#dev 2023-02-10

2023-02-10 UTC
[tantek], bringing cassis talk here: sure I can set it as PHP 5.6+. I expect it will keep working. :)
[preview] [gRegorLove] #38 Specify minimum PHP version?
php 7.4 is the new php 5.6
aka the last one before a bunch of breaking changes that mean I will likely keep running it several years beyond its official deprecation date
hah, yep
No promises for < PHP 5.6 though, that's... wild XD
Which one added the {} declaration syntax?
bterry1 joined the channel
39 makes me never want to depend on PHP unit due to its breaking upgrades needed admintax--
admintax has -2 karma in this channel over the last year (-3 in all channels)
Yeah, it could use phpunit 5.7, but that will cause issues running unit tests under PHP 8
Under PHP 7.4, the phpunit 5.7 tests ran, so that's impressive
That polyfill has worked well in my experience, just swap out some class names
This PR is an easier one, though :) https://github.com/tantek/cassis/pull/40
[preview] [gRegorLove] #40 Add Composer post-install script
All this PHP8 talk makes me think I need to figure out what to do with my one PHP7.4 dependent PHP application because it is holding me back
opt-in Mastodon search site: https://www.tootfinder.ch/
very curious what they use for authentication
"invalid mastodon domain" :(
mastodon only
maybe it's time for another push for mastodon to adopt indieauth
they are already 80% of the way there with the oauth implementation
sounds reasonable
every mastodon user having an IndieAuth sign-in would be an interesting growth in access to the wiki
might have consider instance blocking on the wiki
or maybe upstream in IndieLogin
superkuh joined the channel
blast, missed this in the composer docs "Note: Only scripts defined in the root package's composer.json are executed. If a dependency of the root package specifies its own scripts, Composer does not execute those additional scripts."
guess it makes sense, that could get messy
Will make a note for this-week that we need to run that before deploying to PHP8
haha looking through commit history and see "here is a bunch of code" XD
what's the point of URLs like https://indieweb.social/@elgg@indieweb.social/109836228470165300 ? why the dupe domain? found via #indieweb-stream
It's the link to the post from within that instance's reader view
i assume they just never wrote the code to handle the special case where the post is on the same domain as the reader
right. the repeat of the domain is not needed, but if that url happens somehow it works
although I'm not sure where it'd come frome
jjuran, [TMichelleMoore], bterry1, geoffo, [spieper] and [asuh] joined the channel
capjamesg looks like that repo is private?
<c​apjamesg#4492> 🤦‍♂️
Fixed [snarfed].
It does discovery on HTTP Link, HTML icons, h-card, Gravatar, and GitHub.
What else could I add :P
a front page 😁
with a form to enter a domain name
maybe an option to (or default to) redirecting to the URL, so people can use avtr.dev directly in img src= tags
also the README is confused whether it's GET or POST
this is cool though! congrats on the early launch!
also reminds me of https://www.zachleat.com/web/indieweb-avatar/ , https://indieweb.org/webvatar , I vaguely remember [KevinMarks] doing one too a while ago?
[benatwork] joined the channel
I knew about Zach's one but I don't think it does h-cards / GitHub / Gravatar?
[snarfed] There is now a front page :)
capjamesg lol i think there's an encoding issue
> avtr.dev was made with â¤ï¸, ð§ and âï¸ by capjamesg
+1 for direct img use w/ a redirect 😄
Front page looks great otherwise!
I entered tantek.com (bare domain) and it crashed
[preview] [Aaron Parecki] Improving the HTML type="url" Field
[schmarty] Would you like to guess what those emojis represent?
❤ ☕ :waffle: ?
Are you psychic, [schmarty]? Or perhaps well-read in malformed emojis?
you have a strong brand lol
Like Starbucks.
gRegor joined the channel
very cool, capjamesg++
capjamesg has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (83 in all channels)
It crashed on gregorlove.com with no scheme too, works with https://
IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], [tantek], [KevinMarks], [jacky], [benatwork], barnaby, [TMichelleMoore], [spieper] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
Has anyone ever set up a docker container to run a second php-fpm?
Or maybe run php 7 and 8 in parallel
[asuh] joined the channel
I can't see why one _couldn't_ do that (like routing it to a different socket address in nginx, for example, based on some condition)
But from within Docker? eh
LetsEncrypt << single-binary tool with no reliance on [[DNS]] https://github.com/krtab/agnos
ok, I added "single-binary tool with no reliance on [[DNS]] https://github.com/krtab/agnos" to the "See Also" section of /Let%27s_Encrypt https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86604&oldid=85652
[schmarty] joined the channel
oh, agnos is kind of interesting
that's an odd pitch. afaik certbot (LE's standard client) does optionally support DNS APIs, but it's not required or a central feature
certbot only added DNS-01 support recently, though LE's API has supported it for many a while. we use DNS challenges at work for non-public sites, because we don't want to open up firewalls just to let LE poke around!
it appears to be a client that also contains a DNS server, so you can use it to get wildcard certs (which only is possible with DNS) without a DNS provider that has a supported api or setting up a server yourself
and even then, DNS-01 just the usual DNS challenge, not _API access to your DNS provider_, which I expect is used much less often
[snarfed]: "the usual DNS challenge" is usually done with API access to create the needed records during the flow
I guess "usually" depends on usage numbers that we don't have. the classic approach is just telling the user to add the records manually. I would believe 10-20% of certbot DNS-01 usage now uses DNS providers' APIs? I'd doubt 90%, but I haven't seen numbers, so I don't know. maybe?
anyway. not a big deal!
"with no reliance on DNS" is indeed an odd way of describing a way to use the DNS challenge :D
[snarfed]: I could be wrong, but I think the records change each time? I'd hope way more than 20% of users have their cert renewal automated
i don't think i'd want to use this unless i was stuck with a DNS provider that had no API (or only a wildly insecure API or whatever). it's basically like "here is your own API that you now have to maintain 🐕 "
I use a setup kinda like that, except I run an actual DNS server that gets controlled by certbot
(or used? I honestly dont remember if I still have that)
eh those users would generally just use other challenges, eg HTTP, which I expect is more common anyway
of users that use wildcards, obviously
or other reasons to use DNS
but wildcards is probably the "headline" motivating feature
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
My MediaWiki Sparkline Generator now has a home page: https://sparkline.jamesg.blog
cali-iwc now has a home page: https://archiver.jamesg.blog/
Do you have a project index of sorts?
Gotta show off your work!
What is an index?
📇 An index is an organized list of information on a personal website potentially consisting of tags/categories, articles, locations, authors or related information to make it easier to find particular content on a site https://indieweb.org/index
what is cali-iwc
Cali is an IRC bot created by capjamesg that lets community members archive the Etherpad from an event page to the IndieWeb wiki https://indieweb.org/cali-iwc
angelo and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Don't tell a designer I said this, but picking a color scheme for a website is hard
capjamesg has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (83 in all channels)
dang you got a lot
I need to tidy mine up
(and actually release _something_ outside of libs)
I need to clean it up.
I need to look at other examples for inspiration.
What is a portfolio?
A portfolio on the Indieweb is a professional web page (or collection thereof) targeted at paying customers/clients that often shows examples of work and projects https://indieweb.org/portfolio
[jeremycherfas] and pharalia joined the channel
is there a name for that, but not with professional target? :D
A "t". That's the word "portfolio" minus all the letters from "professional"
A starboardfolio
[jacky], I think it's ok to release more libs instead of owning them 😉
[dshanske] and geoffo joined the channel
you're on a roll!
(minor nit, footer still says avtr.dev)
Fixed. Thanks [snarfed]!