#dev 2023-02-06
2023-02-06 UTC
gRegor, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and geoffo joined the channel
# [tantek] [snarfed] this looks like it overlaps your interests: https://docs.kazar.ma/
# starrwulfe[m] [aciccarello]: thanks! As things progress, I’ll be explaining things a bit more in depth (it’s part of my 100 days of indieweb challenge that I need to “backfeed” post about once the wiring is finished on my site in the next week or two)
petermolnar, gRegor, mro, gerben, Skyther[d], IWDiscordRelay, Johan and [jamietanna] joined the channel
# [jamietanna] Snarfed does https://fed.brid.gy/log?start_time=1675689540&key=https://fed.brid.gy/user/www.jvt.me/following#2022-01-02T03:04:05-https://mastodon.social/@stackaid&module= look right for a follow via the BF UI?
# [jamietanna] `signing with snarfed.org's key` looks odd to me
sp1ff joined the channel
[dave], geoffo, mro and [jacky] joined the channel
# [jamietanna] Thanks snarfed 🚀
gRegor joined the channel
# [jamietanna] Another one I've spotted - that I'll see if I can resolve, is that unfollow seems to redirect me to auth at https://indieauth.jvt.me/authenticate/start?me=http://www.jvt.me/ and my site doesn't upgrade it from an http:// profile URL but that's probably just me gonna hit that issue
ross[m], [KevinMarks]1 and sebbu2 joined the channel
# [timothy_chambe] If anyone can create a Twitter bot that twice a day counts down how long until it is ended by the API shutdown, would promote that very widely to the Twitter dev community:
# [timothy_chambe] Handly countdown clock until Twitter's paid API goes away stranding many researchers and small developers dependent on that API. Still zero word on pricing for researchers or enterprise developers, nor word for what comes next for small bot develpers other than vague statements Elon replied to a Cat bot account.
# [timothy_chambe] https://countdown.andrewhoyer.com/twitter-api/
geoffo, AramZS and petermolnar joined the channel
sebbu2, geoffo, kdas_ and BinarySavior joined the channel
# gRegor So my server needs to support grant_type=client_credentials and let me set up a client_secret for a client_id, looks like. Not too bad. https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/access-tokens/client-credentials/
bterry joined the channel