *my site* a Webmention? That seems like a discovery error. I don't use Bridgy Fed to *receive* webmentions. I use webmention.io for that
starrwulfe joined the channel
# starrwulfe[m] Yeah, it should have gone directly to you; not sure what was seen to send that via Bridgy— it was ok a week ago
geoffo joined the channel
# [tantek] [snarfed] re: the whole article vs note posting to Mastodon/AP — so far I have gotten zero complaints about my LOOOONG notes in the 100DaysOfIndieWeb series on Mastodon, and one "how do I": https://mastodon.cloud/@swart/109708132345593328
billbennettnz and jeremycherfas joined the channel
# gRegor starrwulfe[m], your original post https://starrwulfe.xyz/80-2/ has a syndication link to fed.brid.gy. Telegraph is finding Bridgy Fed's webmention endpoint and sending a WM, but that endpoint is only for federating posts and backfeeding responses from the fediverse. I think your site is using something else for AP, not Bridgy Fed, right?
gxt, starrwulfe and mro joined the channel
# @www_sesin_at New post from http://www.sesin.at (CVE-2017-20174 | bastianallgeier Kirby Webmentions Plugin injection) has been published on https://www.sesin.at/2023/01/18/cve-2017-20174-bastianallgeier-kirby-webmentions-plugin-injection/ (twitter.com/_/status/1615634856720867329)
# @WolfgangSesin New post from http://www.sesin.at (CVE-2017-20174 | bastianallgeier Kirby Webmentions Plugin injection) has been published on https://www.sesin.at/2023/01/18/cve-2017-20174-bastianallgeier-kirby-webmentions-plugin-injection/ (twitter.com/_/status/1615634854233706496)
dtw and gRegor joined the channel
# [TMichelleMoore] @starrwulfe[m] [Apologies in advance if you already gave this information about your webmentions issue.] Aren’t you using WordPress? If so what are you using on your site to enable webmention functionality? On mine I am using the Webmention plugin. I even setup a sandbox to confirm and it does site to site. And with the correct information I am also currently using Brid.gy to Twitter/Mastodon via Webmention successfully
# [TMichelleMoore] though I have to figure out formatting. Can you point me to the chat link for your Webmention issue?
starrwulfe, mro, sebbu2, IWSlackGateway and Guest6 joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
# [tantek] !tell Sebsel are you still maintaining the Kirby Webmention plug-in, or know who is? https://www.sesin.at/2023/01/18/cve-2017-20174-bastianallgeier-kirby-webmentions-plugin-injection/
[jacky] and geoffo joined the channel
# starrwulfe[m] <[TMichelleMoore]> "@starrwulfe[m] [Apologies in..." <- Same. Site to site works fine and mastodon GitHub and Reddit endpoints works well too. Twitter worked best up til a few days ago and started acting strangely.
mro and h3rb1 joined the channel
# [snarfed] I wonder what it would take to get https://www.w3.org/ to accept webmentions 🤔
[Jason_Tucker] joined the channel
# [Jason_Tucker] ↩️ Good seeing you as well. I’m trying to remember which WordCamp OC we meet one another but I recall learning so much from that convo.
# [snarfed] on a related note congratulations [tantek] on being elected to the W3C advisory board! https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/9817
[Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
# [Tim_Nolte] I thought the W3C moved to CraftCMS
# [Tim_Nolte] Oh, interesting maybe that effort never happened/completed. 🤔
# [tantek] It might still be "in progress" https://github.com/w3c/w3c-website-redesign-documentation
# [Tim_Nolte] Interesting that CraftCMS has a somewhat recent video about the work. https://craftcms.com/events/dot-all-2022/sessions/accessibility-takeaways-from-the-w3c-website-redesign
# [Tim_Nolte] Ah, that makes sense.
# [Tim_Nolte] At my day job we have recently to take on a client that uses CraftCMS. So I'm sort of knee deep in it now. I come from a WordPress background though.
gRegor joined the channel
jgmac1106, gRegor, starrwulfe, geoffo, [schmarty], [marksuth] and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
# [TMichelleMoore] ↩️ Got it!
Nuve, [KevinMarks], starrwulfe, geoffo and tiim joined the channel; h3rb1 left the channel