#dev 2023-02-11

2023-02-11 UTC
I think I did it.¹
gRegor and geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] aaronpk check it out, Unicode footnotes (instead of "^n" footnotes) with unique fragment links that work on my homepage: https://tantek.com/ and permalink. Better?
going to let it bake for a bit before blogging about it
[preview] Tantek Çelik
older versions still floating around in the fediverse because I haven't sent all the webmentions yet
[tantek]++ it loosk great!
[tantek] has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (80 in all channels)
that was touching A LOT of code I have not touched in quite a while. ~600 net bytes more in falcon.php (a lot of the logic was incorporated into cassis auto_link)
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Imminent end of free use¹ of the Twitter API likely also means the end of free Log in with Twitter² delegated signin service³. If you use [Sign in with Twitter]⁴, consider replacing it with Web sign-in⁵, implementing #RelMeAuth⁶ & #IndieAut...
[snarfed] would you believe the font is to blame for that? ¹⁰
I like this!
Am I the first one to auto-unicode+link ^n footnotes in "plain text" like that?
I especially like that all the fragments work in the context of my homepage stream
Your return arrow is an empty box for me on latest android. You might want to find a different character
[KevinMarks] I decided not to use return arrows in the footnote UI, so what you are seeing there is an in-content character
What's the codepoint?
decided to instead hyperlink all the unicode numbers! (clicking on either one takes you to the other. bidirectional fragment relative hyperlinks!)
[KevinMarks] it's not a problem for me right now since I'm not generating any return arrows
[KevinMarks] if you have better ideas, please add to /footnote#Brainstorming accordingly
like I said, the "return arrow" character is not currently an issue for me / my site
[snarfed] re; the "10" looks off, the reason is fonts suck 😂 😭 https://github.com/manubot/rootstock/issues/190
[preview] [slochower] #190 Possibly incorrect rendering of unicode superscripts in 02.delete-me.md
footnote << FYI: apparently due to inconsistent font support, some combinations of superscript numbers may be misaligned: https://github.com/manubot/rootstock/issues/190
ok, I added "FYI: apparently due to inconsistent font support, some combinations of superscript numbers may be misaligned: https://github.com/manubot/rootstock/issues/190" to the "See Also" section of /footnote https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86632&oldid=86572
if someone finds a font that renders the unicode superscript numbers ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ consistently (same height & baseline), please let me know!
[snarfed] checkout the rendering both in the wiki at /footnote of that 0-9 string, and in the chat logs ^ https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2023-02-11/1676075683282200
[preview] [[tantek]] if someone finds a font that renders the unicode superscript numbers ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ consistently (same height & baseline), please let me know!
Ironically they look fine in iOS Slack and iOS FBM apps
in Firefox on macOS, font-family serif and sans-serif are broken, fantasy cursive monospace system-ui all look ok
also Arial Unicode MS seems to work
[snarfed] fixed now with CSS 😄
a[id*='_ref-'],a[id*='_note-'] { font-family:"Arial Unicode MS",system-ui; }
you may need to explicitly reload https://tantek.com/2023/simple.css first
looks good!
thanks for the report and the nudge. I've also complained to someone else on the CSS Working Group that fonts should not break this way by default (they agreed) and bugs are going to be filed in various places
like this may be a combination of fonts being dumb (not supporting full 0-9 characters so you get 0,4-9 from one font, and 1-3 from another), and the 'serif' and 'sans-serif' generic font families also being inconsistent
interesting! that is some CSS font inside baseball
indeed. documented the fix on https://indieweb.org/footnote#How_to_style for the next person to come along and implement Unicode footnotes (don't all rush at once 😂 )
this feels very epitome of IndieWeb (cook what you want), like I seriously don't expect more than single digits (if any) of other people to implement this for years
geoffo and EBValkyrie joined the channel
[snarfed] I managed to figure out the design, implement, & ship in just under a week from when you & aaronpk gave feedback about the "^1" footnotes being distracting https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2023-02-03#t1675452082879700. That's not too bad I figure.
[preview] [[snarfed]] interesting. it has the opposite effect on me, I'm constantly looking back and forth between the text and footnotes, since occasionally your footnotes aren't links, or include more than links, whereas inline links don't distract me as much
Noto is usually good at these things
EBValkyrie joined the channel
[KevinMarks] is that on Slack native client or Slack web? because iOS Slack client handles it also
btw, in the bigger picture, this footnotes implementation is one more piece in place for my Markdown replacement
Good to see. Maybe it is a MacOS/iOS problem
speaking of Unicode, just noticed that there’s a :flying_disc: emoji and I think I need to update my home page / theming
done. and I just noticed my footnotes are extra noticeable in the trn theme: https://tantek.com/?skin=trn
[preview] Tantek Çelik
ooh, dark mode
I prefer reading in light mode, but I do like Avenir. Just as readable as Helvetica but with a little more character
[tantek]: the Follow section is black-on-black in trn skin https://i.imgur.com/SWcLhXA.png
Oops, something to fix!
similar problem in the vtx theme
also now I have to post a new note and see how it federates to Mastodon (even though we expect the footnote links to get stripped per gRegor’s test).
and I'm also curious what will happen if I use such footnotes (with bidirectional local fragment hyperlinks) in a reply to a GitHub issue via Bridgy Publish!
lots of fun tests to try
[cleverdevil], EBValkyrie, angelo, [jeremycherfas]1, jbove, [TMichelleMoore], [tantek], [asuh], [chrisbergr], GWG, starrwulfe, barnaby and [jamietanna] joined the channel
Looks like Monday is the new deadline for Twitter API? A friend just got an email from IFTTT about it
gRegor, jonnybarnes, barnaby and [Murray] joined the channel
Have also just received that email 😄
jonnybarnes joined the channel
Can you make hidden pages on a MediaWiki?
(i.e. only accessible to you or authenticated users?)
mediawiki isnt particularly good for that
only for authenticated users might be possible
(if I remember right between users is hard because things like templating arent set up for that, so a user without rights could just preview an edit that includes your "protected" page and the rendering will likely just give them the content)
but there are details on the mediawiki wiki
I want to document all of my domains and subdomains.
I sort of hoped to do that on the wiki but I wanted it to be private.
yeah, going to need your own wiki for that probably :D
or you know, text file :P
goes to build a wiki engine :D
sknebel has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (44 in all channels)
I did not mean your own engine 🙈 but your own install of one
but sure
you do you :D
(would be lying if I hadnt been tempted by the idea myself...)
snarfed what's the best way to get a user running locally with Bridgy Fed? Trying to test out some changes that require a feed, if possible
capjamesg: or cursed concept: you could put encrypted content on the wiki and run a userscript to decrypt it for you :P
(pls dont)
[jamietanna] do you mean running BF itself locally?
So I've got it running locally, but when ie trying to go to my user page I get a 404 for it
Wondering if I need to inject some data into the data store to get it going?
Ah, yes, running locally doesn't talk to the prod datastore, you'd need to go through the new user flow from the front page again
what is a wiki engine
It looks like we don't have a page for "wiki engine" yet. Would you like to create it?_ (Or just say "wiki engine is ____", a sentence describing the term)
all those who are tempted to write their own "wiki engine" -> add your thoughts 🙂 https://indieweb.org/wiki-projects#Brainstorming
Oh nice I'd not tried that - will give it a go later. Would that mean it'll also pick up posts from folks I follow?
mro joined the channel
No, you'd need to put it on an external-facing IP and domain and te-follow them on your insurance, and point your site's redirects at your insurance, for that
Er instance
sknebel I have been down the "build your own wiki engine" road before :D
<c​apjamesg#4492> A search for "h-recipe" on Google:
geoffo joined the channel
Does anyone have a h-recipe I can use for testing Breakfast and Coffee h-recipe syndciation?
don't add this to your coffee, but here: https://aaronparecki.com/2018/12/25/8/habanero-sauce
[preview] [Aaron Parecki] Habanero Hot Sauce https://aaronparecki.com/img/1240x0/2018/12/25/8/habaneros.jpg
Thank you!
waffles and fried chicken and hot sauce works :D
I just missed Breakfast and Coffee's one-year anniversary.
h-recipe support is my "growth hack" to try and hit more than 2 users :P
What is a project?
There are many projects you can use to get your site on the IndieWeb, improve your IndieWeb support, or browse for inspiration for your own project; please note, some development ability and familiarity with command line tools will likely be required for you to use and improve these projects https://indieweb.org/project
geoffo joined the channel
Breakfast and Coffee now has a preview page: https://create.breakfastand.coffee/
mro, geoffo, [manton], barnaby and gRegor joined the channel
From the DecentSocial session on escaping surveillance capitalism, might be some interesting resources in here: https://geo.coop/internet-ownership-archive
Direct video link if anyone wants to listen in: https://decentsocial.meet.coop/mor-zqt-wvi-7qh
It's recording so should be available later
barnaby joined the channel
aaronpk Telegraph has had a mention queued for 15 mins. Is that normal?
ID 17SkOVPKqjZsKAvrz3 in case it's relevant.
huh it seems to be stuck on something
gRegor joined the channel
oh dear, the job queue is going up up up
oh gosh. someome queued up thousands of webmentions to be sent over the last few hours
hmm, that's what i suspected, there are ~31000 webmentions queued for each of about 50 source URLs on the site
i have some basic rate limiting to prevent this from happening but apparently not enough
uh oh
well i just blocked him for now, things should be cleared up
looks like a runaway script. every minute he's queueing up 50 webmentions
he says he will fix it in a few days. all good for now
that's good, so not intentional spam/DDOS