#dev 2023-01-17

2023-01-17 UTC
starrwulfe, [Tim_Nolte], [timothy_chambe], gRegor, gRegorLove_, Alec, Nuve and Guest6 joined the channel
↩️ Aha, if no meta image, did not think of that. So odd to see a (large) pic of someone (you!) from the webmentions in the search result
starrwulfe, geoffo, gxt, [schmarty], [aciccarello] and barnaby joined the channel
[tantek] I discovered why your post edits/updates weren't consistently making it through to the fediverse: Mastodon does require the `updated` field after all. https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#supported-activities-for-statuses
I'll make BF auto generate that with the current time if it's not provided in mf2
docs has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
ok that's very interesting.
I guess I have to add "updated" support to my "CMS" now 🙂
no, BF does it for you now
but feel free if you want!
ok! will test that first before adding any code
bridgy++ snarfed++
snarfed has 63 karma in this channel over the last year (107 in all channels)
bridgy has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
Nuve, starrwulfe and gRegor joined the channel