#dev 2023-02-05

2023-02-05 UTC
[benatwork] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[preview] [Mark Everitt] One pain in the ass thing about micropub is that there's no way to send photos and content together in a single request *and* include alt text. It can only be done with a multipart request to a media endpoint for the photo and a JSON request to the r...
I thought this was false but it _is_ true it seems
I guess tbh https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/#uploading-files hints as a possibility _of_ doing both
actually nvm
it would have to be nested and that feels like more effort
jacky, I thought we defined alt text for images in microformats quite definitively. what issue have you run into that led to "alt text being something that's not fully specified in Microformats for photos" ?
mainly from not being able to find anything on the wiki about that
nor on the repo
(h-entry one, that is)
Should be in the parsing spec
hmm that might be an h-entry documentation problem then since mf2 parsing covers it
I'm not sure I follow the original post, though. It can be in a multipart/form-data request https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/#request
ah, it's the green note under that... I think I get it now.
yeah 😞
IWSlackGateway and [jacky] joined the channel
the only thing I can think of is doing something like `photo[0][src]` and making that the uploaded data and `photo[0][alt]` to set the title
or `photo[0][value` instead
[tantek] joined the channel
does the Mastodon API let you send content + photo + alt all in the same one request?
that seems to be the baseline that Mark is comparing things to
although this form flow _could_ allow for it to happen in one go (which is unexpected but a perk of conneg)
geoffo joined the channel
jacky, here is a proposed requirement for u-photo to include alt text, WDYT? https://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry#u-photo
I wonder if that MUST could be a SHOULD
(unless the MUST is what's allowing to hit that second switch
I think I like this
This is just general alt text best practice, right? Doesn't really impact micropub?
from the parsing side yeah
but I do think a story/approach for it from form uploads could be documented
I might try to add this to Koype (I'm _almost_ certain it'd work but I'd have to write a test)
this is a bit stricter than "general alt text best practice"
deliberately so
raising the bar on, if you’re going to use mf2, we're going to require you to be more accessible to consider your usage to be "valid"
I believe it is a socially ethical use of stricter requirements in a spec
and yes the MUST + UNLESS is the key combo there (to avoid just a SHOULD). I could be wrong that there are other situations (other UNLESS possibilities), and am open to suggestions. I figured better to err on the side of being stricter, and loosen it up in response to feedback than vice-versa
requirement in which sense? not going to parse u-photo if it doesn't have alt?
or even opting to defaulting to an empty alt value (which would make it easier for consumers to hint at the lack of them and authoring tools to report on it)
heh, I'm all mixed up here. jacky is talking micropub, but the microformats stuff seems kind of orthogonal
validator.w3.org will already tell you to add alt text. indiewebify.me could do similar, with more specific guidance about the "UNLESS"
yeah and I think I mentioned Microformats b/c the vocab of Micropub objects are defined by that
though an empty alt attribute can also be valid and intentional, so don't think it should say anything, or be very careful in the way it's framed at least.
yeah, the micropub mf2 is photo.value and photo.alt
yeah but there's no example (or hasn't been one) that allows that to be defined using form bodies
but that implies one's form parser to support nested value
[preview] [[jacky]] the only thing I can think of is doing something like `photo[0][src]` and making that the uploaded data and `photo[0][alt]` to set the title
Also a spec change :/ An endpoint could handle both, but no clients would follow it yet
yeah another thing
adds this to a list of things to do + experiment with
the neverending list, haha
I'm actually working on a media endpoint today
[snarfed] joined the channel
is two requests vs one such a critical showstopper? this is code we're talking about, after all, not UI. it's not like this means end users will suddenly have to do so much more unreasonable work when they want to add alt text. the UI here should be orthogonal to the plumbing
it's not - I can see the QoL improvement for the dev experience (like in the case of doing /backfeed in a single go, restoring from a backup, or doing it over the terminal)
I guess. still seems relatively minor though
it's def one of those either-or things that (_I think_) could be answered with a lil' experimentation
The difference (from just HTML validation) is that u-photo means it’s content and not just decorative
And yes this would be for mf2 validators to be able to provide stronger advice & guidance
The mf2 parsing spec already handles alt appropriately I believe.
[schmarty] joined the channel
wait what about mp-photo-alt?
hmmmm via a form field that could work
(I meant like URL encoded form payload)
but that might need special casing
If the goal is file and alts in one POST, it's a multipart/form-data tho (not URL-encoded)
angelo joined the channel
thinking about footnotes some more and auto-unicoding them and auto-linking them to their expansions and linking those back
I know I've seen on at least a few sites where the expansions have a little return arrow or something to back to the inline instance of the footnote
gRegor, gRegorLove_ and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
↩️ Yes. Without a back link footnotes are even more distracting.
gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, mro, s[_] and sivoais joined the channel
클라이언트 사이드 웹 멘션 트랙백 보다 이게 나을듯. 트랙백 이미 사라진지 오래인것 같긴하네요 Clientside Webmentions https://bit.ly/3HULlT4
mro, sebbu and gerben joined the channel
Recent discussion of footnotes makes me want to revisit their presentation on my site, in line with the Tufte approach to sidenotes/marginalia. My current block is that I like my sidebar. So thinking, perhaps I need to have a different presentation for the items that have footnotes, which are generally longer than average and which probably don’t need the information in the sidebar to be at the side.
[felix_wenzel73] and geoffo joined the channel
bterry, mro, [pfefferle], gRegor, gRegorLove_, [TMichelleMoore] and angelo joined the channel
ross[m], do you mean Micropub requests? There's an extension to specify the slug with `mp-slug=`
angelo and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I like that starrwulfe.xyz explanation of use cases for webmentions. Shows the versatility
geoffo, [timothy_chambe] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel