#dev 2023-02-09

2023-02-09 UTC
[snarfed] I agree with the general case of "losing relative links" being surprising. I meant specifically in the case of going from linked to unlinked footnotes, that's not really surprising or otherwise "broken" from the perspective of folks reading a post on Mastodon
ah sure
[KevinMarks] interesting and thanks for that update. Glad to see my expectation of Login with Twitter being dropped from free was wrong. Also sounds like the personal website POSSE use-case would still be supported per "single authenticated user token".
I do think they should have made that "two user tokens", one for testing, one for prod.
so you can still build, test, use single-user "apps" where "app" in this case means your personal site
presuming one can ever get a token again. hopefully they're overhauling the application process too?
indeed. maybe getting a dev token for a single user will now get easier
gRegorLove_, [cleverdevil], bterry1, gxt, jjuran_, gRegor, [KevinMarks], [snarfed], angelo, bterry, mro, webrocker and jonnybarnes joined the channel
I wonder if they'd take a PR to add the microformats back
rocto joined the channel
Worth a try, if you’re able to setup automated tests like Ben did
starrwulfe[m], Seirdy_, [0x3b0b], aynish, petermolnar[m], vladimyr, kandr3s, cambridgeport90[, lqdev[m], ross[m]12, benatkin, AramZ-S[m], sebastianF[m], Guest6 and lomm joined the channel
in indieauth, can one domain host mutliple users?
AramZ-S[m] and mro joined the channel
kandr3s, starrwulfe[m] and vladimyr joined the channel
so the "canonical identifier" of a user is domain + path, yes?
lqdev[m] joined the channel
a url, yes
I see, thank you very much
Seirdy_, rocto, IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], gxt, gRegor, gRegorLove_, [jacky], [tantek] and sp1ff joined the channel
got most of my auto-footnote code written, and mostly tested too (test in production, debug, revert, repeat 🙂 )
it's not "live" yet but if I get another good block of coding-thinking time I should have it up & running
all the Unicode display parts are working and I can say it looks so much better I can't wait
[snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek]++ awesome!
[tantek] has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (79 in all channels)
also this is making me rethink using <base> tags (like maybe it's not a great idea)
especially since I've been thinking about more portable / embeddable chunks of HTML (vis-a-vis internal fragment links)
[manton] joined the channel
For better or worse, Micro.blog uses absolute URLs for everything. Just makes things more compatible with apps that don’t handle relative links well. The main downside is if something changes like your domain name, I have to automatically rewrite all the URLs and save all the posts again. But it works.
makes sense for robustness yeah
gxt, gRegorLove_, [pfefferle] and mro joined the channel
<f​luffy#8097> I like to build stuff such that the link is stored internally with enough information such that it can be generated as absolute or relative at render time. So internal entry links are just stored as the entry ID and those are preferentially reconstituted, which also has a nice implication for private entries, e.g. logged in users with permission get the full path and slug text while logged out users just get the ID (which
<f​luffy#8097> And same thing with footnotes, so like from an RSS feed or index page the footnote link will be to `permalink#anchor` but from inside the entry it’s just `anchor`
<f​luffy#8097> [edit] And same thing with footnotes, so like from an RSS feed or index page the footnote link will be to `permalink#anchor` but from inside the entry it’s just `#anchor`
<f​luffy#8097> Oops I forgot edits won’t work here
geoffo, mro, [campegg], heav, Kaezon, [schmarty], [dave] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
other fun related hint is you can add `.keys` to any GitHub user URL to list all of their public keys
heh, that keeps making the rounds every few months when someone new notices it :D
or there is a service that uses it
(because SSH will by default present your default key and ones in the agent to any server you ssh into, a server can identify who you are if it has collected GH keys and you use the same)
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
I've never quite understood this concern. ad tracking on the web, sure, I visit tons of web pages. SSH though? how many servers do I ssh into? not many. and what's their realistic use case for "tracking" me? not much that I can think of
[aciccarello] joined the channel
i can't think of any case where I ssh into a server that I don't already trust
but maybe my ssh use is limited
there's a TOFU joke in there somewhere
What is TOFU?
It looks like we don't have a page for "TOFU" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "TOFU is ____", a sentence describing the term)
oh i guess if I were regularly ssh'ing into like a university server or something that might be different
caleb joined the channel; caleb left the channel
[aaronpk] Is there any way to fill out the target URL on https://webmention.io/www.ciccarello.me/webmention via URL params?
i feel like i have added that at some point
hm apparently not
would be easy to add tho, good idea
I'm thinking of simplifying my site's response section and getting rid of the url input + button post form since thats somewhat confusing. A link to webmention.io would look cleaner.
I also noticed my commentpara.de like link broke. I'm not sure what happened there
[bneil] joined the channel
Quill seems to accept the me param on https://quill.p3k.io/ but not on https://quill.p3k.io/favorite