Loqi[preview] [Mark Everitt] One pain in the ass thing about micropub is that there's no way to send photos and content together in a single request *and* include alt text. It can only be done with a multipart request to a media endpoint for the photo and a JSON request to the r...
[tantek]jacky, I thought we defined alt text for images in microformats quite definitively. what issue have you run into that led to "alt text being something that's not fully specified in Microformats for photos" ?
[tantek]and yes the MUST + UNLESS is the key combo there (to avoid just a SHOULD). I could be wrong that there are other situations (other UNLESS possibilities), and am open to suggestions. I figured better to err on the side of being stricter, and loosen it up in response to feedback than vice-versa
[jacky]or even opting to defaulting to an empty alt value (which would make it easier for consumers to hint at the lack of them and authoring tools to report on it)
gRegorthough an empty alt attribute can also be valid and intentional, so don't think it should say anything, or be very careful in the way it's framed at least.
Loqi[preview] [[jacky]] the only thing I can think of is doing something like `photo[0][src]` and making that the uploaded data and `photo[0][alt]` to set the title
[snarfed]is two requests vs one such a critical showstopper? this is code we're talking about, after all, not UI. it's not like this means end users will suddenly have to do so much more unreasonable work when they want to add alt text. the UI here should be orthogonal to the plumbing
[jacky]it's not - I can see the QoL improvement for the dev experience (like in the case of doing /backfeed in a single go, restoring from a backup, or doing it over the terminal)
[tantek]I know I've seen on at least a few sites where the expansions have a little return arrow or something to back to the inline instance of the footnote
gRegor, gRegorLove_ and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas]Recent discussion of footnotes makes me want to revisit their presentation on my site, in line with the Tufte approach to sidenotes/marginalia. My current block is that I like my sidebar. So thinking, perhaps I need to have a different presentation for the items that have footnotes, which are generally longer than average and which probably don’t need the information in the sidebar to be at the side.